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< win_dt> hi zoq
< win_dt> i keep getting 'no cmake_c_compiler' and 'no cmake_cxx_compiler' when i try to build the mlpack source code in cmake
< win_dt> the erroe in CmakeLists.txt is at project(mlpack c cxx)
< win_dt> Any idea how to fix this?
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< rcurtin> win_dt: it sounds like CMake is not finding your C/C++ compiler; make sure that you have that installed and that CMake is looking for it in the right directories
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< k9_> Hi, I have a query regarding the recent project we are working on. We are planning to build a summarization system and looking at the recent trend in research we are planning to use an encoder-decoder paradigm
< k9_> i was wondering how mlpack would be useful for this particular use case. Any comments and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks
< rcurtin> k9_: I think that you can build autoencoders with the ANN module that zoq has worked on
< rcurtin> however, the ANN code hasn't been released as part of mlpack stable yet, so you would need to work in the git master branch
< k9_> rcurtin: thanks, that looks promising. i'll have to take a deeper look, however
< k9_> could you point me to the documentation of this module? I can't seem to find it
< rcurtin> k9_: sure, hang on
< k9_> thanks :)
< rcurtin> I should also point out---the ANN module is being revamped in a pull request ( which will change the API completely
< rcurtin> I think that PR will be merged in the next couple of days, so looking at documentation for that might be the better way to go
< rcurtin> I think that the actual user documentation is not quite done yet though; however, you can take a look at some of the tests to see how the networks are built and trained
< rcurtin> for instance has a few cases of networks being built and trained
< k9_> I see. Not a problem. I think for now i'd try to figure out through those tests as you suggest. Good start so far
< rcurtin> yeah; feel free to ask any questions if you have any
< rcurtin> I'm excited about the ANN package, and I'm looking forward to when we can release it as a part of mlpack
< rcurtin> it's nicely designed internally so I think it can be a nice way to build neural networks in C++ that are fast
< k9_> Nice, i'm starting to feel good about my decision to go with mlpack for our problem :)
< k9_> eagerly looking forward to the latest release
< rcurtin> :)
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