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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1758 (master - 69b6499 : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< zoq> hm, I thought #842 doesn't affect the build time when building the whole project
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1758 (master - 69b6499 : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< zoq> okay, let's open a PR and see if the change increases the build time
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< zoq> hm, looks like it has an effect on the build time.
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< zoq> Running with -j3 instead of -j2 is slightly faster about 1.5 minutes compared to the last run, so probably worth to make the change. The improvement could also be test or hardware related.
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< rcurtin> yeah, 2150.2s for mlpack/core.hpp vs. 2447s for mlpack/prereqs.hpp
< rcurtin> I'm not sure I have an explanation for why that would be
< rcurtin> unless the j2/j3 difference accounted for that
< rcurtin> but I also see that an earlier commit to master only took 2187s for the build:
< rcurtin> and I think that was after the ANN merge
< rcurtin> so I wonder if what we are seeing is an artifact of unusual load on the travis servers or something
< zoq> 195332555 is the one without the core.hpp replacement
< rcurtin> ah, sorry, now I see
< rcurtin> strange... I have no idea for an explanation on this one
< zoq> 195586422 is with core.hpp and -j2 and 195606356 is also with core.hpp and -j3 and 195545740 is with -j2 and prereqs.hpp
< zoq> not sure, the problem is, every PR will fail because we run out of time
< zoq> so I think 'revert' the prereqs.hpp commit is the best option for now
< rcurtin> yeah, perhaps that is the best idea for now
< rcurtin> some of the refactoring I am doing should allow us to avoid including boost::program_options headers, so that can help some too
< rcurtin> when I was investigating this more in depth, I found the vast majority of the compile time was parsing, so if we can reduce the number of headers we have to include, this could help hugely
< rcurtin> I think precompiled headers are another possible solution too
< zoq> I agree
< zoq> Maybe it will work with prereqs.hpp and -j3 I'll test that first.
< shivanshuiitg> Hi everyone !!
< shivanshuiitg> I am shivanshu, I want to contribute to mlpack
< shivanshuiitg> How should I go through ?? Any help would be appreciated
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< rcurtin> shivanshuiitg: have you seen that's a good place to start
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1763 (master - 064653d : Marcus Edel): The build passed.
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