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< uzipaz> zoq: hi, I just started compiling programs using mlpack, I am using the first example code,
< uzipaz> but I am getting bunch of undefined references when I compile, I use g++ test.cpp -o test.o -std=gnu++11 -Wfatal-errors
< uzipaz> can you help me with this?
< uzipaz> I think its a linking error...?
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< zoq> sorry for the short response, heading home
< uzipaz> zoq: I tried linking the library in command line by using -l/usr/local/include/ but that didnt work
< uzipaz> zoq: I also have Netbeans installed with c++ support, so I made a project here and specified in usr/local/lib/ directory and it works now
< uzipaz> *sry I used -l/usr/local/lib/
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< uzipaz> zoq: anyways, I guess Im finally read to apply ann on my dataset :D
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< ranjan123_> uzipaz:
< ranjan123_> can you paste the error here
< ranjan123_> I think I got the same error
< ranjan123_> but resolved it
< ranjan123_> I can help you
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< uzipaz> i was trying to compile on command line, i think i just need to specifiy the mlpack lib file, it didnt work for me... I am using netbeans with c++, and it works for now
< ranjan123_> yes ! same thing I did
< ranjan123_> :)
< ranjan123_> ooo
< ranjan123_> sry
< ranjan123_> " it didnt work"
< ranjan123_> if you paste the error I can tell you. else you can go ahead with whatever works . :)
< uzipaz> In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)': test.cpp:(.text+0xb34): undefined reference to `mlpack::util::CLIDeleter::CLIDeleter()' test.cpp:(.text+0xb43): undefined reference to `mlpack::util::CLIDeleter::~CLIDeleter()' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
< uzipaz> probably, I need to link to libmlpack when compiling... I tried using -l/usr/local/lib/ but it didnt work
< uzipaz> zoq: I would like to ask you questions about building ann networks in mlpack, I am going through the test codes, there are different types of layers and I am not sure how to differentiate them
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< skon46> uzipaz , try running this
< skon46> ldconfig -v
< skon46> all the libraries list should be updated after this.
< skon46> i guess , i faced a similar problem
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< uzipaz> skon46: Thanks for the suggestion, i will try it and let you know
< ranjan123_> hello uzipaz
< ranjan123_> have you exported the lib path ?
< ranjan123_> then do ldconfig
< ranjan123_> g++ your_prog.cpp -lmlpack -lboost_serialization -larmadillo -std=c++11
< uzipaz> ranjan123_: i didnt export the lib path
< ranjan123_> ok
< ranjan123_> I guess you have compiled mlpack
< ranjan123_> then you get *.so file at build/lib/
< ranjan123_> right ?
< ranjan123_> if yes then do LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".parent_path"/build/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
< ranjan123_> then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
< ranjan123_> then --> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
< ranjan123_> then ldconfig
< ranjan123_> then try to compile---> g++ your_prog.cpp -lmlpack -lboost_serialization -larmadillo -std=c++11
< ranjan123_> uzipaz
< uzipaz> ranjan123_: Thanks, I will try this and let you know
< ranjan123_> sure
< ranjan123_> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".parent_path"/build/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH <----same as doing ----> LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/build/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
< ranjan123_> ;:P
< ranjan123_> :P
< uzipaz> ranjan123_: thanks for the help, appreciate it :)
< ranjan123_> works ?
< uzipaz> zoq: I have a question about line 109 in recurrent_network_test.cpp, I cannot find this constructor in SGD.hpp
< uzipaz> ranjan123_: I have not tried this yet, right now Im using mlpack in Netbeans
< zoq> uzipaz: There is only one constructor in sgd.hpp, so I'm not sure which part I should clarify.
< zoq> uzipaz: Maybe decltype(net)?
< uzipaz> zoq: I was just confused about the parameters passed in the constructor at line 109 in recurrent_network_test.cpp
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< zoq> uzipaz: So to create the optimizer object you have to specifiy the type of the function and the function itsef that you like to optimize.
< zoq> uzipaz: To get the type of the functionuse in this 'decltype(net)' which returns the type of the network.
< zoq> uzipaz: Depending on the model structure it looks differently e.g. RNN<LinearLayer<arma::mat, arma::mat>, BiasLayer<arma::mat, arma::mat>, ...>
< uzipaz> zoq: I was concerned about the other parameters such as the stepsize, # of iterations passed to SGD constructor but I just passed my own values after studying the constructor in sgd.hpp
< zoq> uzipaz: Yeah, it's always a good idea to specify your own parameter especially if you use SGD
< uzipaz> zoq: I have studied aritficial neural networks a bit, on the webs and in my course, but I have never encountered terms such as LinearLayer and baselayer, can you please explain what is the purpose of these?
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< uzipaz> damn, I am getting more linking errors in compiling a basic RNN with SGD
< zoq> uzipaz: Sure, BaseLayer is just a wrapper class that can be used with various activation functions. So instead of writing BaseLayer<LogisticFunction> you can just use: SigmoidLayer<> or TanHLayer<> or ReLULayer<> etc. So, the BaseLayer acts basically as transfer functions to introduce a non-linearity after a parameterized layer.
< uzipaz> /usr/bin/ld: build/Debug/GNU-Linux/main.o: undefined reference to symbol 'wrapper_dgemm_'
< zoq> So the LinearLayer applies a linear transformation to the incoming data. It's sometimes called fullconnetion layer, because it's basically a connection between two layer (# of units).
< uzipaz> //usr/lib/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
< zoq> uzipaz: you need to link against armadillo
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< zoq> uzipaz: We basically use the same names as torch, caffe, tensorflow, etc.
< uzipaz> zoq: thank you, linking against armadillo solved the error
< zoq> uzipaz: Just curious; which names are you using, to model your networks?
< uzipaz> zoq: Im sry, what do you mean by which names Im using?
< zoq> uzipaz: or terms 'I have studied aritficial neural networks a bit, on the webs and in my course, but I have never encountered terms such as LinearLayer and baselayer'
< uzipaz> zoq: so far I've only seen inputLayers and then you have hiddenLayers and then finally an output layer... also, you can have biaslayers connecting with each of layers that you have
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< uzipaz> zoq: I am getting segmentation fault error at runtime when I call Train function on RNN, I have double checked my parameters to Train method, I have verified my matrices
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< zoq> uzipaz: Can you show me the strcture of the model, pastbin or github gist?
< uzipaz> zoq: can you see this?
< uzipaz> zoq: I used the same model as done in recurrent_network_test.cpp
< zoq> uzipaz: Okay the model looks good, can you check that the input data and labels are looking as expected? I guess I can also check that if you send me the dataset or parts of the dataset.
< zoq> But , it might take some time before I can look at the data.
< uzipaz> zoq: data matrix, is 1123 x 1586 and labels matrix is 1123 x 1, how do I share the dataset with you?
< zoq> uzipaz: Can you provide a public link?
< zoq> uzipaz: You can also send me the dataset via mail.
< uzipaz> zoq: I prefer by email, address?
< zoq> uzipaz: Okay,
< uzipaz> zoq: I just sent you the email, I will be back here in 20 min
< zoq> uzipaz: Okay, I'll have to finish some other things first, but I look into it tonight.
< palashahuja> zoq, hi
< zoq> palashahuja: Hello
< palashahuja> is there any way I could see the call trace in the machine learning benchmarks library
< palashahuja> ?
< zoq> palashahuja: There is no inbuild feature for that, but I can show you the line that you could print. If you like you can implement that feature :)
< palashahuja> Sure, if you could provide more insight how to go about the code I'd be glad to help :)
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< zoq> palashahuja: So e.g. in line 129 we use the subprocess.check_output function to make the function call, and if you print 'cmd' it should contain the command used to make that call
< palashahuja> zoq: ok, got it ..
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< palashahuja> will start working on it ..
< zoq> palashahuja: so I guess, it would be the best solution if you check the value of 'verbose' and if it's true you could print out the command
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< palashahuja> hmm ..
< palashahuja> will look into it ASAP ..
< zoq> palashahuja: Sure no rush, and don't feel obligated to do that.
< zoq> Maybe it's a good idea to introduce some verbosity levels, so instead of verbose true or false some value.
< palashahuja> so the verbosity levels should be numeric ?
< zoq> palashahuja: Yeah, I guess that's a good idea
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< uzipaz> zoq: in call, NN.Train(data, labels, opt), data is 1123 x 1586, labels is 1123 x 1, this is giving me segmentation fault
< uzipaz> zoq: I just tried NN.Train(data, trans(labels), opt) and it worked (no runtime error)
< zoq> uzipaz: sounds great :)
< uzipaz> zoq: Do I need to pass the transpose of both data and labels matrices to Train, Im confused...
< zoq> uzipaz: No, note that mlpack uses armadillo matrices which are stored in a column-major format. Take a look at: for more information. So each column contains a label col(0), col(1), col(2), ...
< zoq> uzipaz: The same applies for the input data each column should contain one sample
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< uzipaz> zoq: can you please look into the dataset I sent you... I am unable to load the dataset into arma::mat object by either using arma::mat.load() or data::Load() functions
< uzipaz> the dimensions are loaded correctly but all the values in the matrix are 0
< zoq> uzipaz: remove the '"'
< uzipaz> zoq: thank you, that fixed it
< uzipaz> zoq: Everything seems to be in order now, dimension of the data 1123x1586, total data points 1.78 million with binary classification, running RNN with SGD with 1 hidden layer
< uzipaz> zoq: its running for about 10 min now, no idea about how long will it take to finish
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