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< alpha> heyy
< alpha> i'm looking for few examples of how to implement neural networks using mlpack
< alpha> so far i'hv found only docs
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< KeonKim> What do you think about having a math operation function in Dataset and Experimental tools?
< KeonKim> I figured that rounding, extracting hours or minuties from a timestamp can help with the preprocessing step. But I worry that there might be a better third party tool.
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< praveench> alpha: Hi. For the implementation of neural networks you can checkout the FeedForwardNetworkTest source code given in src/mlpack/tests/feedforward_network_test.cpp
< praveench> @alpha :
< praveench> The test has a very good implementation of a 3 layer neural net. Would be a good starting point
< praveench> Cheers :)
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< uzipaz> Hey guys, I am not able to reach, getting err_connection_refused both in ubuntu and windows, can you guys confirm?
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< Keon> what do you guys think of this?
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< ranjan123> mlpack server is down !
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< palashahuja> zoq, hi
< palashahuja> could you please review the pr ?
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< rcurtin> ranjan123: looking into it, looks like a oftware upgrade caused the failure
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< praveench> @rcurtin: Hi I am looking forward to implement RBM and DBM in GSOC 16 under Essential Deep Learning Modules idea. I am in a dilemma whether these two would be enough for the summer
< praveench> I have written down on paper the implementation on RBM, it seems quite short. I think it can be done in at max 2 weeks time
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< praveench> I am quite new to this open source field even though I have coded extensively in the personal field
< praveench> I just wanted an expert's view on the same as to if these two are enough?
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< toshad> rcurtin: Reg. issue 275, how about if we create another dataset(or modify the same one) such that the points are stored in a dfs order
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< Dimitris> hello from Greece!
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< Guest83172> Hello from Greece!
< zoq> Guest83172: Hello!
< Guest83172> is anyone here related to Google Summer of Code?
< zoq> Guest83172: yes
< Guest83172> i would like to ask you, a few questions! do you have some time? or would it be better to mail you?
< zoq> Guest83172: Sure, go ahead!
< Guest83172> what would you say to someone who wants so much to be selected to GSoC? I have previously worked on projects like some of the ideas here
< zoq> Guest83172: Sounds good, I would say, please submit your proposal via the google application page :)
< Guest83172> Yes, I am aware of this. But firstly wouldn't I send my proposals or ideas to some mentors? Or am I getting something wrong?
< ranjan123_> zoq:
< ranjan123_> is there any advantage of sending proposal early ?
< zoq> Guest83172: Ah, I guess you like to work on an idea that isn't listed on the ideas page?
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< zoq> ranjan123_: No, we make the decisions at the end of the application deadline. However, if you send your proposal early, we can look over the draft and make comments if you like.
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< zoq> Guest83172: If you like to propose an idea that isn't listed, we can discuss that idea here. If you like to work on a project that is listed on the ideas page I can probably tell you more about that idea.
< Guest83172> what are the criteria of selecting someone for the project?
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< zoq> Guest83172: Take a look at: So writing a good application is definitely a plus.
< ranjan123_> zoq: How days after application deadline usually taken to make decision ?
< ranjan123_> I mean if it is 2,3 days then I will send my draft tomorrow else at deadline.
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< zoq> ranjan123_: It's up to you if you send your application before the actual deadline we can probably make comments. You don't get bonus points or something like that if you send your application days before the deadline.
< ranjan123_> ohk
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< Keon> Hello, I was wondering if youguys could take a look at my idea and see if I am going to the right direction (
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