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< Akhil> i am a student,new to open source and i see that this community is gearing up for gsoc this year.This community does work in the field of my interest and i would love to become an active contributor. I had look at ideas page and the project titled " implementation of trees" intrigues me.Since i havent worked with this communtiy before,I would like to get started with some simple contributions. can anyone help me with the "getting star
< zoq> Akhil: Hello, to get started with mlpack in general, you might take a look at this page:
< zoq> Regarding the 'Implement tree types' project, right now there is no tutorial on how trees work in mlpack, but you could look into the example tree, in src/mlpack/core/tree/example_tree.hpp, to see the API that you will need to implement. I hope this is helpful; please let us know if we can clarify anything.
< Akhil> i will get started with it, thank you
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< aditya__> hi i am aditya.i can execute $ mlpack_knn --help
< aditya__> but i can't execute. mlpack_knn -r dataset.csv -n neighbors_out.csv -d distances_out.csv -k 5 -v
< aditya__> it shows this error "[FATAL] Cannot open file 'dataset.csv'. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): fatal error; see Log::Fatal output Aborted (core dumped)"
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< pranoy> do we have to write the machine learning code in c++ or python is okay?
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< rcurtin> aditya__: [FATAL] Cannot open file 'dataset.csv'
< rcurtin> where is your dataset?
< rcurtin> pranoy: mlpack is a C++ library
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< aditya__> data set is in build/bin
< rcurtin> if your dataset is not in the same path as the executable you are running then it will not work
< rcurtin> otherwise you have to specify the direct path to the dataset
< rcurtin> this isn't mlpack-specific, of course---this is just how the command-line works
< aditya__> but the executables are also in build/bin.thanks for the patience reply
< rcurtin> so you are saying that you are running mlpack_knn from the build/bin/ directory, and the file dataset.csv is in that directory also?
< aditya__> yes
< rcurtin> are the permissions on dataset.csv correct?
< rcurtin> and in the same terminal where you are running the program, what is the output of 'pwd'?
< aditya__> i will check 1 min./home/aditya/Downloads/SOFTWARES/mlpack-2.1.1/build
< rcurtin> okay, if that is the output of pwd, then you are not running from the same directory that your dataset is in
< rcurtin> and you are not running the mlpack_knn program that is in build/bin/; you are probably running the mlpack_knn that's in /usr/local/bin/ or somewhere like that
< rcurtin> either way, instead of 'dataset.csv', use 'bin/dataset.csv' and that should fix your problem; alternately, 'cd bin/' and run again
< aditya__> tq for the patience.
< rcurtin> sure, no problem, I am glad I could help
< aditya__> found the mistake
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