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< ach__> hi
< rcurtin> ach__: hello there
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< praveench> Hi I am Praveen and I would like to contribute to your project in association with GSoC 2016. I am interested quite a lot in the idea of implementation of deep learning algorithms/architectures. I just wanted to know what architectures you want to implement(only some of them are given in ideas page) so that I can plan my schedule accordingly. Thanks
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< ach__> hi everyone ..
< ach__> I was facing some problems in building the code of mlpack. I did the following steps : (1) Downloaded mlpack-2.0.1 (2)
< ach__> (2) created a build folder and ran the command cmake ../
< ach__> (3) then ran the cmd make
< ach__> the cmake step shows errors : CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:331 (message): txt2man not found; man pages will not be generated. -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
< ach__> Any help on this issue ?
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< rcurtin> ach__: what you printed was a warning, not the actual error message
< rcurtin> look in the CMake output for the actual error message, and then try and go from there
< rcurtin> I have to go to bed now, I'll be back later
< ach__> thanks .. let me try it
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< ranjan123> @ach__ have u installed all the dependent packages that are needed before building mlpack ?
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< s24w> hi. any mentor on?
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< s24w> any mentor on?
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< s24w> I am having problem running mlpack code
< s24w> Can Anyone help?
< anveshi> s24w: Hi !
< anveshi> can you please tell the problem ?
< s24w> Do I have to clone the repo and then follow the installation steps or download their stable version?
< anveshi> s24w: I guess you can do either way
< anveshi> What I did was cloning the repo & following the steps written in Readme
< anveshi> And It is wrking absolutely fine
< s24w> are you applying for gsoc2016?
< anveshi> s24w: yes !
< s24w> So how do you start working?
< anveshi> s24w: I am trying to understand implementation of dual-tree algorithms & tweak with them right now
< s24w> okay. cook
< s24w> cool*
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< s24w> I am not able to import #include <mlpack/core.hpp>
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< s24w> can anybody help here?
< s24w> how to run a typical mlpack program?
< ach__> there are tutorials to refer from
< s24w> I am getting an error
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< s24w> undefined reference to `mlpack::util::CLIDeleter::CLIDeleter()'
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< s24w> anyways got it fixed. was missing -lmlpack
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#575 (master - bc2bd17 : Marcus Edel): The build passed.
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< brawlyzebra> Hello! I'd like to contribute to mlpack through GSOC. I've went over the ideas page and I'm really interested in the neuroevolution algorithms project. From where should I start?
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< zoq> brawlyzebra: Hello, it may be a good idea to go through the papers linked in the project description and to explore the source code, especially the neural network code and the code to communicate with the emulator:
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< brawlyzebra> Thanks for the answer. :)
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< sachin_> hello , i am new here
< sachin_> is it possible to build mlpack in windows?
< zoq> sachin_: Hello, yes, take a look at:
< sachin_> zoq: thanks buddy
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< rahulgoyal> sachin_, see this
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< Guest940> Hi.... I will work with mlpack by google summer of code 2016 and I found my project ( Implement tree types ) now can you send me source code and more information thanks :)
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< ranjan123_> hi
< ranjan123_> if I am using a new library then then where i need give the lib argument to build the whole package ?
< ranjan123_> ok . Done! :)
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< palashahuja> zoq, How do you suggest giving layer to the constructor ? Checking whether the class has `forward` and `backward` methods ? Any suggestions ?
< palashahuja> for dropconnect ?
< zoq> palashahuja: Every layer should implement a Forward and Backward function. About how to pass the layer take a look at the FFN class there should be a constructor that gets an output layer as argument (line 64). We just used the name outputlayer here, in fact you can pass any layer.
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< alex__> hello there
< zoq> alex__: Hello
< alex__> I was doing some research for gsoc 2016 and i saw your projects. They are very interesting, especially the deep learning modules
< zoq> alex__: great to hear you like the ideas :)
< alex__> I saw that, as a prerequisite, you require C++. I've been programming in C and C++ for about 6 years. I am looking forward to develop my skills by doing something meaningful
< zoq> alex__: Yeah, mlpack is completely written in c++
< alex__> that's great
< alex__> hmmm, could you tell me where should I start in order to get ready for appliance?
< zoq> This link might be helpful:
< alex__> i m willing to learn as much as possible about this project
< alex__> thank you and see you soon
< zoq> you're welcome
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