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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#641 (master - 80943dd : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< neo__> hi
< neo__> anybody out there??
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< skon46> rcurtin i'm building from source but I seem to have a problem with cmake , I use cmake gui and it stops saying to check cmakeoutput.log
< skon46> it's a huge file and Im not able to make out where the error is
< skon46> any help ?
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< u8sand> skon46: can you provide a pastebin or gist?
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< skon46> any luck ?
< u8sand> sorry looking at it now
< u8sand> I don't really see an error there..
< u8sand> skon46: sorry for being unable to help. Just make sure your makefile hasn't been generated anyway, cmake can be extra verbose even when it succeeded.
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< rcurtin> skon46: what was the short output of the cmake gui?
< rcurtin> did that show any errors?
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< skon46> it simply said check cmakeoutput.log
< skon46> no rows shown in red
< rcurtin> was a makefile generated anyway?
< skon46> yes
< rcurtin> okay, then you can go ahead and build it
< skon46> I'm redoing it , will see
< rcurtin> yeah, it sounds like there was maybe a warning or something, but no error
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< skon46> unable to find requested boost libraries
< skon46> rcurtin is txt2man required ?
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< skon46> nvm , did not face any error when using cmake again
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< rcurtin> skon46: sorry for the slow response
< rcurtin> txt2man isn't required, it's just used to produce man pages from the documentation if it's available
< rcurtin> good to hear you got it worked out
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< abhishek_rand0wn> I tried to figure out from det_main.cpp
< abhishek_rand0wn> So we need to take these parameters and change into different bindings
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< palashahuja> zoq, hi
< palashahuja> could you please review the PR?
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< zoq> palashahuja: Sure, probably at the end of this week.
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< abhishek_rand0wn> rcurtin??
< rcurtin> yes?
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< abhishek_rand0wn> I checked det_main file
< abhishek_rand0wn> and saw those macros
< abhishek_rand0wn> we need to take these macros into different languages
< palashahuja> rcurtin: do you have any plans for implementing new algos for amf update rules?
< palashahuja> *algorithms
< rcurtin> palashahuja: personally I do not have any plans for implementing any but I am not against the idea of implementing more
< palashahuja> I was planning to implement algorithm 2 or 3 from the paper that you have mentioned before
< palashahuja> also, do I have to do something similar for nmf?
< rcurtin> I have no idea what paper you are talking about
< rcurtin> and I don't know what you mean when you say "something similar" for NMF
< rcurtin> NMF is a particular specialization of the AMF class with the NMF update rules
< palashahuja> Here is link that you have mentioned
< rcurtin> Sumedh Ghaisas already implemented those algorithms for GSoC in 2014
< rcurtin> take a look in src/mlpack/methods/amf/ and you will find the code
< palashahuja> sorry, my bad
< palashahuja> didn't take a deeper look
< palashahuja> how about this
< rcurtin> you would have to convince me that that algorithm would outperform any of the existing algorithms we already have in place
< palashahuja> ok ..
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< palashahuja> rcurtin, also for hmm training do you have any other algorithms in mind, apart from baum welch ?
< rcurtin> palashahuja: I understand you are looking for something to do, but I don't really have time to review how useful every paper that you send my way is
< rcurtin> if you would like to implement that algorithm, it would be appreciated
< rcurtin> but what I will be looking for is:
< rcurtin> - an API that meshes well with what is already in mlpack (for HMMs this should not be too hard)
< rcurtin> - rigorous tests to ensure that your algorithm is working correctly
< rcurtin> - some benchmarks to demonstrate that the algorithm you have implemented has practical applicability
< rcurtin> in the case of a fast HMM algorithm I would be looking for evidence that it can train HMMs more quickly than Baum-Welch but still produces HMMs that have good accuracy/performance
< palashahuja> ok .. :) sorry if I am bothering you ... wasn't my intention
< rcurtin> don't worry, I am not bothered, but there is a limit to how much I can help, so I'm just trying to let you know where that limit is :)
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< abhishek_rand0wn> I was wondering, either capture values before parsing
< abhishek_rand0wn> Directly from command line to that binding
< abhishek_rand0wn> or store and parse
< abhishek_rand0wn> rcurtin any ideas?
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