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< palashahuja> zoq,rcurtin would we need a parallelization architecture for GoogLeNet ?
< palashahuja> zoq , rcurtin would we need a parallelization architecture for GoogLeNet ?
< palashahuja> because googlenet would require a lot of computational resources
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< Nilabhra> can anyone tell me the difference between the name.cpp files and the name_imp.cpp files?
< Nilabhra> I mean what factors differentiate them?
< mentekid> Nilabhra: I think you mean .hpp right? From what I have figured:
< mentekid> * name.hpp is function/class declarations
< mentekid> * name_imp.hpp is the implementation, so the code for each function/class
< Nilabhra> mentekid: no I meant cpp
< mentekid> *name_main.cpp is the source compiled to make the executables in the build/bin/ folder
< Nilabhra> mentekid: have a look at mlpack/methods/cf/
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< Nilabhra> mentekid: it has cf.cpp and cf_impl.cpp
< mentekid> I only see cf.cpp and cf_main.cpp, the impl is hpp in my folder
< palashahuja> I think the impl is more inclined towards the implementation that is more user oriented
< palashahuja> because it has all the program files where all the documentation as well it is taking input from the user
< palashahuja> I am talking only about cf here
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< palashahuja> cf_main has int main(..) in it
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< Nilabhra> palashahuja: yeah I realized that, but thought there would be more factors of differentiation. The "impl" is a little elusive. Thanks all of you for your replies :)
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< ranjan123> Happy Holi from India. :D
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< Nilabhra> happy holi ranjan123
< Nilabhra> rcurtin: Hi, I have just finished writing my proposal. When time allows it, please make suggestions. Hope it's informative enough.
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< DipeshCS> Hello all, Is there anyone applying for Implement Tree Types in GSoC 2016?
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< amar_> hi there, any idea why this error is happeing
< amar_> oops sorry
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< uzipaz> It seems that I cannot train a multi-layered perceptron model using the mlpack_perceptron program, can anybody confirm this? Also, does the mlpack library has support for multi-layered perceptrons?
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< apirrone> Hello there
< apirrone> i'm trying to build mlpack, but i have an error, i can't figure how to solve it
< uzipaz> describe the error
< apirrone> the error is : "c++ :error :unrecognized command line option '-ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0'
< apirrone> when building discrete_distribution.cpp.o
< apirrone> (which is weird btw)
< apirrone> armadillo, cmake and boost are installed, and i followed the procedure described on the github Readme to build
< uzipaz> try updating your g++ compiler
< uzipaz> a quick search on google is telling me its probably compiler being outdated
< apirrone> really? i couldn't find anything with "-ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0"
< apirrone> thanks, i'll try
< uzipaz> try updating your g++ compiler
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< apirrone> I think i'll have to update my debian distribution... thanks anyway
< apirrone> i'll do that when i have the time
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< zoq> palashahuja: Could be interesting to parallelize the architecture using OpenMP.
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< uzipaz> It seems that I cannot train a multi-layered perceptron model using the mlpack_perceptron program, can anybody confirm this? Also, does the mlpack library has support for multi-layered perceptrons?
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< zoq> uzipaz: It's a single layer perceptron.
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< rcurtin> uzipaz: that perceptron code should probably be replaced with the ANN code in the long run anyway, so I am hoping that in the future it will go away, but I don't think it's time for that yet
< uzipaz> zoq: is there are a way to specify multi-layered perceptron? Is there support in the library, I am going through the source code but unable to find anything about multiple hidden layers in ann
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< zoq> uzipaz_: You could use the FFN class from the master branch.
< uzipaz_> zoq: thanks for answering, I was originally using WEKA to train this dataset that comprises of about 1500 features and 2000 samples, with ANN but it was just too slow
< uzipaz_> zoq: Hence, I am trying to do the same with this mlpack library, figuring that it wil speed up the process because its implemented in C++
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< rcurtin> uzipaz_: do make sure you compile without debugging and profiling symbols if you want it to be fast :)
< rcurtin> when you call cmake, you can just specify -DDEBUG=OFF -DPROFILE=OFF
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< uzipaz_> rcurtin: thank you for the tip, I don't know how to specify multiple-hidden layers with ann in mlpack, mlpack_perceptron suggests that it only works for linearly sperable data and hence, it may not work
< zoq> uzipaz_: Yeah, weka isn't the fastest library :)
< zoq> uzipaz_: If you tell me your network architecture I can probably tell you how to replicate that using the mlpack code.
< uzipaz_> zoq: I do not have an explicit network architecture to work with, I was thinking that I would specify number of hidden layers between the input and output layers and also specify the number of neurons for each of those hidden layers
< uzipaz_> zoq: I want to experiment with architectures of different complexities and see how they work on this particular dataset
< rcurtin> uzipaz_: this may only be a place to start, but you might take a look at the tests in src/mlpack/tests/feedforward_network_test.cpp
< rcurtin> and maybe you can base your code on the tests there
< rcurtin> I think this is less good than the answer zoq can give but maybe it is still helpful :)
< uzipaz_> rcurtin: I appreciate the help :) I will check the source code
< zoq> nah, it's probably the best way to start :)
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< palashahuja> zoq, hi
< zoq> palashahuja: Hello
< palashahuja> is there a requirement for a parallelization architecture for GoogLeNet ?
< palashahuja> Should I include in that proposal?
< zoq> palashahuja: No, but it could be interesting.
< palashahuja> Also, how are we going to do the training ?
< palashahuja> the ILSVRC dataset is the order of 800 GB
< zoq> Yeah, it's huge, I guess we could test it on a small subset.
< zoq> The interesting part is the inception layer.
< palashahuja> Yes, I think that I should focus on that for now .
< zoq> And of course the special network structure, we have to figure out how to split the network.
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< zoq> palashahuja: Btw. I merged the DropConnect code. Thanks for the contribution.
< palashahuja> Thanks for merging the PR
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< palashahuja> or we could do something on Azure
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< palashahuja> or a platform as a service
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< zoq> palashahuja: yeah, I guess we could do that, to get a pretrained model.
< palashahuja> yeah
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#679 (master - 11b4b5e : marcus): The build passed.
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< chrishenx> Hi there, I have submitted my draft, can I get a review for it?
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< rcurtin> chrishenx: I will look if there is time
< chrishenx> rcurtin: thanks!
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< toshad> rcurtin: In the "Implement tree types" project, can I consider adding multi-vantage point trees rather than ( or along with) vantage point trees
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< rcurtin> sure, please provide a reference in your proposal to the literature on multi-vantage point trees
< toshad> sure, thanks
< toshad> Its here in case you want to read it now. :)
< rcurtin> no time now, but thanks for the link :)
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< miku> Hey, I was interested in a few proposed ideas for GSoC, but haven't been able to contribute a patch until now. Will stuff like "Fast k-centers Algorithm & Implementation", which seems more research than implementation based, require such contribution?
< rcurtin> yeah, all of the GSoC projects do require a code component
< rcurtin> so although the k-centers algorithm is research based, we'll have to have at least some prototype implementations and code by the end of the semester; it can't all be theory (unfortunately)
< miku> Oh that's fine!
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< miku> I meant, I haven't been able to contribute anything as of yet. Would you expect that before considering the application?
< rcurtin> ah, sorry, I misunderstood
< rcurtin> no, contributions aren't required before submitting an application
< Jim___> hello. yesterday I submitted a draft via Google Summer of Code website. would I send it to you? or you would just review it from there?
< miku> Alright, thanks :)
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< rcurtin> Jim___: there are currently about 50 proposals and about 2 mentors actively reviewing them in their spare time, so I wouldn't expect much of a response, unfortunately
< Jim___> so I am going to send it anyway?
< rcurtin> I don't know what you mean
< Jim___> I mean
< Jim___> I won't wait for a review of the draft
< Jim___> I send my proposal anyway directly to Google
< rcurtin> ah, okay, yeah
< Jim___> right?
< rcurtin> if we need any clarifications we can ask you questions after the deadline
< rcurtin> I'm sorry that I can't put time into looking over your proposal; I'd like to, there are just too many of them and not enough time :(
< miku> Where can I find the current list of proposals? Thanks.
< rcurtin> miku: those are private, I think as a student you can only see what you have submitted
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< miku> Oh alright :) Given that I'm rather late in applying, would have liked to know which projects are less crowded. Any way I could get that information?
< rcurtin> miku: I don't think I'm supposed to share that, sorry. you might take a look on the mailing list to see what has been talked about a lot and what has been talked about less
< miku> Cool, not an issue. Thanks for the help :)
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< rcurtin> miku: sure, no problem
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< rcurtin> palashahuja: if you want, add your name/email to the list of contributors in src/mlpack/core.hpp and COPYRIGHT.txt and I'll merge it in. but don't feel obligated to if for some reason you don't want to :)
< palashahuja> rcurtin, I'll do it right away
< rcurtin> okay, sure, no hurry :)
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< toshad> rcurtin: among UB trees and Hilbert trees, if I had to choose one, which would you suggest?
< rcurtin> do you mean Christos Faloutsos' Hilbert R-tree?
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< rcurtin> if so I would personally lean towards the UB tree, but it's up to you
< toshad> yes
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< rcurtin> most of the code is already in mlpack for the hilbert R tree, so I don't think it would take very long to implement
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< rcurtin> you could look at src/mlpack/core/tree/rectangle_tree/ for the other R tree variants
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#680 (master - e3b4189 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< toshad> Well, the Hilbert R-tree does look pretty involved but I couldn't find any good literature on UB trees
< toshad> could you suggest anything?
< rcurtin> not more than what I saw on google scholar when I typed in "ub tree"
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< rcurtin> you could probably follow some of the references there to find the original paper that introduced the UB tree
< toshad> fine :)
< toshad> thanks
< rcurtin> sorry I can't be more helpful
< na1taneja2821> @rcurtin Hi, I would like to know how can we test the implemented tree types? I have found some parameters related to nearest neighbour search. I don't think any specific tests are implemented for any other trees except the unit tests.
< rcurtin> how you test the trees is dependent on the tree itself
< rcurtin> you may also consider taking a look at tests that use the trees in other algorithms
< rcurtin> like the NSModelTest and RSModelTest for instance
< na1taneja2821> ok thanks
< na1taneja2821> Also, do we need to specify the unit tests that we will be implementing for the tree types
< rcurtin> it would be helpful to provide details on the tests that you plan to implement
< na1taneja2821> ok
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