changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
govg has joined #mlpack
kakarot has joined #mlpack
< kakarot> hello everyone! I am new around here and came to know of mlpack from the Last year GSoC list. I have decent exposure to ML and neural nets. Any recommendations on how to get started/some starter tasks that can get me up to speed with how things work around here? TIA
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< zoq> kakarot: Hello there, have you seen this page: That might be helpful for you in figuring out how to contribute and how to get started. Let us know if we can clarify anything.
< kakarot> zoq: Thank you, I will get back in touch here when further guidance is needed.
< zoq> kakarot: Sounds good.
Kirizaki has joined #mlpack
< Kirizaki> Hi there
< Kirizaki> should I make armadillo DEBUG=ON if I want make mlpack DEBUG=on?
< Kirizaki> because I build armadillo without debug, later build mlpack with -DDEBUG=ON
< Kirizaki> compile, include mlpack in random project
< Kirizaki> and I'm having non-debug build
mentekid has joined #mlpack
< Kirizaki> I'll try some other flow to build but if still fail I'll send some logs
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raphael29_ has joined #mlpack
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aditya__ has joined #mlpack
< rcurtin> Kirizaki: armadillo configuration shouldn't matter, because Armadillo is basically header only
< rcurtin> even if you use the wrapper ( it isn't affected by any debug flag or anything
govg has joined #mlpack
< Kirizaki> ok
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gtank has joined #mlpack
< Kirizaki> for sure DEBUG definition is NULL
< Kirizaki> due to IF(NOT MSVC) in CMakeLists.txt (130-132)
< Kirizaki> add_definitions(-DDEBUG) only when it's NOT MSVC
< Kirizaki> but still doesn't test it
< Kirizaki> I'm gonna build it right now
< rcurtin> I think that the debug definition has to be added differently with MSVC, but I've never looked into it
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arvind has joined #mlpack
< arvind> Hello! I am Arvind, a GSOC aspirant. I wanted to know if one needs to have a sound background in Neural Networks in order to take up a project?
Kirizaki has quit [Quit: Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS!]
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