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< cloudh> if I submit a draft to gsoc, will I receive some feedback? I need suggestion now
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< shub09> Hi, I have submitted a draft to gsoc and can you guys take a look at it and give me a feedback.
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< palashahuja> hello zoq,
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< zoq> palashahuja: Hello
< palashahuja> could you please review the PR?
< palashahuja> also, for neuroevolution algorithms, do we need to create classes for genome, phenotype, mutation etc .. ?
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< zoq> palashahuja: It looks good, once I find some time, I'll go and merge it in.
< zoq> palashahuja: No I think we can implement everything inside the model; using standard and armadillo types
< palashahuja> also, are we restricting to object detection architecture for ANN ? (NEA)
< palashahuja> as per the emulator I have seen
< rajan123> zoq: I am having "branch conflicts"
< rajan123> how can I resolve that ?
< zoq> palashahuja: I'm not sure what you mean.
< zoq> rajan123: Can you tell us more about the problem?
< palashahuja> zoq, you have assigned 3 for Mario player .. that is object detection ..
< palashahuja> I am talking about other detection methods color,noise etc..
< rajan123> when I am sending PR I am geting this error in github "This branch has conflicts that must be resolved"
< rajan123> "Only those with write access to this repository can merge pull requests."
< zoq> palashahuja: Ah, I don't perform any object detection tasks, to get any of the objects (e.g mario, blocks). I just read the memory address (postion and block value) and set some value that indicates the state e.g. 3 for mario or 1 for a regular block.
< zoq> palashahuja: That means there isn't any noise. If you like to get the color we can include that information. But, we don't have to work on the image of the game state. Does this help?
< zoq> rajan123: You need to pull the latest commits from the upstream and merge the changes in. Before opening another pull request.
< palashahuja> yes ..
< palashahuja> zoq .
< palashahuja> thanks
< zoq> palashahuja: If you have another idea in mind, you can do that, there aren't any restrictions.
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< ranjan123> zoq: Thanks!. since the Repository was updated I was getting problem with pull request. :)
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< answersamir> Hi! Read about mlpack at GSOC, built and installed mlpack and explored its functions !
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< answersamir> Was curious if I could contribute in dataset and experimentation tools, any leads ?
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< amar> hi there, a question regarding GSoC
< rcurtin> amar: I can try and answer your question
< amar> thanks
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< rcurtin> answersamir: have you taken a look at the mailing list archive?
< rcurtin> maybe some more information here:
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< amar> i never used mlpack before, is that a problem for applying for GSoC? i just found a nice project listed in ideas page and i think i can contribute
< rcurtin> amar: that's not necessarily a problem
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< rcurtin> as long as you can become familiar with how the code is structured and organized, then it is easy to contribute
< rcurtin> (or, at least, I hope that it is easy :))
< amar> haha i see
< rcurtin> might be useful to read through at some point
< amar> then i'll send an email regarding the project,, after some preliminary discussion i hope to apply officially on GSoC's page
< answersamir> Thanx rcurtin for the prompt reply, I looked into the archive and found 2 applications , currently looking into the issue , thanx!
< amar> and yes,, i've seen those pages
< amar> well not the mailing list archive
< rcurtin> amar: yeah, unfortunately the mailing list archive can be a little difficult to search
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< amar> yes...
< rcurtin> maybe you can use google, I think also that mailing list archive should be on nabble and gmane now too
< rcurtin> which is easier to search
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< amar> well i think i'll just write my letter and see if the mentor likes me or not..
< amar> i hope he will.. haha
< rcurtin> amar: sounds good, which project are you interested in?
< amar> the one with neuroevolution algorithms
< amar> which plays mario lol
< amar> haha
< rcurtin> yeah, there's been a lot of interest in that one
< rcurtin> I think it's a very cool project
< amar> wow haha
< rcurtin> there are lots of posts on the mailing list archive about it, maybe you can find some information there
< amar> bad news haha
< rcurtin> yeah, the various mlpack projects have gotten a huge amount of interest this year
< amar> my master thesis was related to neurons... but it was limited with hardware implementation... now i want to deal more with software side
< rcurtin> neat, were you using FPGAs or something?
< amar> CMOS
< ranjan123> o_O
< amar> yep...
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#661 (master - ca25190 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< amar> i had idea to use fpga's for my PhD projects...
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< ranjan123> amar: what exactly you did with neurons at CMOS level.
< ranjan123> o_O
< amar> well if you do research you'll find many schematic implementations of neurons
< amar> so i was working on those schematic models
< amar> but the electrical synapses are so "expesive" on hardware side
< amar> it takes too much elements
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< amar> and the size on the chip becomes considerable
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< ranjan123> ouuu! Silicon neurons
< amar> yep!
< amar> so in silicon you have and xor nor elements
< amar> but with neural architecture you can have single neuron for all of them
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< amar> they can change their function
< ranjan123> hmmm..
< amar> i was working at synopsys if you ever heard of that company
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< amar> as an analog and mixed signal circuit engineer
< ranjan123> yes I did Internship at AMD. So I know synopsys well. ;)
< amar> yes haha
< amar> all my projects were for samsung
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< rcurtin> amar: that sounds very cool :)
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< amar> well the job become boring very soon as it had lots of porting job
< amar> where you port the same project say from 16nm to 14nm
< ranjan123> haha
< rcurtin> yeah, one of my friends was an analog designer and he spent a lot of time doing layout and other tasks that he was not so excited about
< amar> yes... we were always having some jokes related to layout engineers haha
< amar> very small change in schematic causes a huuuge boring job in layout side
< amar> and you cannot run simulation until you dont have layout done
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< rcurtin> yeah
< rcurtin> he eventually quit his PhD program (he did not like his advisor) and ended up at Linear, and he says that they have layout engineers so he does not have to do it anymore... he's very happy with that change...
< amar> ok... now let me write my letter for GSoc after rcurtin has discouraged me
< amar> haha
< amar> i prefer hell to layout engineer
< ranjan123> In embedded system ("working with brain ")/("working with hand") ---> 0 in industry
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< amar> sorry?
< rcurtin> hopefully I didn't discourage you :)
< ranjan123> sry
< amar> it was a joke.. but you said the project is very popular haha
< ranjan123> it should be inverted
< rcurtin> that's what I thought, I was just making sure you were joking. I think you should definitely get in touch, it sounds like you have some good relevant background experience :)
< ranjan123> haha.
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< amar> haha
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< amar> so is the "The project proposal" for the people who suggest their own idea?
< amar> it should have timeline etc..
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< amar> i cannot write full proposal if i dont discuss it with the mentor
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< rcurtin> amar: hang on, in a meeting
< amar> ok
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< amar> too late here,,, half of my brain is already sleeping haha thanks rcurtin and ranjan123 for your help
< amar> gotta sleeppp
< rcurtin> oh crap, I forgot to respond
< rcurtin> sorry amar
< amar> haha
< rcurtin> if you have a second I'm here
< rcurtin> but if you are too tired it can wait until tomorrow :)
< amar> well ok
< amar> im here
< amar> if you wish
< rcurtin> so the project proposal should be included even if you are planning on doing a project on the ideas list
< amar> sure i understand that
< rcurtin> a lot of the project ideas are open-ended, so it's a good idea to elaborate on exactly what you plan to do
< amar> the thing is that requires you to tell them timeline, what you expect etc...
< rcurtin> yeah
< rcurtin> the timeline doesn't have to be perfect or anything, usually these are flexible in practice
< amar> those things require talking with the mentor i guess
< rcurtin> so if the project is running behind or ahead of schedule, changes can be made if necessary
< rcurtin> yeah, but not necessarily
< amar> i saw a students email wanting to apply for the same project
< rcurtin> if you prepare a proposal without talking with the mentor, they can always leave questions for clarifications or ideas on your proposal after the deadline
< amar> i see
< rcurtin> I hope this is helpful, did I answer your questions reasonably?
< amar> sure you did
< amar> :)
< rcurtin> ok, great :)
< amar> tomorrow ill try to compile mlpack before sending an email and if mentor doesnt add anything ill just write my "best" proposal haha
< amar> thank you so much rcurtin for your help and time!
< KeonKim> :rcurtin the application guide doesn't seem to tell how to submit an application. where should I submit the application?
< amar> via GSoC's page
< ranjan123> yes
< ranjan123> select mlpack there as org
< rcurtin> amar: sounds good
< rcurtin> it may be a few days before a mentor can respond, as you can see there are lots of emails to respond to
< rcurtin> so it's sometimes difficult to find the time to respond quickly :)
< amar> i understand...
< rcurtin> all the mentors are doing this in their free time which is unfortunately not infinite :(
< amar> unfortunately... haha
< amar> i hope they dont forget to answer emails after meetings ;) lol
< amar> haha
< rcurtin> :)
< amar> ok... bye for now and have a nice day!
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#665 (master - 24a224a : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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