changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< mikeling> rcurtin: ping
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< tuhink> Hi guys. Am new to open source development. Have daily usage proficiency in C++ and Python. Will be grateful if there are any suggestions to set up in open source development. Stories on how you guys started out yourselves would also be invaluable.
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< tuhink> Hi guys. Am new to open source development. Have daily usage proficiency in C++ and Python. Will be grateful if there are any suggestions to set up in open source development. Stories on how you guys started out yourselves would also be invaluable.
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< Lakshya> Hello i am a newbie and would like to contribute to mlpack Can someone please get me started
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< s1998> I was trying to implement copy constructor, move constructor for dtree. But the build fails saying that RAModelTest failed. I know this is embarrasing, trying to make a constructor and not being able to do it right after few commits.
< s1998> But can anyone if dtree and RAModelTest are related ?
< s1998> *anyone help me
< s1998> I tried to clone a fresh copy from mlpack/mlpack ans was getting the same issue on build. Am I doing something stupid in "build from source" method ?
< s1998> *and
< rcurtin> s1998: don't worry about the RAModel test failure, that is a random failure and has nothing to do with your code
< rcurtin> also, it is not embarrassing, don't worry :)
< s1998> rcurtin: Thank you :)
arker has joined #mlpack
< arker> hi. I was building mlpack today and I found this warning during build - . Can I fix this ?
< rcurtin> arker: sure, a patch would be appreciated if you fix the issue reasonably
< arker> rcurtin: Great. I will create a PR then.
< arker> rcurtin: Can you help me with the link regarding code submission guidelines?
< rcurtin> arker: I guess, I am not sure what is difficult about it
< rcurtin> which link are you referring to?
< arker> Should I push the commit to my fork on github and then create a PR or can we send the code directly to master branch.
< rcurtin> ah, ok, you'll need to create a PR
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< travis-ci> akanuraj200/mlpack#17 (master - de961f2 : KANODIA): The build passed.
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< arker> hi. I hope I have created the PR correctly - .
< rcurtin> arker: thanks, I will take a look at it when I have time
< mikeling> Hi rcurtin, I meet some trouble for usage of arma:mat and I leave my question in Do you have time to take a look?
< mikeling> thank you very much
< rcurtin> mikeling: I don't really have time to provide real-time help for everyone, take a look through the armadillo documentation and play around with it
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1683 (master - b271eeb : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1684 (master - b36ff00 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1686 (mlpack-2.1.x - 73ba5e7 : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1687 (mlpack-2.1.x - 4e20f35 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1689 (master - e3003e1 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1690 (master - ac73c69 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< zoq> rcurtin: "I hope everyone has a good end of year $HOLIDAY break!" Was that intentional?
< rcurtin> yeah, I think that most people around the world have some kind of holiday celebration around now :)
< rcurtin> hm, I didn't think that some countries don't use the gregorian calendar
< zoq> ah, I thought you used some faulty macro :)
< rcurtin> haha... maybe I should get a script to send the release emails, but I do them by hand, sometimes with bad copy-paste jobs too