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< dinesh_> are Support Vector Machines implemented in mlpack?
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< dineshraj01> are support vector machines implemented in mlpack?
< zoq> dineshraj01: Currently there isn't any svm code in mlpack.
< dineshraj01> do you think SVM implementations can be taken up as a project in GSOC 2017?
< zoq> If you are going to write an SVM implementation, keep in mind that it should outperform libsvm, which might be pretty difficult, but if you're up for a challenge, then that might be a good one :)
< dineshraj01> Hm. Thats a good point. I can do a bit more research on this, project should be doable in one summer.
< dineshraj01> You guys will be posting some more project ideas for the next soc anytime sooner?
< zoq> yes
< dineshraj01> ohk. Thnks
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< kartik_> hi zoq.. ive read the code of Bang Lui and found it really very documented and nice
< kartik_> for CMA-ES im not able to find some very good resources.. anything you have in mind and would like to suggest for it ?
< kartik_> it to me long time to go through the code.. college just started so was in a hectic schedule
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< furyjack> hi,I am interested to contribute in mlpack, any guidance would be highly appreciated
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< zoq> kartik_: Hello, don't worry, "The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Tutorial" paper by Nikolaus Hansen is a nice introduction.
< kartik_> yup Hansen published iguess 3 more papers on this
< kartik_> thanks.. lets see hw it goes.. :)
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