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< vivekp> Hi, I'm new to mlpack. I've followed installation instructions and now just waiting for tests to complete.
< vivekp> actually, it's been almost one hour now since i entered bin/mlpack_test in the terminal and still waiting for it to finish
< vivekp> my system specs are 8 gigs of RAM, core i5 and running on Ubuntu 16.04... decent machine i guess? :)
< vivekp> i was wondering if its a normal behaviour and how long should i expect to wait?
< vivekp> also i'd like to know what test framework is used in mlpack?
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< prasanna08> whois rcurtin
< prasanna08> sorry for the message.
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< vivekp> prasanna08, rcurtin must be mlpack dev :)
< prasanna08> Hi vivekp, thanks.
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< rcurtin> vivekp: yes, the test can take a long time---it is testing a lot of things
< rcurtin> if you compile without debugging symbols it should take about 30-45 minutes on that system (just guessing); with debugging symbols, probably a bit over an hour
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< zoq> Probably makes sense to run "mlpack test -p" to see some progress.
< rcurtin> yep, definitely that can be helpful
< vivekp> rcurtin: compilation didn't take too long but testing is still going on. i will check back in 20-30 minutes
< vivekp> zoq: will keep that in mind next time i run tests. thanks
< vivekp> hi again; its still not finished... how can i tell it's not in some kind of loop all this time?
< vivekp> I'm starting to lose patience now :/
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< prasanna08> Hi, I am new to mlpack. I want to implement CNN using mlpack. I was going through documentation but could not find any references to it. I checked and code for CNN is present there. Can someone help me ?
< prasanna08> Oh, I just noticed that documentation is for version 2.1.x and CNN code is not implemented in that version. I will try to figure it out myself. Thanks
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< rcurtin> vivekp: it's possible something has hung up in a loop... try running with --report_level=detailed --log_level=test_suite
< rcurtin> and that should print the tests that are being run to stdout, so you can see if there is some test that it's hung inside of
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< vivekp> rcurtin: Sorry, I had to abort that never ending loop
< npochhi> Hello, I'm new to MLPack and I have just cloned and built the code. As a beginner open-source ethusiast, I wanted to contribute. I tried looking for fixable bugs but I'm not getting the gist of the same.
< vivekp> Suspecting that cloning from git master and building it was not a good idea, I downloaded latest _stable_ release 2.1.1 and built that from scratch.
< vivekp> Everything seems normal now, including tests.
< vivekp> I think recent changes in test suite (not included in stable release) could be causing what I experienced.
< vivekp> We may be able confirm that if someone is willing to clone git master, build from scratch and try to run tests.
< vivekp> Anyhow, since everything looks good now I can finally write some programs to start using mlpack :)
< rcurtin> vivekp: the nightly matrix build doesn't have anything hanging
< rcurtin> npochhi: the github issues are tagged with a difficulty; maybe you can find something there. if not, you are welcome to find some support you think is lacking in mlpack and contribute that
< rcurtin> vivekp: here's the Jenkins build server nightly matrix job:
< rcurtin> you can see some of those builds are yellow, it means that there seems to be a test that's intermittently failing
< rcurtin> but it doesn't seem like one is hanging. maybe sometime soon that matrix build will manage to reproduce the problem you were having and then further debugging can be done...
< vivekp> yeah, it should reproduce itself sooner or later if it's a real issue
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< vivekp> Are there any dummy datasets available for running various modules?
< vivekp> oh! just found some in tests/data
< rcurtin> you can also find lots of datasets on the UCI machine learning repository website
< vivekp> yes, right
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1754 (master - 50e14a7 : Marcus Edel): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1755 (master - 5ba0f65 : Marcus Edel): The build was fixed.
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