changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#795 (master - 213a04d : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< ranajn123> guys!(gsoc students) come to #gsoc channel! lot of fun is going over there ! ;)
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< wasiq> honestly speaking waiting for the results is so stressful
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< wasiq> ranajn123, this is better :
< wasiq> ranajn123, bobby my man..helping humanity chill since the late 20th century.. B)
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< alpha> you guys :D
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< rcurtin> I dunno, I'm not sure Google will have all the accepted projects up exactly at 1900 UTC
< rcurtin> and I guess even if they do the site is going to be getting hammered... it will probably be very slow :)
< awhitesong> yeah right
< ranajn123> hmmm
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< ranajn123> I am not able to change the abstract
< ranajn123> so I am not selected
< ranajn123> :)
< wasiq> No, It'll come on top that you have been selected or not selected :)
< Nilabhra> not accepted :/
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< ranajn123> not accepted! :)
< wasiq> 3 slots for ml pack.. so the acceptance rate is 0.4 %
< rcurtin> it's actually 6 slots, but still, in many cases we had to make difficult decisions, and you are right, the acceptance rate is very low
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< rcurtin> I wish that we could have accepted everyone we wanted to, but I at least hope that the application process was a good experience for everyone (and hopefully enjoyable)
< rcurtin> and of course, anyone who wants to contribute or do a project anyway is more than welcome to; mlpack is open-source, after all
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< gopalakr> rcurtin & Zoq, disablinng MKL and recompiling armadillo and mlpack helped solve the issue with lars and linear_regression... just wanted to inform..
< rcurtin> gopalakr: that's interesting that not using MKL solved the issue. if you want, we can try to dig deeper to find out what the actual issue is, or alternately, you can just use regular blas/lapack and that seems to work :)
< gopalakr> yes Im using 2 builds with and without for different projects.. so OK for now :)
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< gopalakr> but it may be important to fix it for posterity :)
< rcurtin> you're right, I agree; but I don't have an easy way to reproduce the issue
< rcurtin> if you want to open an issue on github, then maybe someone will manage to reproduce it eventually and figure it out :)
< gopalakr> sure wil do
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< ranjan123> wasiq: you selected ?
< ranjan123> :D
< ranjan123> rcurtin: may I ask you some question ?
< ranjan123> about my Project proposal
< ranjan123> Adding new optimization technique is not that important for mlpack compare to other accepted proposal
< ranjan123> right ?
< rcurtin> ranjan123: no, it's not. we looked through each of the projects and each of the proposals, and we selected the best proposals given the constraints of how many slots we had
< rcurtin> note that 6 slots is not even enough to accept one student for each of the projects on the ideas list
< ranjan123> oh
< ranjan123> May be next time I will elaborate each and every point in my proposal !
< wasiq> ranjan123, sadly no.
< wasiq> rcurtin, Even the frank-wolfe isn't a priority is it?
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< rcurtin> like I said, no specific project was given priority over ptgers
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< rcurtin> we selected according to the best proposals
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< ranjan123> bbye! now I will have a good sleep. :)
< ranjan123> rcurtin: please comment on my PR whenever you get time
< ranjan123> bbye!
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