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< na1taneja2821_> Hi, I have updated the first draft for GSoC. I request the project mentors to provide reviews on it.
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< vasanth> I have uploaded a draft for neuroevolution algorithms, please comment when time permits. Thanks
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< Nilabhra> rcurtin: Hi, if you get time, can you leave some comments on my updated proposal. I will update the API design I think I should go with asap. Thanks :)
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< rcurtin> Nilabhra: I'll take a look when I have a chance, it may be a little while
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< toshad> I am interested in working on the "Implement tree types" gsoc project and hence, I was trying to implement a segment tree according to the example_tree template
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< toshad> I used this to initialise it
< toshad> But it throws this error note: ‘mlpack::metric::LMetric<2, true>& mlpack::tree::SegmentTree<>::metric’ should be initialized
< toshad> MetricType& metric;
< toshad> Plus a ton of other errors which seem to be related to this
< toshad> Could somebody tell me what's wrong?
< rcurtin> your code is incorrect, and you are not initializing the 'metric' member, like the message says
< rcurtin> also, the segment tree isn't really going to be a useful tree for mlpack...
< rcurtin> the segment tree is built on (I think one-dimensional) intervals
< rcurtin> but mlpack's trees are built on multidimensional points (not multidimensional intervals)
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< toshad> One can get a segment tree to work on multidimensional points
< toshad> Anyway, I chose segment tree only because I have coded it several times before.
< toshad> And, how do I initialise the metric member.
< toshad> I looked up in lmetric.hpp and found that the constructor was empty
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#673 (master - 5ca7299 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< ranjan123> I have submitted my draft please give some comments you guys have time.
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< palashahuja> zoq, hi
< rcurtin> toshad: sorry for the slow response. if your class has a reference, then you need to initialize that reference at construction time using an initializer list
< rcurtin> ranjan123: sure, I'll try to take a look but like I have been telling everyone else, time is short, so it may be a little while :)
< zoq> palashahuja: Hello
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< palashahuja> how many people are applying for neuroevolution algorithm this time ? Can the project be subdivided among two people ?
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< zoq> palashahuja: hm, we know the exact number at the end of the deadline. I don't think the project is suitable to be divided among two or more.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#674 (master - 14273c0 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#675 (master - 758d277 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< wiking> ?
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< rcurtin> wiking: yes, but I think zoq is the expert on how the watchdog works, I didn't set that up
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< wiking> zoq: watchdoooog plz
< wiking> :)))
< rcurtin> wiking: he's probably busy with other stuff... we have been especially slammed with GSoC requests and proposals this year
< rcurtin> you might be better off searching through the code to be honest
< rcurtin> I'd look for 'irc' or some other similar keyword
< wiking> hehehe will try
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#676 (master - 501ffa5 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< palashahuja> rcurtin, zoq I have submitted my draft for project project proposal. Please review it whenever you are free.
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< zoq> wiking: Here is the config we use to benchmark the latest commit: The interesting part is 'watch', which is a list of files, folders or just keywords that are associated with the benchmark task.
< zoq> wiking: The next thing you have to tell the benchmark script which files changed. To do that you could use the 'FILES' flag (Makefile) e.g. 'make CONFIG='commit.yaml LOG=True FILES="mlpack/core/kernels/gaussian_kernel.hpp;mlpack/methods/amf/update_rules/nmf_mult_dist.hpp" run'.
< zoq> wiking: Using git it's easy to get the files that changed: we are using the following commands to get the files:
< zoq> wiking: Now you can use that simple script: 'make CONFIG='commit.yaml LOG=True FILES=\"$(./diff_command)\" run'.
< zoq> wiking: To send the results to the irc channel we use once the package is installed and the irc channel is specified (config file) it should work right out of the box
< KeonKim> :rcurtin I just submitted a draft, it would be great if you could leave a little comment.
< wiking> zoq: GREAT!
< wiking> zoq: you are shitting me that this is a python irc protocol implementation
< wiking> (facepalm)
< zoq> wiking: It would be easy to use anything else :)
< wiking> nono i'm just shocked :)
< rcurtin> KeonKim: I'll take a look if I have a chance, but I have some other things to do today. I'll give some quick feedback in the next few days
< zoq> actually it would be interesting to use github services... I was think to use it for the appveyor service
< rcurtin> zoq: use github services for what? running the incremental benchmarks?
< zoq> to send irc notifications :)
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< rcurtin> zoq: oh, okay, I see
< KeonKim> :rcurtin thank you, sorry to give you more burden. :/
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< Dimitris> Hello!
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< Guest46670> I have just sent my draft. When am I going to recieve an answer??
< zoq> Guest46670: We'll take a look if we have a chance, that could be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or the day after that ...
< Guest46670> But if you don't have a chance? Will I send it like this anyway?
< zoq> Guest46670: Don't worry, if you send us your draft we take a look and ask for any questions or clarifications if necessary.
< Guest46670> Thank you! Approximately how many students are proposing for a single project?
< zoq> hm, not sure, it depends on the project
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< chrishenx> Hi there, it seems that all symbols from are broken, or maybe is just my case
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