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< vasanth> Hi, I wanted to know how to run test for a single module. I tried compiling it with lboost_unit_test_framework and armadillo and mlpack, but it returns failure, LD error. I also tried the -static option and setting the dyn_link flag for boost, all of which failed.
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< zoq> vasanth: Once you build 'mlpack_test' ('make mlpack_test'), you can run a single test suite with 'bin/mlpack_test -t TestSuite'.
< zoq> vasanth: A specific test case called 'TestCase' (BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TestCase)) could be run with 'bin/mlpack_test -t TestSuite/TestCase'.
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< Nilabhra> anyone here who has gone through the collaborative filtering codes?
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< vasanth> @zoq, thank you for that it works now.
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< Nilabhra> zoq: Hi! Any idea how many students google has allowed mlpack to select?
< zoq> Nilabhra: Google announces the number of slots after the application period has ended, so no.
< Nilabhra> zoq: I see, well I better work on my proposal then. Thanks! :)
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< kirizaki_> guyz, quick question
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< kirizaki_> I understand that we shouldn't use any inheritance
< kirizaki_> in fuzzy logic for example: class MembershipFunction is parent class
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< kirizaki_> from which another classes derives: Trapezoidal, Sigmoidal, etc.
< kirizaki_> shoud I prevent this?
< kirizaki_> should*
< rcurtin> why not use template policy classes to achieve the same thing?
< rcurtin> kind of like GiniImpurity and InformationGain in src/mlpack/methods/hoeffding_trees/
< rcurtin> (I'm in a meeting right now so I can't respond much more in depth right now)
< kirizaki_> ok, thanks ;)
< kirizaki_> it's good enough
< wasiq> rcurtin, Hey i had spoken to you a few days back about the Frank-Wilde implementation, and one of the things i read in the paper were the different variants of FW.
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< wasiq> such as the approximation,line search for step size,fully corrective,away step variants. Will all these variants be present in our final implementation?
< rcurtin> sure, variants are nice, but it's up to you what you include in your proposal
< rcurtin> if you don't think it's reasonable to include all of those variants inside of the timeline you have, then you can omit them, that's not a problem
< rcurtin> probably, if the optimizer is coded well, it should be easy to write the variants
< wasiq> rcurtin, yeah thats true, the variants have a few trivial differences. In that case the implementation would be the bareback version of FW right?
< rcurtin> definitely we would want the standard algorithm, yes
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< wasiq> Great. Also,I looked through the sgd optimizers code to get an idea of what my implementation should look like, im now running tests to get a feel of the parameters of an optimizer.
< wasiq> Is there anything else i should look into?
< rcurtin> you might take a look at some of the mlpack methods that use the optimizers, like logistic_regression or softmax_regression or nca
< rcurtin> there are some more I think, and I think the ANN code also uses the optimizer interface too
< wasiq> yup,i was looking through the website for this..
< wasiq> I'll get back to you with a couple of problems. :) thanks.
< rcurtin> sure, sounds good
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< ankur> hi any mentors here
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< zoq> ankur: There are always mentors online, but "We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours." :)
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< zoq> ankur: So don't hesitate to ask.
< ankur> I tried to solve this issue
< ankur> but didn't get any errors
< rcurtin> ankur: I saw that, I haven't had a chance to figure out why my system has warnings and yours doesn't yet
< rcurtin> I'm using a Chromebook 2 (which is ARM), maybe that has something to do with it
< rcurtin> with gcc 5,2,0 on a 32-bit armv7l system
< ankur> ok that may be the case.
< rcurtin> I guess it could have to do with the Armadillo version too... my chromebook is using Armadillo 5.200.2
< rcurtin> but I would guess maybe you used some Armadillo 6 version?
< ankur> yes I used the latest version
< rcurtin> hm, maybe try with Armadillo 5.200.2 and see what you get?
< ankur> Actually I want to do something as a proof of concept before my GSoC application for "Essential Deep Learning Modules"
< ankur> what should I do?
< ankur> I will try with Armadillo 5.200.2 today
< rcurtin> what do you mean by your question? I'm not sure how to answer it
< rcurtin> you can easily write some proof of concept code
< ankur> its not related to the issue.
< ankur> its just I wanted to know should I write some sample code before I apply for GSoC
< ankur> so that It increases my chances
< rcurtin> it's not required that you write sample code to apply for mlpack
< rcurtin> it can be helpful, but you should not feel obligated to solve bugs if you can't find anything that is directly related to what you want to do
< ankur> ok
< ankur> but I think solving bugs can give me greater insights of the mlpack code.
< ankur> BTW thanks
< zoq> ankur: You are always welcome to just poke around the library and try to fix any problems you find, or improve the speed of various parts.
< ranjan123_> Hi rcurtin
< ranjan123_> i have just implemented parallel sgd. algorithm 2 from this
< ranjan123_> but I am not getiing expected result
< ranjan123_> over the test cases.
< ranjan123_> maybe proper selection of proper T & m will do
< ranjan123_> do you have any pointer about parallel sgd algo ?
< rcurtin> make sure you have no race conditions or invalid memory accesses
< rcurtin> selecting a different step size could also be helpful in making the algorithm converge
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< ranjan123_> yes! I didn't think of step size but I am sure there is no race conditions. let me play around with those parameter .
< ranjan123_> thanks.
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< ranjan123_> another thing is that
< ranjan123_> there is one extra parameter k .
< ranjan123_> should i include it into the constructor ?
< rcurtin> what does the parameter k represent?
< ranjan123_> I mean as a Private member
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< ranjan123_> k different parallel operation
< rcurtin> did you use OpenMP?
< ranjan123_> yes
< rcurtin> the user can just specify OMP_NUM_THREADS from the command line in that situation
< ranjan123_> hmmm
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< ranjan123_> Thanks Ryan! :D it works absolutely ok for the first test case i.e for minimizing (-e^-|a|) +(b^2) + (c^4+3c^2)) :)
< ranjan123_> going to sleep! tata! :D
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