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< decltypeme> Hi, I wanted to know your feedback about employing multiple classifier systems as a project for GSoC... does it look promising? Are there mentors willing to supervise such a project?
< rcurtin> decltypeme: what do you mean by multiple classifier systems? do you mean multiple different classifiers (like implement decision trees, SVMs, etc.), or do you mean something else?
< decltypeme> I mean fusion of decisions generated by classifiers, like we have a KNN, and a naive bayes classifiers for example, then we combine [fuse] the results to obtain a collective behaviour of the classifiers,
< decltypeme> simplest ways of fusion maybe weighted averages or probability multiplication. However, complex ensemble methods use techniques to obtain variability in children models [at the time of model building]
< rcurtin> oh so ensembling
< rcurtin> yeah, that would be cool
< decltypeme> yes, ensemble methods in classification
< rcurtin> I've been working on a random forest built of hoeffding trees, but that is not as flexible as what you just proposed
< rcurtin> I think it would be interesting, especially if it was generic enough to take any classifier
< decltypeme> yes, exactly, one way of implementation is to deal with the underlying classifiers as blackboxes [that is just one way of it though]
< rcurtin> yeah
< rcurtin> I could be interested in mentoring that
< rcurtin> if you decide to prepare an application, please be sure to detail (among other things) the proposed API, because that's an important part that might need to be discussed a bit
< decltypeme> Let me write a proposal and get back to you by Monday AoE
< rcurtin> I can't guarantee that I will have time to look at it on Monday, but I will try to look when I have a chance
< decltypeme> Sure, whenever you have time
< decltypeme> So the main [technical] points are how the API of the ensemble model will look like and how it will interface with currently implemented classifiers as well as some literature for guidance, anything else you suggest?
< decltypeme> ls
< decltypeme> sorry the last message was to my terminal :D
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< rcurtin> decltypeme: that sounds like a good start, don't forget the timeline and to describe the tests you'll write to make sure that it works
< decltypeme> Do you think the re-factoring work to establish a general class of methods and attributes for the current classifiers in mlpack is too much to be a small module at the beginning of the project?
< rcurtin> that depends on how much refactoring is necessary to make everything work
< rcurtin> for the most part the mlpack classifiers kind of implement the same API
< rcurtin> with a Train() and a Classify() function
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< decltypeme> Another question, is MAP adaptation currently implemented for GMMs?
< rcurtin> I don't think that it is
< decltypeme> I think it may be another idea, I have broken down my ideas to these two. What do you think?
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< rcurtin> decltypeme: sure, either of those would definitely be interesting
< rcurtin> I'm not familiar with MAP adaptation, so if you submit a proposal for that, please do be sure to describe it well
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< saurabh__> hey!!
< saurabh__> I am a new to this community but have done considerable course work in algorithms and machine learning
< saurabh__> I want to get started on one of the suggested project as I am doing the same thing in my course project
< saurabh__> Please help me to get started
< rcurtin> hi saurabh__, have you taken a look at ?
< saurabh__> I have set up an environment for mlpack
< rcurtin> saurabh__: okay, that's a good start. I'd go through the mlpack tutorials next
< rcurtin> I have to go now, so I can't help more right now, but I'll be back later
< saurabh__> I am interested in a long-term project ...................
< zoq> saurabh__: That sounds great, which project has sparked your interest?
< saurabh__> Essential Deep Learning Modules ,
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< zoq> saurabh__: ah okay, I guess it would be helpful to take a look at some of the mailing list discussions:
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< saurabh__> okay thanks!! will go through that and any more suggestion ..... (something to do after that)
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< zoq> saurabh__: Write a good proposal; spend some time thinking about the API of the proposed code and make sure that it fits in with the rest of the codebase.
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< wasiq> rcurtin, hey I'm working on a proposal for the frank-wolfe algorithm implementation,I've a problem with describing the API that i plan to implement. What exactly are you looking for here?
< rcurtin> wasiq: I'm looking for the interface that you plan to implement for your optimizer, so I can look over that interface and make sure it will fit with the rest of the mlpack design
< rcurtin> to be specific for the optimizers, I am looking for an optimizer that has a FunctionType as a template parameter and implements the Optimize() method like the other optimizers
< rcurtin> past that the details of implementation are a little bit less important
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#657 (master - 74d499a : marcus): The build has errored.
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< ranjan123_> anyone out there to help me understand this question.
< ranjan123_> "What areas of machine learning are you familiar with ? "
< ranjan123_> here "areas of machine learning
< ranjan123_> "
< ranjan123_> means what ?
< ranjan123_> can anyone give me some example ?
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< rtriangle> Hello everyone!
< rtriangle> I am interested in project Dataset and experimentation tools. May I ask if it is still open?
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< zoq> ranjan123_: natural language processing, computer vision, a more detailed answer is also possible such as 'familiar with fast nearest neighbor search' ...
< ranjan123_> hmm. got it @zoq. thank you
< zoq> rtriangle: No decisions will be made until the application phase ends, so yes the project is still open.
< rtriangle> thank you)
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< wasiq> rcurtin, got it. Also you mention changes to files such as mlpack_softmax_regression, mlpack_logistic_regression, so that they could use the FW algo.
< wasiq> rcurtin, would it be feasible for us to add it into summer time frame? IMO it shouldn’t take a lot of time.
< rcurtin> yeah, changing the executables should not take a long time at all
< rcurtin> like a day maybe, it's literally just modifying the list of accepted optimizers and writing code to handle the FW optimizer
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< wasiq> rcurtin, yup understood.Thanks.
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