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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1747 (master - a3b5c77 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< cult-> when it is expected to finish mlpack-2.1.x ? once its ready, are you going to update linux repositories?
< rcurtin> cult-: mlpack 2.1.1 is released already, is that what you mean?
< rcurtin> upstream (us) isn't always responsible for the linux repository versions
< rcurtin> ...with the exception of Fedora. I'm the Fedora maintainer of mlpack and I'm doing a bad job
< rcurtin> I'll try and get that Fedora package updated this week...
< cult-> how about ubuntu?
< rcurtin> ubuntu will pull the mlpack package from debian
< rcurtin> hang on, let's see...
< rcurtin> so in the newest bleeding-edge version of debian, it's up to date
< rcurtin> as well as in stretch (the "testing" version)
< rcurtin> so the debian packager has kept it up to date; I am not sure exactly how ubuntu chooses what to pick from the debian sources
< rcurtin> yeah, so for xenial, it's only 2.0.1
< rcurtin> but I see for zesty it's 2.1.1
< rcurtin> I think, at this point, if you want to see mlpack 2.1.1 in xenial, I think you have to open a bug report
< rcurtin> I don't know the full process, sorry :(
< rcurtin> another option is to just download the .deb from zesty and hope that it works, but honestly that's not the best idea in the world, there may be dependencies on core libraries that you don't have
< cult-> anyway, 2.1.x is actively developed or its ready now? in github its in the active branches
< rcurtin> yeah, there is an mlpack-2.1.x branch, but the head of that branch is the released mlpack 2.1.1
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< rcurtin> you can also just download that directly from
< rcurtin> releases are announced on the mlpack mailing list; maybe it would be helpful to subscribe?
< cult-> yes
< rcurtin> anyway ubuntu xenial should definitely have new enough supporting libraries to compile and build mlpack---one of the systems I work on is still running 15.10 (trusty?) and it compiles fine there
< cult-> xenial is a long-term release
< rcurtin> yeah
< cult-> should have the newest deb
< rcurtin> 15.10 is "wily" anyway, sorry for the mixup
< rcurtin> yeah---that part is up to the ubuntu maintainers, unfortunately I think you will have to make some noise to make that happen :(
< cult-> thanks anyway!
< cult-> for the awesome work!
< rcurtin> sure, I am glad that it is helpful :)
< rcurtin> I don't know who does the ubuntu packaging work, otherwise I would point you at them
< rcurtin> I know it's Barak Pearlmutter for Debian but I don't think he works on the Ubuntu side of that at all
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1748 (master - def3562 : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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