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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1845 (master - 341a6ca : Marcus Edel): The build was fixed.
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< rcurtin> zoq: fixed now, I just had to put the password in quotes
< zoq> rcurtin: is it working for you?
< rcurtin> it was a minute ago...
< rcurtin> maybe the htaccess broke it
< zoq> rcurtin: Can you also checkout the latest version?
< rcurtin> zoq: ok, fixed
< zoq> rcurtin: Thanks, I need to check why shogun failed for almost any dataset. But now it's time to get some sleep.
< zoq> Also since, we are not only collecting the overall runtime you can also see e.g. for the ALLKNN method at which step hlearn or mlpack is faster; by using the "Metric plots for an algorithm/parameter/dataset combination" view
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< rcurtin> zoq: any comments about the DBSCAN implementation? I figure, I can merge that, then Tham's faster CSV reader, and that's good for mlpack 2.2.0
< rcurtin> I guess it should be 2.2.0 and not 2.1.2 since we are adding "public API" functionality
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1846 (master - b336bd4 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< zoq> rcurtin: I haven't really looked at the PR, let me do this right now.
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