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< cult-> hi. I have an issue with hmm and the training data. some of my 'normal' training data are fails and throws error: chol(): decomposition failed
< cult-> sometimes, the beginning of the data works well, and the later part throws this exception. i am not sure what should I do with my data. also, the longer the data, eg. tens of thousands of observations, the probability of getting this error increases.
< cult-> how should I overcome of this annoying issue?
< cult-> i observed that if my data has more extreme residuals, this is more likely to happen too, the cholesky decomposition.
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< rcurtin> cult-: what's the observation type, is it gaussian or GMMs?
< rcurtin> with Gaussians the cholesky decomposition can fail when the covariance matrix gets very small, it becomes non-invertible
< rcurtin> so one thing you can do is add noise to your observations, or possibly reducing the number of states can help too
< cult-> gaussian
< rcurtin> yeah, so try adding some noise to the observations and see if that helps
< rcurtin> I thought I had written code to help prevent this situation some time back though... are you using a new(ish) version of mlpack? 2.1.0 and newer should incorporate those fixes
< cult-> i tried both 2.0.x and 2.1.x
< cult-> 2.1.1 but not the master branch
< rcurtin> you can try the master branch, but I doubt it's different---I think has documentation of when the HMM fixes occured; I think it was either 2.0.1 or 2.1.0
< cult-> i will first try some cleaning on my data, because it has some bad periods
< cult-> i think it will help but let's see
< rcurtin> yeah, often this might happen if, e.g., one state has observations that are all identical
< rcurtin> then the covariance matrix becomes noninvertible for that state
< rcurtin> anyway I have to go for now, I'll be back later---good luck :)
< cult-> thats the case, but i haven't yet cleaned it, thanks again!
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