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< Kirizaki> Hi
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< zoq> Kirizaki: Hello there!
< Kirizaki> zoq, do You ever used DEBUG version of mlpack under WIN32?
< zoq> I don't think so.
< Kirizaki> ohh
< Kirizaki> I have this issue, if I cmake with -DDEBUG and change a little CMakeLists to add_definitions(-DDEBUG) for MSVC, it is not building later on with DEBUG flag
< Kirizaki> but if I, let's say FORCE this define DEBUG e.g. in core.hpp
< Kirizaki> and link any program against mlpack.lib, I'm getting some weird error, that Log::Debug symbols couldn't be found in lib
< Kirizaki> did ever had similar problem?
< zoq> Not that I'm aware of. Did you add "add_definitions(-DDEBUG)" to the else case of the DEBUG/MSVC case (line 135) or just above the DEBUG check in line 129?
< Kirizaki> I add it under IF (MSVC) line 283
< Kirizaki> and set DEBUG flag in CMakeLists ON as default
< zoq> Sounds good, I guess you tested that it's going into the MSVC case?
< Kirizaki> and as I know, official MSDN visual studio debug flag is _DEBUG
< Kirizaki> yes
< Kirizaki> tested.. I mean, I just add some MESSAGE(STATUS "it's IN!") :P
< zoq> yeah, okay
< Kirizaki> and later, when I was building I had MSVC and DEBUG flag :P
< Kirizaki> but, after I build mlpack.lib and link to my custom project
< Kirizaki> I'm getting runtime errors that linker cannot find symbols
< Kirizaki> later on I even add #define DEBUG 1; #define _DEBUG 1; #define MSVC into core.hpp and main.cpp of my custom project
< Kirizaki> but the same result
< zoq> Sounds really strange.
< Kirizaki> maybe is there something with MLPACK_EXPORT?
< Kirizaki> as I see, mlpack_export.hpp is generated by cmake
< zoq> MLPACK_EXPORT should be fine, did you also tested Log::Warn? Maybe there is a specific problem with Log::Debug not sure.
< Kirizaki> WARN, INFO work just fine
< Kirizaki> only debug and assert
< Kirizaki> which are dependent from -DDEBUG
< zoq> What's strange is that even if you build with DEBUG=OFF you can still use Log::Debug.
< zoq> Only that the output stream is null.
< Kirizaki> yes
< Kirizaki> it's due to NullOutStream I think
< Kirizaki> but I'm not sure enough
< zoq> What's the exact error you get if you use Log::Assert?
< Kirizaki> I cannot give exact message right now cause I'm rebuilding everything
< Kirizaki> but it's a LINKER error which cannot find lib symbols for mlpack::NullOutStream Debug or mlpack::PrefixedOutStream Debug
< Kirizaki> I don't remember right now
< Kirizaki> I'll copy message after I rebuild
< Kirizaki> if I'm building without DEBUG flag, Log::Debug and Log::Assert doesn't work at all
< Kirizaki> I mean, I don't have any error and any message
< Kirizaki> but program is running properly
< Kirizaki> if I could step into mlpack implementation while linking to custom project it could be helpful
< Kirizaki> but I don't know how to :P
< Kirizaki> ok, I think I know how to debug .lib, maybe thats how I'll find issue
< zoq> Kirizaki: Sounds great, also keep in mind that the output of Log::Info/Log::Debug is deactivated for the tests.
< Kirizaki> ok
< Kirizaki> thanks
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harsh is now known as Guest5346
< Guest5346> hi
< Guest5346> I really want to work on machine learning ..
< Guest5346> i have finished coursera course on machine learning and currently studying machine learning at my masters of engineering program at india
< zoq> Guest5346: Welcome! One place to start, if you have not already seen it, is:
< zoq> There are a few issues on Github that might be a good place to jump in; we tag them by difficulty, here are the "easy" tickets:
< zoq> Maybe some of those are interesting?
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< zoq> We are always open for interesting new methods and ideas. Let us know if we can clarify anything further.
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< zoq> Guest5346: In case you missed the messages:
< Guest5346> yes i have seen this
< Guest5346> thanks for answer
< zoq> You are welcome!
< Guest5346> i know machine leaning a little bit, but i had no idea that people are implementing for C++
< Guest5346> I used matlab and python instead of C++
< zoq> Guest5346: Yeah, a lot of programmers are using "some language" (most likely Python) to express/evaluate the model. But in some cases the core isn't written in python or matlab e.g. the core of TensorFlow is written in C++/Cuda.
< Guest5346> Tension folw??
< Guest5346> i have no idea
< Guest5346> what do you mean by the core of TensionFlow ??
< rcurtin> Guest5346: , it's Google's big new open-source library for deep learning
< rcurtin> I guess maybe it's not new anymore, it's been out for a year or so now I think
< Guest5346> ohh that's sound really interesting
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1725 (master - 26ac0d3 : Marcus Edel): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1726 (master - d5148d9 : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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