changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
< _Rishabh> rcurtin: So any good tree type which you can suggest ?
< _Rishabh> I think Parijat Dewangan is working on vantage point tree.
< rcurtin> _Rishabh: the k-means tree is another idea
< rcurtin> tsmimont: OpenMP is in some of the code, but not very much
< rcurtin> OpenMP is the preferred parallelism strategy
< rcurtin> if you wanted to apply it to some of the mlpack algorithms, you are more than welcome to do so; the contribution would be appreciated
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< uzipaz> rcurtin: do you prefer to see OpenMP used for parallelism for stochastic gradient descent as well?
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< rcurtin> uzipaz: yes, I highly prefer that over pthreads or anything else because it is much cleaner
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< Nilabhra> rcurtin: Hi! I just shared my proposal link, please let me know if what I have written till now makes sense. I will keep updating it as I go through the codebase.
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< mrbean> Hi! I have just submit my draft for dataset and experimentation tools, if there is any advice,please leave a comment.thank you!
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< rcurtin> mrbean: I'll take a look when I get a chance, thanks
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< ranjan123> hii !
< ranjan123> one of idea is to add genetic algorithm module
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< mlpack> zoq, hi
< mlpack> for the baselayer implementation shouldn't there be some sort of conditional declaration
< mlpack> if(uselayer) .. declare something for the baselayer
< mlpack> got it :>
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< skon46> can anyone provide the googlegroups mail for mlpack please ?
< rcurtin> skon46: there is no google group for mlpack
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< archange_> hi , the page seems to be down .
< archange_> when can we expect it to be back up ?
< rcurtin> archange_: you should be looking at
< rcurtin> how did you get to the site you were looking at?
< rcurtin> is there a bad link somewhere on the mlpack website?
< archange_> the google search returns this link
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< archange_> I just found a broken link linking to the same link on this page :
< archange_> under the 'simple mlpack programs' hyperlink
< rcurtin> archange_: okay, thanks, I'll look into it
< rcurtin> I think maybe I should have an automatic redirect to handle the google links
< archange_> yeah , that should probably help
< archange_> I wanted to know if the implementing tree types project could be assigned to more than one student ? as there are probably too many trees to be implemented by one student in a summer .
< nilabhra_> rcurtin: Hello! I drafted the abstract for my proposal, please let me know if what I have written till now makes sense. I will keep updating it as I go through the code base.
< rcurtin> archange_: that's a possibility, but I'd consider it unlikely because Google will not give us very many slots. it depends on the quality of the applications we receive
< rcurtin> nilabhra_: I will take a look and comment when I can; I think I already told you that
< archange_> okay and also how many trees should one look at trying to implement , keeping the limited timeframe in mind ?
< archange_> sorry if the questions are amateurish , first timer here :)
< nilabhra_> rcurtin: I am sorry but I didn't find a reply in the logs, sorry for the inconvenience.
< rcurtin> nilabhra_: maybe I responded to someone else, either way, when I have a chance I will look. I'm sure you can understand how busy everything is. we will probably receive 50 or 60 proposals and I am only able to devote spare time to GSoC...
< rcurtin> achange_: three might be reasonable. have you looked through the mailing list archives? there is a lot of information there
< nilabhra_> rcurtin: totally understand you, can you tell me how detailed the proposals need to be?
< rcurtin> we need to be able to understand what you plan to implement, what the API will look like, and what your timeframe is
< rcurtin> and we also need to be clear that you understand the algorithms you are going to implement, so a section detailing the algorithms (instead of just referring to the papers) is helpful
< rcurtin> I have to go to lunch, back later
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< nilabhra_> rcurtin: That really helps! Thanks :)
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< chrishenx> can someone accept my request to join the mainling list?
< chrishenx> please
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< skon46> archange_ can we discuss about gsoc ideas here ?
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< skon46> can we discuss clarifications regarding gsoc 16 here . Thanks .
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< skon46> can anyone approve my rquest to join the mailing list , thanks
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< skon46> rcurtin can I discuss about gsoc ideas here ?
< nilabhra_> skon46: ryan is out for lunch, please wait
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< skon46> oh , okie thanks nilabhra_
< skon46> nilabhra_ , can we discuss about gsoc ideas here ?
< nilabhra_> skon46: umm sure I guess
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< rcurtin> chrishenx: no approval is needed to join the mailing list
< rcurtin> but you do need to be on the mailing list to post to it
< rcurtin> skon46: sure, I can try to help clarify things, but please read through other documentation before asking questions because your question may already be answered there
< rcurtin> (there is lots of information in the list archives)
< chrishenx> rcurtin: Oh I see. I was confused with the subscription request. I did't saw the link to the archives.
< rcurtin> chrishenx: you can subscribe here:
< rcurtin> if you have a problem, or if the request is denied for some reason, let me know and I can look into the issue :)
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< chrishenx> rcurtin: Thanks a lot! I am sending a message for the community to know me.
< chrishenx> throw the mailing list
< chrishenx> And also I have already sent the request to subscribe to mlpack mailing list
< rcurtin> okay, sounds good, let me know if you have any problems
< ranjan123_> hello
< ranjan123_> I am getting
< ranjan123_> this mail :
< ranjan123_> Your request to the mlpack mailing list Posting of your message titled "Suggestions needed for GA" has been rejected by the list moderator. The moderator gave the following reason for rejecting your request: "Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list." Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator at:
< ranjan123_> from
< rcurtin> ranjan123_: did you read the error message?
< rcurtin> "Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list."
< rcurtin> that means you need to be subscribed to the mailing list to post to it
< ranjan123_> but I am already a member
< ranjan123_> ok . let me check it out
< rcurtin> did you post from the same email you are subscribed with? that might be the problem
< ranjan123_> yes
< ranjan123_> I subscribed with the same mail id
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< abhishek_rand0wn> I want to work for the idea of automatic bindings, i am proposing bindings for R, I have checked out the code
< rcurtin> ranjan123_: you posted from, if the list says that that email is not subscribed, then that email is not subscribed
< rcurtin> abhishek_rand0wn: I saw your email. there are already R bindings for mlpack through the rcppmlpack project:
< rcurtin> the automatic bindings project is a lot more complex than just using Rcpp; let me find some mailing list links where it has been discussed in previous years
< abhishek_rand0wn> What exactly do we need to achieve in automatic bindings?
< abhishek_rand0wn> Ok i get some of it, You want to create a binding generator which
< ranjan123_> rcurtin: not I got this mail:-> An attempt was made to subscribe your address to the mailing list You are already subscribed to this mailing list.
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< ranjan123_> *now
< abhishek_rand0wn> turns mlpack exe code to a lang R/Pyt/MATLAB
< rcurtin> ranjan123_: that is confusing, is it possible that you sent the email that got rejected before you subscribed?
< rcurtin> try sending it again... let's see what happens...
< rcurtin> abhisek_rand0wn: yeah, basically. I can't seem to find an email in the list archives where I wrote about it
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< rcurtin> but, basically, the mlpack programs are currently structured such that they load parameters, run the algorithm, and save results
< rcurtin> only that second part needs to be done in C++... since we have defined an interface to the programs with PARAM_STRING() and other macros like that, we know what parameters can be given as input
< rcurtin> so it should not be too hard to process these parameters in order to produce, e.g., a MATLAB function with the same parameters
< rcurtin> and then this MATLAB function can use the same "run the algorithm" code
< rcurtin> probably a good place to start is to take a look through the programs in mlpack (i.e. src/mlpack/methods/det/det_main.cpp, for instance)
< rcurtin> and see how they are structured
< rcurtin> and then start thinking about how we can process the PARAM_*() and PROGRAM_INFO() macros in order to produce bindings for any language
< abhishek_rand0wn> So we need to use C++ to R for loading the parameters
< rcurtin> we'll certainly have to restructure the way the programs are written, and that's fine
< abhishek_rand0wn> and rest is already done
< ranjan123_> rcurtin: ok
< ranjan123_> rcurtin: it that a good idea to implement GA
< ranjan123_> ?
< rcurtin> ranjan123_: I see the email, it got flagged again, I wonder what the issue is
< ranjan123_> is that a good idea to implement GA ?
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< ranjan123_> hmm
< ranjan123_> ohh
< ranjan123_> I get it
< rcurtin> abhishek_rand0wn: sort of, but we need bindings for more than just R, we need it for other languages too (preferably it should be easy to add support for other languages)
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< abhishek_rand0wn> yes i have worked with both MATLAB and Python, so if we succeed in one lang
< rcurtin> ranjan123_: I see what it is; you're subscribed to the list as but you sent as :)
< abhishek_rand0wn> Others wont be a problem
< ranjan123_> previously I have replied someone, for that may be
< rcurtin> ranjan123_: I'll respond to your question in the email, so that the response is easier to find if someone wants more information later
< rcurtin> (the IRC logs are hard to search)
< ranjan123_> ok..
< ranjan123_> :)
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< chrishenx> rcurtin: is there any way I could get a review of my proposal before submit the my application?
< rcurtin> chrishenx: we can review the application once it's submitted
< chrishenx> Ok
< rcurtin> so I would go ahead and submit. when I have a chance I will look over it, but I should say, there are very many applications and I can't spend much time with each one
< rcurtin> it may be some days until I am able to take a look
< chrishenx> got it.
< rcurtin> chrishenx: did you manage to subscribe successfully to the list? I didn't see an email
< chrishenx> I sent a request yesterday, but I will send another right now
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< rcurtin> okay... if you are subscribed to the list then you should be able to send emails to it
< rcurtin> the reason subscription is necessary is to help prevent spam
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< u8sand> does mlpack implement gradient boosting somewhere?
< rcurtin> u8sand: we have adaboost, but not gradient boosting
< rcurtin> thanks for the PR, by the way; I'm backlogged with other PRs at the moment but I should be able to merge that by the end of the day
< u8sand> haha no problem, I'm exploring the code as of now and seeing if there is something I might be able to contribute
< rcurtin> if you wrote a gradient boosting implementation, I'd be glad to include it
< rcurtin> let me know if that's something that you want to do, and we can discuss the design of the code and how it would fit in with the rest of mlpack
< u8sand> rcurtin: I'll certainly look into doing that; I'll probably be back in a day or two when I'm more familiar with the structure of mlpack
< rcurtin> sure, no hurry
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< jeshuren> Hello! I am new here and would like to contribute to mlpack. I have thought of applying for GSoc'16. Just wanted to know if there is any possibility of peer review/discussion of proposal before submission?
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#634 (master - b3fe523 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#636 (master - c487c58 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#637 (master - 05c6551 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< palashahuja> zoq, hi
< palashahuja> I am having a problems when I am placing the default constructor for the layer type
< zoq> palashahuja: Hello
< palashahuja> *inputlayer
< palashahuja> how should I initialize the constructor in that particular case ?
< zoq> palashahuja: Can you show me the error?
< palashahuja> error: no matching function for call to ‘mlpack::ann::LinearLayer<>::LinearLayer()’
< palashahuja> outSize(outSize)
< palashahuja> error: no matching function for call to ‘mlpack::ann::LinearLayer<>::LinearLayer()’
< palashahuja> outSize(outSize)
< palashahuja> error: no matching function for call to ‘mlpack::ann::LinearLayer<>::LinearLayer()’
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< zoq> palashahuja: Thanks!
< palashahuja> could you please give me an idea how to proceed ?
< zoq> palashahuja: I guess, to solve the issue we should create an empty layer and use that empty layer instead of the linear layer as default.
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< zoq> palashahuja: Does that sound reasonable?
< palashahuja> so I guess the default value for the inputlayer should be baselayer
< palashahuja> or remove the default layer remove entirely?
< palashahuja> *entirely
< zoq> palashahuja: But if a user wants to use the internal linear layer he needs to specify a layer, just because we need a type.
< palashahuja> that is correct ..
< zoq> palashahuja: I guess if we create an empty layer and use that layer as default it's fine: class EmptyLayer { /* Nothing to do here */ };
< palashahuja> Should I initiate that inside dropconnect layer ?
< palashahuja> or create a new file ?
< zoq> New file would be great.
< palashahuja> ok .. thanks
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#638 (master - 3b5e67f : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#639 (master - e3d7010 : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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< palashahuja> zoq, it still wouldn't work
< palashahuja> or should I just create empty methods inside emptylayer
< zoq> palashahuja: same error?
< palashahuja> no a different error
< zoq> yeah, I guess you have to specify Weights() etc.
< palashahuja> so should I just create empty method
< palashahuja> *methods
< zoq> palashahuja: yes, good idea
< palashahuja> for the mnist dataset, I am getting a warning that says this
< palashahuja> Mat::load(): couldn't read mnist_first250_training_4s_and_9s.arm
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< palashahuja> stupid mistake ... got it
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