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< wasiq> Hey a beginners tip that I figured. If you're having trouble with creating datasets then you can just download a whole dataset online and use it in mlpack.Pretty cool stuff.
< wasiq> and then plot the data on a graph using gnuplot.
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< kirizaki> merry christmas xD
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< wasiq> kirizaki, lol. I should write a guide to mlpack for dummies. XD
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< kirizaki> You know what :P I can help with that if You like :D
< kirizaki> but what exactly You like to do?
< kirizaki> did You saw scikit-learn:
< kirizaki> one thing I can think of: an mlpack::utility::plot with preety doxygen comments
< kirizaki> it can go straight to web site
< kirizaki> nah, I just fantasize :P
< kirizaki> but better guide should be provided for sure and synchronize guides with github readme and wiki
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< wasiq> kirizaki, I lost you at your fantasy. Yeah I just felt that the website should be a bit easier to understand,but thats relative as I dont have a background in ML.
< wasiq> I think my guide would be more of a dummies approach to ML, and then how you can do really geeky stuff with mlpack. XD
< wasiq> Thanks a lot for the link,I was looking for something like that :)
< wasiq> This was a really helpful place for me when i started.
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< kirizaki> this guide which You send in link is really good, we can provide something like this but against mlpack's applications
< kirizaki> and to be honest it's good start for me because I don't have any knowledge with ML
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< kirizaki> at the moment I just done some utility-like stuff for mlpack, but this is good aproach for beginners like me and You to start with ML
< kirizaki> if You need some help I can offer myself but You can do it on Your own too ;)
< kirizaki> I just can review it and help to improve by giving You some opinions
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< wasiq> kirizaki, yeah It would be much easier to do this with someone , can you explain what kind of utility you're helping with?
< kirizaki> right now I finished mlpack::backtrace just for Linux
< kirizaki> it's giving some sort of backtrace when Log::Assert() / Log::Fatal when mlpack is compiled with debugging symbols
< kirizaki> and the second thing is that I'm working on Fuzzy Logic algorithm but it's gonna be long story xD
< kirizaki> I like more utility stuff
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< kirizaki> so let's say I could put those nice plots into Yours beginners guide
< kirizaki> right now I don't have any idea how to done any kind of plots [2D / 3D] in C++ but it's always thing I wanted to do :)
< kirizaki> so what You think about it? ;)
< wasiq> My guide would be a text document,but you're saying create a utility graph plotter custom for mlpack right?
< wasiq> Yeah sounds very interesting.We should look into this.
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< wasiq> Are you with the core developers by any chance? because we would have to ask them if its feasible.
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< kirizaki> yes but I'm having some concerns about graph plotter, due to that it can overload a mlpack
< kirizaki> it's already ~150MB
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< kirizaki> but yes, we have to ask rcurtin or zoq about it
< kirizaki> I'm just average contributor from october 2015
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< kirizaki> let's ask them maybe at Tuesday
< kirizaki> after eastern
< wasiq> :) sure we'll discuss it with them then.
< wasiq> Happy easter :)
< kirizaki> thanks, You too ;)
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< uzipaz> any mentors around right now?
< ranjan123> India won . ;)
< ranjan123> oops
< kirizaki> non I think
< ranjan123> Hi kirizaki !
< uzipaz> If I want to do a clean and rebuild of the mlpack library, do I just delete the build folder and start over again with mkdir/cd build and cmake ..? or do I need to invoke a uninstall program?
< ranjan123> make clean
< uzipaz> make clean and then remove the folder?
< ranjan123> what is your aim ?
< kirizaki> delete old build
< kirizaki> make new dir for build
< kirizaki> and build it again
< kirizaki> mlpack doesn't have any uninstall feature
< kirizaki> You can erase from /usr/local/../
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< kirizaki> but if You rebuild the old one is rewrited
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< uzipaz> ranjan123: I suppose whenever I do git pull, I have to rebuild the library to compensate for the new changes made
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< ranjan123> yes that is right uzipaz
< ranjan123> I guess you are not supposed to pull build dir
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< ranjan123> uzipaz:
< ranjan123> see here
< ranjan123> there is no build dir
< uzipaz> ranjan123: kindly read point # 4 in the file on building mlpack from source
< ranjan123> uzipaz yes! . I think I didn't get your qsn
< ranjan123> sorry! uzipaz. I couldn't be more helpful.
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