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< chrishenx> Hi there, I'm compiling mlpack on os x, lot of unused paramater warnings
< chrishenx> lets see if everthing go well
< chrishenx> after one hour compiling armadillo
< rcurtin> chrishenx: yeah, at least on my OS X setup a lot of those warnings are inside boost
< rcurtin> if you find any that can be fixed in mlpack, I'd be happy to merge in a PR
< chrishenx> rcurtin: step by step :) And yeah, all those warning come from boost
< rcurtin> yeah, it was all in the serialization code I think
< rcurtin> maybe new version of boost have it fixed; not sure
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< chrishenx> success!
< rcurtin> :)
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< omid> !
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< praveench> Hi Marcus, I am praveen (chvsp on github ). As you might know, I am presently working on writing tests for K.Subavathi Initialisation.
< praveench> I have gone through the paper as well as the implementation and found that the it fails to consider the nitty gritties of the paper( like there is a different equation for computing the weights of the hidden to output layer, etc.) I think that we are not using the full benefit of KS initialisation. I just wanted to ask if this was done intentionally? Or else I would start work on it
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< praveench> Hi, I am praveen (chvsp on github ). As you might know, I am presently working on writing tests for K.Subavathi Initialisation.
< praveench> I have gone through the paper as well as the implementation and found that the it fails to consider the nitty gritties of the paper( like there is a different equation for computing the weights of the hidden to output layer, etc.) I think that we are not using the full benefit of KS initialisation. I just wanted to ask if this was done intentionally? Or else I would start work on it.
< praveench> Really sorry if this message is repeated. Our network connection here is not so stable
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< zoq> praveench: Hello, I tested the weight update process and found out that RMSprop is preferable method in my test cases. If you like you can test the method, and prove me wrong.
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< uzipaz> rcurtin: for parallel SGD, is Hogwild parallel algorithm a good candidate for this?
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< praveench> Hi, I am interested in developing RBM and DBN for mlpack this GSOC 2016. I have read a lot of literature on the topics and am quite confident about the implementation part. I am also familiar with the mlapck codebase. But I have no prior experience in writing tests for these models
< praveench> I am quite well versed with BOOST but I would like to ask you as to how to get started on writing tests for these kinds of algorithms?
< praveench> I plan to find some research papers which give the implementation as well as results when the algo is run
< praveench> I can compare the results of my implementation with those given in the paper.
< praveench> Am I going in the right direction or is there a better method?
< zoq> praveench: Hello, in case of an RBM you can come up some really nice test: take a look at this page:
< zoq> praveench: So one test you could do is to check that the samples from the RBM look like your training data.
< zoq> praveench: Another test could check if the latent values look like a smooth gabor filter.
< zoq> out for dinner
< praveench> okay will have a look at it
< praveench> Thanks a lot
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< dd_> mlpack_emst works great. Is there a method/class that will create dendrogram?
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< rcurtin> dd_: unfortunately there is no support for that right now
< rcurtin> you could reconstruct a dendrogram fairly easily though
< rcurtin> the top will be the edge with maximum length
< rcurtin> and as you go down the dendrogram the edges get shorter
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< rcurtin> uzipaz: hogwild is a good candidate, yes, but it's also quite simple so I think that a good project would include more parallel sgd techniques
< rcurtin> dd_: someone volunteered to write a minimum linkage clustering module so maybe if that gets done the code would help you (since that will give you a dendrogram) but I can't guarantee that the code will ever get finished or merged (I haven't seeen any code yet)
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< toshad> rcurtin:
< toshad> Hi
< toshad> I am interested in the "Implement tree types" project for GSOC 2016 and I was looking at the tickets to work on
< toshad> But most of them are closed and the remaining are difficult ones
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< dd_> understood. thinking out loud that function signature would take mlpack_emst output as input, then back out the parent/child and sort. Output would be a sorted tree.
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< kirizaki> rcurtin: I would like to change OS and I'm thinking to install something against mlpack::backtrace
< kirizaki> to widen functionality
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< kirizaki> but I'm really, but really against windows ;f
< kirizaki> I really hate this OS :P
< kirizaki> but maybe I should install FreeBSD ?
< rcurtin> that could be fun :)
< rcurtin> I used to use freebsd years ago
< rcurtin> I liked it but always stuck with Linux
< rcurtin> I think zoq is more of a freebsd expert than me :)
< zoq> I really like FreeBSD mainly for three reasons, 1. awsome port collection, 2. jails 3. ZFS
< zoq> I guess you could use docker instead of jails on linux and maybe btrfs instead of ZFS but at least on debian apt-get isn't nearly as good as ports on FreeBSD.
< kirizaki> I don;t understand anything from what You guys saying :P
< kirizaki> port collection = some kind of repos for packages?
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< kirizaki> jails = dunno; ZFS = dunno [wtf?]
< zoq> port collection = repo for packages
< zoq> ZFS = filesystem something like NTFS for windows :)
< zoq> jails = environment separate from the rest of the system, something like a virtual machine
< kirizaki> but, is there big difference in using for ''newbie'' user like me? FreeBSD vs linux mint/arch/
< kirizaki> ?
< zoq> kirizaki: hm, I guess if you prefer to have a desktop environment something like gnome or kde, I would go with linux.
< kirizaki> yeah, I think I'm gonna stay with linux :P
< kirizaki> but maybe archlinux this time :P
< zoq> I think rcurtin uses archlinux not sure.
< rcurtin> I'm a debian user, but I do have an arch box
< rcurtin> I used arch for a while, but after pacman uninstalled itself on multiple occasions I decided that it was time to move on :)
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< rcurtin> dd_: yeah, it would definitely not be too hard to write some standalone program that took the mlpack_emst output and did what you described
< rcurtin> another option would be to work at the C++ level and work with the DualTreeBoruvka class, but if you are looking for a quick fix then what you described is probably the best way to go
< rcurtin> toshad: I don't have any other tickets that I can give, sorry. the best advice I can give is to take a look at the mailing list archive for more information on the project
< rcurtin> and if you can come up with any improvements to the existing trees, that could be a nice contribution
< rcurtin> either functionality improvements or runtime improvements
< toshad> ok, thanks
< toshad> I was looking at thew cover issue #275, is that something that can be done
< rcurtin> yes, if you are willing to do a lot of reading the code and understanding the cover tree algorithm
< rcurtin> I'd start by reading the cover tree paper
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