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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1737 (master - 617d81b : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< lemon> hello, I found this channel via the Google Summer of Code 2016 page. I am interested to apply this year, so I was wondering if the organization will apply again
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< yashu-seth> Hello everyone. I was looking into the ann modules but I could not find any documentation related to it. I also found that PR #831 makes certain changes to the modules. Where can I find some resources to explore the modules keeping in mind the recent planned changes?
< zoq> yashu-seth: Hello, unfortunately there is no up to date documentation. A good place to start would be to look at the unit tests:
< zoq> If you like to write a new layer take a look at one of the layer classes e.g.:
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< zoq> There are basically just three important functions Forward, Backward and Gradient.
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< yashu-seth> Thank you zoq. I will have a look at the tests.
< zoq> yashu-seth: Let us know if you have any questions.
< yashu-seth> Yes. Sure. :)
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