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< tsathoggua> Hi, I am having problems building mlpack with OpenBLAS... and without installing anything in the system (that is, specifying local directories)
< tsathoggua> I build armadillo directly invoking cmake with -DOpenBLAS_LIBRARY=blahblah/
< tsathoggua> for the mlpack cmake, I specify ARMADILLO_LIBRARY, ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR (and also the BOOST locally compiled directory)
< tsathoggua> I had no problems when I installed those libraries, but on a system with no root access, mlpack's cmake complains about the lack of LAPACK / etc
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< tsathoggua> Ok... I had been looking at the wrong places all the time (mlpack was getting the defines from the wrong armadillo_bits/config.hpp). Sorry and thanks anyway!
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< aditya123> Do I start contributing using the mlpack version available for download or cloning the repository ?
< aditya123> I was able to install mlpack from the tar version, but had issues with cmake in mlpack from repository
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< yvtheja> Hi everyone, could I please know the nick of Marcus Edel
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< zoq> yvtheja: That would be me :)
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< yvtheja> zoq, Hi, Really thanks for your reply :)
< zoq> aditya123: If you are going to start contributing you should use the master branch. If, you tell use more about your problems, we could help solving the issue.
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< zoq> yvtheja: Great, I really like the project, in fact I'm about to setup a test system
< yvtheja> zoq, Can I PM you ?
< zoq> yvtheja: sure, but I'd like to keep the discussion as open as possible
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< yvtheja> zoq, Okay, I have good enough experience in ML using NN
< yvtheja> zoq, but I am new to Deep Learning
< yvtheja> zoq, I have just started taking Google Deep learning course
< yvtheja> zoq, I want to if I can take up this project and learn things on the way.
< yvtheja> zoq, I saw the project without Deep leaarning also but I am more interested in exploring Deep Learning
< zoq> yvtheja: That's no problem at all, as pointed out in the wiki the "necessary knowledge" sections can be replaced with "willing to learn". So I guess a good start would be read some papers about the neuroevolution algorithms mentioned in the project idea. You should also try to build mlpack and the code to communicate with the nes emulator.
< zoq> I'm about to write a readme for the nes emulation code which could be found here: You can run the code on your machine or use our system.
< yvtheja> zoq, Sure, I will run and understand the things
< yvtheja> zoq, Thanks a lot for the info :)
< zoq> yvtheja: Sure, if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.
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< aditya123> zoq: I am getting the following error: Could not find the following Boost library : boost_serialization
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< zoq> aditya123: Can you check that you installed all dependencies especially boost-serialization. On debian the package should be libboost-serialization-dev. Since version 2.0.0 mlpack depends on the boost-serialization library
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< aditya123> zoq: Thanks, had missed libboost-serialization-dev. All set now
< zoq> aditya123: Sounds great.
< acbull> Hello, everyone. I've taken the machine learning course this semester, so I'm interested about your projects offered for GSoc, especially those about ML algorithm. Is it necessary to understand the algorithm and mathematics before handing in the proposal? Or I can list the study plan as the part of my proposal?
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< zoq> acbull: Hello, depending on the project, a willingness to dive into some literature on the topic and basic understanding of the c++ concepts and the related axioms are sufficient, so you can learn the rest over the summer. But there are some project you should have a full understanding of the description before applying, because you don't have the time to understand everything as time goes.
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< tanishq> #joing apertium
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< aditya123> While doing make I get following error : undefined reference to `boost::unit_test::unit_test_main(bool (*)(), int, char**)'
< rcurtin> aditya123: did you install libboost-test-dev?
< aditya123> yes I had installed it
< rcurtin> that's not enough output for me to be able to help; please paste the full CMake configuration log, the CMakeCache.txt file, and the full build log
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< pvsukale> hii
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< zoq> pvs_: Hello!
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< aditya123> The make logs :
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< rcurtin> thanks, let me take a look
< rcurtin> the CMakeCache.txt says "pastebin deleted"
< rcurtin> also sorry I didn't ask for this before, but could you provide the output of 'VERBOSE=1 make'? that will show me what gcc is trying to link against
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< aditya123> rcurtin: Please find the logs
< rcurtin> does the file /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ exist?
< aditya123> yes the file exists
< rcurtin> this is not a problem I've seen before; I am thinking maybe something is odd about your setup because you configured and then installed some more libraries and then built...
< rcurtin> could you try to just clean out the build directory and build again from scratch?
< rcurtin> i.e., in the build directory, rm -rf *, then cmake ../, then make
< rcurtin> and let's see if it does something different this time... :)
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< acbull> I 've noticed the reading list in the recommendation of project "Neuroevolution algorithms", but there indeed are a lot of materials. So I'm wondering where to start with
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< zoq> acbull: Yeah, I absolutely agree with you that this two projects could be a great start to learn about various fundamental deep learning models from a practical perspective.
< zoq> acbull: I've responded to a mail on the maillinglist that contains a bunch of papers and links you can read to get a better understanding about the essential network modules idea:
< zoq> acbull: About the Neuroevolution algorithms project idea. A good start would be to read some paper about he neuroevolution algorithms mentioned in the project idea. You should also try to build mlpack and the code to communicate with the nes emulator.
< zoq> acbull: The code to communicate with the emulator could be found here: I'm about to write a readme for the nes emulation code, which should be finished by the end of the day.
< zoq> acbull: I would start with the NEAT paper, but you don't have to read all or have to completely understand everything.
< zoq> acbull: You can choose 2 or 3 algorithms you like and implement them over the summer. I guess NEAT is one of the coolest
< acbull> When it comes to the emulation. What is the channel between our program and the channel? I mean, what is the output we can get from the emulation?
< rcurtin> "NEAT is one of the coolest", funny play on words :)
< acbull> Ok, that will be a good start~I will read the articles these days. Thanks for your precious recommendation, zoq~
< zoq> acbull: matrix representation of the game state e.g. the postion of mario, the postion of enemies, the number of coins, number of lives blocks that you can jump on image (jpeg) of the current game screen
< zoq> etc.
< zoq> acbull: I make sure, to include some examples in the README
< zoq> rcurtin: haha
< acbull> So we have to let the program recognize the current state and make decisions for the next step, and all these work will be done by the program learning itself?
< tdgunes> zoq: Hello, I am also interested in "Neuroevolution algorithms" project. I previously seen a lua implementation of a very primitive version of NEAT: Do you think that someone without a background on neural network(not used but worked on several other ML algorithms) has a chance on that project?
< tdgunes> zoq: It seems super interesting to work in the summer.
< zoq> noooo I closed my browser ... hold on it takes a couple of minutes to reopen all tabs
< rcurtin> zoq: I feel your pain, I've definitely done that too many times
< rcurtin> I think there are usually extensions to help with this problem but I never think to install one, I always think "I'll just be more careful next time"
< rcurtin> and then I do it again a few months later :)
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< tdgunes> zoq: do you want me to resend my previous messages ?
< zoq> Okay, CPU back to 5%
< zoq> tdgunes: Absolutely, we don't expect that anyone is already an expert in any of the topics, as long as you are willing to dive into the projects, it should be manageable. The NEAT algorithm is pretty straightforward to implement, so yeah, you can work on that project without a deep understanding about neural networks. Btw. the video is really neat :)
< zoq> rcurtin: In fact I'll have OneTab installed, but maybe someone has to remind me to use that plugin.
< rcurtin> :)
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< aditya123> rcurtin: Working :D
< rcurtin> aditya123: great, glad the solution was so straightforward :)
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< kirizaki> Hello there everyone! So much people :)
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< Tanishq> can someone help me with this build error
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< pvsukale2> hey
< rcurtin> pvsukale2: hello there
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< sourad97> (sourad) Hi I am new here. I'm interested to work with Mlpack and am a GSoC aspirant. Can someone get me started?
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< rcurtin> hi sourad97, please see
< sourad97> Thanks a bunch rcurtin :)
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< ankur_> hi, I want to take work for Essential Deep Learning Modules for gsoc 2016
< ankur_> how should I proceed
< ankur_> ?
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< zoq> In the event ankur_ reads the irc logs
< zoq> ankur_: Hello, glad you liked the idea. I think this project is a great opportunity to dive into some fundamental deep learning algorithms from a practical point of view. I've responded to a mail on the maillinglist that contains a bunch of papers and links you can read to get a better understanding about the essential network modules idea:
< zoq> ml
< zoq> okay, just 'finished' the NES readme, time to update the project idea :)
< tdgunes> zoq: good to hear! I was waiting that to arrive :)
< zoq> I'm thinking about modifying the CMake file so that OpenCv isn't necessary to build the code, but I'll guess I'll do that later.
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