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< uzipaz> Hey guys, I am having trouble compiling the test files given in mlpack, can anybody help me?
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< uzipaz> Hey chirshenx
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< zoq> uzipaz: I guess we could help, if you tell us more about your problems.
< uzipaz> Hi thanks for the reply, i successfully compiled and installed the library, i tried compiling the allknn_test.cpp in mlpack/src/mlpack/tests, but i am getting compilation error about undefind references
< uzipaz> however, I am able to use the library programs such as the mlpack_allknn from the command line just fine
< zoq> Ah, in this case take a look a this 'issue':
< zoq> Once you build mlpack, you could run the 'AllkNNTest' TestSuit using 'bin/mlpack_test -t AllkNNTest'
< uzipaz> hey, thanks for pointing that out, that hugeass error looks very similar to the one i am getting, a lot of undefined references
< zoq> And a single test with 'bin/mlpack_test -t AllkNNTest/DualTreeUnmapTest'
< uzipaz> oh, so there is already a program written in mlpack that runs the test for you and you can specify particular tests
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< zoq> Right, 'mlpack_test', I guess you could build a single test file by adding a main method and maybe by replacing some defines. But it's easier to just use cmake/make to build the test for you.
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< uzipaz> it works!!!
< uzipaz> the test ran but returned some errors, 'error: qr(): use of LAPACK must be enabled'
< uzipaz> I installed armadillo and it says the LAPACK is included in that package
< zoq> How do you installed armadillo?
< uzipaz> sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
< uzipaz> did I miss a step?
< uzipaz> when I ran cmake while building mlpack, I made sure there were no dependencies left unresolved
< zoq> hm, actually that should work, do you have multiple versions of armadillo installed?
< zoq> It's pretty late here, so maybe we can find a solution tomorrow?
< uzipaz> i cant tell, i tried sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev, it installed it again, i ran the test once again, but i am getting the same error
< uzipaz> alright, thank you for your time, have good night
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< uzipaz> I reinstalled armadillo, and I did clean rebuild of mlpack, I ran mlpack_test -t AllkNNTest, it failed on assertion = false and SIGABRT (application abort request) was called by the program, in total 3 failures detected in test suite "mlpacktest"
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< aarc> Hi zoq! I got a problem when installing mlpack1 Could you tell me when you will be online and we can discuss it tomorrow?
< uzipaz> Hey aarc, I also struggled with building/installing mlpack because I am accustomed to these IDEs doing all the dirty work for me, I have successfully got mlpack working now, I think, maybe I can help you out
< aarc> thanks! let me describe it
< aarc> actually, I think my problem isn't about the installion
< aarc> sorry about that
< aarc> it's one of the specific projext
< aarc> project
< aarc> Neuroevolution algorithms
< aarc> and I can't get lua-gd installed right
< aarc> but your reply is still appreciated
< uzipaz> is lua-gd part of the nes emulator module?
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< aarc> it is one of the dependencies
< deej_> Hey, I am planning to apply for GSoc this summer.
< deej_> I wanted to know how many students will mlpack be accepting
< uzipaz> aarc: here,, did you try downloading and installing from this source?
< aarc> no ,not this. you succeed with it?
< uzipaz> aarc: i will try
< aarc> btw, uzipaz, you are also interested in this project?
< aarc> i will give a try , too
< uzipaz> aarc: yes, I am
< aarc> bravo :D
< uzipaz> aarc: :D, right now I am trying to run these test programs provided by mlpack, but they are failing on me... :(
< aarc> post some error, maybe i can help
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< uzipaz> its a bit long error, for what I understand, some assertion is failing and the program than aborts itself and throws std::runtime_error
< uzipaz> aarc: can you try running mlpack_test -t AllkNNTest
< uzipaz> aarc: and see what happens
< aarc> uzipaz:ok
< aarc> uzipaz:sorry i gotta go. i have something to deal with. we can discuss latter
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< uzipaz> Hey guys, I have mlpack installed, but ./bin/mlpack -t AllkNNTest is failing on an assertion and throwing std::runtime_error and in the end, have 3 failures in test suite mlpack_test, can anyone help me with this?
< uzipaz> However, I tried using mlpack_allknn as described in the of the repository, it works as advertised
< uzipaz> Also, just finished running bin/mlpack_test -t FeedForwardNetworkTest and it ran just fine with no errors detected, so hopefully im doing with things right i guess
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< christie> if anyone is having a hard time compiling mlpack programs using g++ , you can use this link, i've added the necessary link libraries
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< zoq> aacr: Hello, could you solve the lua-gd problem?
< aacr> Hi, zoq! thanks for your reply!
< aacr> i have installed lua-gd successfully
< aacr> but another problem comes up
< aacr> i download the zip from , extracted it
< aacr> installed all the dependences
< zoq> aacr: sounds good
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< zoq> aacr: Maybe you can tell me more about the other problem?
< aacr> yeah, i'm trying, please wait a moment :P
< zoq> aacr: ah okay, no hurry
< aacr> then, i do cmake and make just as the tutorial says, but igot this
< aacr> CMakeFiles/nes.dir/nes.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol '_ZN2cv8imdecodeERKNS_11_InputArrayEi'
< aacr> error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
< aacr> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status CMakeFiles/nes.dir/build.make:93: recipe for target 'nes' failed
< aacr> make[2]: *** [nes] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:60: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/nes.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/nes.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:76: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2
< zoq> aacr: How did you install your opencv?
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< aacr> ah, let me see
< aacr> i download it from
< aacr> and mkdir build, cd build , cmake ../ mak
< aacr> mak
< zoq> aacr: Do you windows?
< aacr> ubuntu 15.04
< aacr> and its version : opencv 3.1.0
< zoq> aacr: hm, and you can't use apt-get to install libopencv-dev?
< aacr> I didn't try this
< aacr> now I'm installing with apt-get
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< zoq> aacr: My guess is that when you manually build opencv you have to specify some parameter to build imgcodecs.
< aacr> well, after installing opencv with apt-get, and I run make, get the same output
< aacr> :(
< zoq> Can you remove the build directory and rerun the steps: cmake make ...
< aacr> let's give a shot...
< zoq> Hm, it looks like since opencv 3.0 you need to link against opencv_imgcodecs.
< aacr> how to link? when doing make?
< aacr> btw, it failed too after rerun cmake make ..
< zoq> aacr: It looks like I have to modify the Makefile for opencv 3.0, one moment. Maybe you can test the change afterwards?
< aacr> of course.
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< aacr> and it's a bit late here, I will try it tomorrow.bye
< zoq> aacr: okay, see you tomorrow
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< palashahuja> zoq, hello
< palashahuja> could you please review the pr
< zoq> palashahuja: Hello, sure, probably tonight.
< palashahuja> Any new problem that I could work upon ?
< zoq> palashahuja: No, I'll see if I can add some more "easy" issues in the next couple of days. But, you are always welcome to just poke around the library and try to fix any problems you find, or improve the speed of various parts.
< palashahuja> ok and do you have a format for the project proposal that I could prescribe to ?
< rcurtin> but don't feel constrained by exactly what's written there :)
< zoq> Btw. google suggested to use docs this year so that we can make comments etc.
< rcurtin> instead of melange?
< zoq> rcurtin: "The time has come to say farewell to Melange, the website software which ran Google Summer of Code from 2009 to 2015, and Google Code-in from 2010 to 2014. Both programs have migrated to new websites."
< palashahuja> which optimizers are you referring to ?
< rcurtin> zoq: oh, okay, I didn't see that
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< ankur> Hi mentors, just wanted to know what is expected in proposal for project "Essential Deep Learning Modules"
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#627 (master - f77416e : Mikhail Lozhnikov): The build passed.
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< christie_> <zoq> i've recently updated boost lib to 1.60.0 and facing some compilation errors.. i'm guessing the CMakeLists.txt needs some changes
< christie_> The version is not specified in the CMakeLists.txt
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< zoq> christie_: Hello, I guess removing the build directory and re-running cmake + make helps
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< _Rishabh> hi. I am trying to implement interval tree to add another tree type for dual tree algorithms.
< _Rishabh> I have a doubt - How do we decide which metric should be used to build the tree ?
< _Rishabh> Some trees are metric specific like for RectangleTree we only use Euclidean metric
< _Rishabh> I understand that for RectangleTree we use Euclidean Distance to be sure that we get the straight line distance between 2 points in space which is essential for grouping together nearby objects.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#629 (master - b864df8 : marcus): The build passed.
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< tmsimont> Hi there! I see a little bit of OpenMP stuff in the source, but not much. Is there a lot of parallelism in the mlpack source?
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< tmsimont> I see there was maybe some plan for more parellelism in your 2011 paper:
< tmsimont> "experimental
< tmsimont> parallel MLPACK code is currently in testing. Work is currently ongoing into how to implement
< tmsimont> parallelism while both maintaining a simple API and not incurring large, reverse-incompatible
< tmsimont> API changes. Parallel algorithms are expected to be available in the next major release of MLPACK"
< tmsimont> If there is any more news on this let me know... I'm looking for opportunities to work on some parallel machine learning algorithms.
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< rcurtin> _Rishabh: the interval tree is for intervals, not regular data points... I don't know if that will be a good tree type to implement
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