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< rcurtin> but then it still links against the wrong thing...
< rcurtin> I'm not sure
< anveshi> rcurtin: Oh, I misunderstood it completely
< rcurtin> you could always just try uninstalling libboost-* from your system since it is too old...
< anveshi> Was actually looking for some work to do before writing GSoC proposal in order to get better understanding of project.
< anveshi> can you please suggest something, Which can help understanding tree codebase ?
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< rcurtin> anveshi: you can take a look at open tickets, read the TreeType tutorial document, run tree-based algorithms
< rcurtin> I have to go to dinner so I can't provide much more advice than that right now
< rcurtin> there are some open tickets on github relating to the tree code also, you may consider searching through the issues list
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< anveshi> rcurtin: Thanks ! let me check out issues on github
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< awhitesong> Peng_Xu: i guess the you need to uninstall libboostxx-dev files from your system. If you have installed the packaged version of the older boost, the use dpkg -S /usr/include/boost/version.hpp to reconfirm the version and then sudo apt-get autoremove package_name to remove the old files.
< awhitesong> then reinstall the latest boost. try to install through package manager this time. use this ppa for that. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boost-latest/ppa
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< Peng_Xu> Yeah, I use apt-get remove libboost-* to uninstall all the boost package
< awhitesong> let me know if that helped. :)
< Peng_Xu> Then the error is fixed
< awhitesong> nice. :)
< Peng_Xu> Thanks for your patient instructions
< awhitesong> glad i helped. :)
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< awhitesong> rcurtin: Hey! happy that mlpack got selected this time :) Sorry couldn't continue with the mds code last year in summers as i got through gsoc15 then got involved in some other research projects in ml/deeplrng throughout the year. Shangtong also created the pr for the same and created a basic framework, but a lot of improvements have to made in the code (ball trees, eigen decomposition for Isomap etc with the tests). Was thinking to complete the frame
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< rcurtin> awhitesong: yeah, would love to keep workijg on that MDS implementation
< rcurtin> just never had the time to look into yours and Shangtong's and figure out how to reconcile them
< rcurtin> also don't forget to submit a PR to add your name to the list of contributors :)
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< Rufor> Hi, does anyone know if there's somewhere I can find how many students have applied for GSoC for over the previous years and/or their acceptance rate?
< Rufor> Or perhaps someone has a general idea of this information?
< Rufor> I'm a student looking to get involved and don't have a great idea of the availability of mentors/positions, and it would help me decide how many applications to send out.
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< rcurtin> Rufor: you can probably find better information in the general #gsoc channel about this
< rcurtin> as for mlpack, we usually seem to get around 50-80 applications, and we usually end up accepting something like 3-5 projects, maybe more, maybe less --- it depends on the quality of the applications
< rcurtin> my advice in general would be, if you are going to submit an application, focus on only one project instead of several, which will allow you to put together a higher-quality application for just the one project
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< Rufor> rcurtin: Thanks for the reply, and I did mean to ask specifically about mlpack. If I understand correctly, even if my project is not approved, I could still look for some form of voluntary work/contribution since everything is open source, right?
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< Rufor> It is my intention to focus on a single project/application, but I'm just worried about ending up without something to work on over summer if those I could ask for guidance are already overloaded with students.
< rcurtin> Rufor: that's right, it is open source, so even if you're not accepted you can still contribute
< rcurtin> there has been a lot of interest in just about every project for mlpack this year, if you've seen the mailing list
< rcurtin> that definitely doesn't mean that it's not worth submitting an application, if you feel confident that your proposal is good
< rcurtin> wait, I guess I misread your message
< rcurtin> anyway, yeah, I think the mentors here should have at least some spare time still on their hands to help with other contributions
< Rufor> Okay, thanks a lot for taking the time to answer my questions.
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< praveench> Hi
< praveench> I am trying to execute the tests of FeedForwardNetworkTest
< praveench> I have done all the steps
< praveench> when I write bin/mlpack_test -t FeedForwardNetworkTest
< praveench> this is the error which is printed : Test setup error: no test cases matching filter
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< rcurtin> praveench: did you read the error?
< rcurtin> it tells you that you have specified a test suite that does not exist
< wasiq> hey rcurtin a small question,can 2 people get selected for the same idea?
< rcurtin> it's possible if there are two outstanding applications
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< wasiq> right :) i shall attempt outstanding.
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< zick1234> Hi, I'm Shikhar Murty from India. I'm a 3rd year EE major at IIT, Delhi with elective concentration in computer science. I am currently doing a year long research in deep learning (applied to NLP). I understand quite a few algorithms from Deep learning, and have implemented CNNs, and neural networks. Would love to write code for FastML
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< zick1234> I would like to contribute to either implementing GoogLeNet or write some deep learning modules for FastML. I have read about GoogLeNet and ZFNet and have a good idea about how these algorithms work. How do i start?
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< kirizaki> Hi!
< kirizaki> You can start from:
< kirizaki> visit github and ask here and via mailing list ;)
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< zick1234> Thanks! @kirizaki
< zick1234> I am keen on doing a GSoC under FastML. I understand that the applications don't open until next week, but is there something I should be doing right away to increase my chances?
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< wasiq> You could solve some bugs if available for the respective ideas,go through the material and interact with the mentors :)
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< palashahuja> zoq, hi
< palashahuja> dropconnect doesn't need to be developed for arma:Cube right ?
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< Yvenk> what are the bugs that is related with the alterative colloborative filtering methods
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< zick1234> @zoq, I browsed thru all the tickets related to Deep Learning, but it seems almost all of them are nearing an end.. Could you provide a link to a ticket that is related to Deep learning and hasn't been implemented by anyone? Thanks!
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< mk> Hi, I want to participate in GSoC 2015. I am interested in implementing deep learning modules. I have more than 2 years experience in this field and I have implmented CNN, RNN and RCNN in C++. I also have an idea to discuss. Can anyone guide me through basics?
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< awhitesong> rcurtin: hi. updated the copyright. thanks. also just saw the irc logs, strange the message i sent yesterday truncated and didn't reach completely. so was curious, I guess manifold's been off the ideas this year. Is it because stephentu couldn't(?) be there this year or superLU wasn't done yet?
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< travis-ci> awhitesong/mlpack#14 (copyright - 675101c : Dhawal Arora): The build passed.
< travis-ci> Change view :^...675101ceaab8
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< toshad> hi
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< uzipaz_> hey toshad
< uzipaz_> what brings you here?
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< toshad> I am interested in contributing in mlpack for GSOC 2016
< uzipaz_> thats quite nice... do you have any specific topic in mind ?
< toshad> I am interested in the projects 'Implement tree types' and 'Fast k-centers algorithm'
< toshad> Could you suggest any pointers to get started?
< uzipaz_> nice... I am myself looking forward to explore 'parallel stochastic gradient descent' and 'neuroevolution for playing games'
< uzipaz_> you can go to there github wiki page, there is one article especially written for gsoc 2016 applicants
< toshad> thanks!
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< uzipaz_> Has anyone compiled and installed mlpack in Win7 using Cygwin?
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