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< s1998> I had a PR wrt token 817 on DTree.The destructor is deleting the left and right children (the data ). And copy constructor is copying only the pointers (not the data). Is that Okay ?
< s1998> The child node (data) needs to be copied or the pointer to the child node?
< rcurtin_> s1998: I haven't had a chance to look at your PR lately, I'll try and find time to do it today
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< yashu-seth> I was exploring the mlpack_ann module, but I could not a find a documentation for it. Can someone please help me with some resources to understand the module?
< s1998> rcurtin: okay
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1728 (master - c5c0b5a : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1729 (master - 2a2f234 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< rcurtin> hmm, I wonder what happened there...
< zoq> I'll take a look later today
< rcurtin> I'm trying to see if I can reproduce it now on my local system, to see whether it's a code issue or a benchmark system issue
< rcurtin> ah, I see what the issue is
< rcurtin> the benchmark configuration used the option '--iteration' but that changed at some point to '--max_iterations'
< zoq> ah, I see
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1730 (master - c6154ae : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< rcurtin> zoq: I'd like to merge #825 (the automatic bindings PR), did you have any comments to make? I can wait for a bit longer if you like :)
< zoq> rcurtin: I'm almost done with the PR, maybe you can wait until tomorrow?
< rcurtin> sure, no hurry!
< rcurtin> I have the next part almost done... just today I did a short five-line refactoring of emst_main.cpp, added "add_python_binding(emst)" to emst/CMakeLists.txt, and got a working Python binding :)
< rcurtin> so things are definitely coming together
< zoq> Sounds great, I'm sure a lot of people are more than happy to use python instead of c++. So really excited to see this thing working.
< rcurtin> yeah
< rcurtin> the main missing piece, for now, is the serialization of models... I've done it with some handwritten bindings, but I'm not doing it automatically yet
< rcurtin> like I can easily write a binding that serializes the model to a binary blob or whatever using boost serialization, but that means if I do, e.g.,
< rcurtin> model = mlpack.hoeffding_tree(X, y, other_options=...)
< rcurtin> then when I use that model, like
< rcurtin> mlpack.hoeffding_tree(model, test_set=X_test)
< rcurtin> then it will have to deserialize that entire model string, which can take a while
< rcurtin> so in a handwritten binding I managed to have 'model' just be a memory pointer to an initialized model object and it seemed to work fine
< rcurtin> I just need to figure out how to do that automatically... but I definitely think it's possible :)
< zoq> hm, if you say the deserialize of the entire model takes some time, does that mean it's basically unusable?
< rcurtin> well, sort of unusable, but not entirely
< zoq> Would be super easy, that way
< rcurtin> in the example of Hoeffding trees, the overhead for serialization/deserialization for trees of any reasonable size is hundreds of ms to a few seconds
< rcurtin> so if I'm doing something like looping over points in a dataset and predicting the label of a single point, it takes forever
< rcurtin> for some models which are very small, like the regression models (LARS/linear regression/etc.), the serialization overhead would be virtually zero
< zoq> ah yeah, perhaps a RAMDisk is the solution :)
< rcurtin> yeah, especially with RAM being so cheap now
< rcurtin> I've considered mounting my home desktop's / on a ramdisk... there's more than enough RAM to do it