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< Keon> is there any performance testing tool that mlpack uses?
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< Keon> rcurtin: thanks for the review of my proposal!
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< palashahuja> zoq, hi
< zoq> palashahuja: Hello
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< palashahuja> zoq, I have tried looking up something related to pretraining GoogLeNet, but I haven't found anything constructive
< palashahuja> Same goes for ensemble learning in GoogLeNet
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< rcurtin> Keon: sure, no problem. mlpack does use this benchmarking project that zoq made for GSoC in 2013:
< rcurtin> maybe that is helpful? I don't know how helpful it would be for your project, since the benchmarking system there is generally meant to work with machine learning algorithms, not necessarily data loading/saving
< rcurtin> but it's possible that you could use that system to get good benchmarks for what you've proposed
< zoq> palashahuja: I guess, you can always use ILSVRC'12 to pretrain the model and e.g. ILSVRC'14 for finetuning. So I think a good idea is to pretrain the model on e.g ILSVRC'14 and to provide the parameter (weights, etc.) for other users. Does that sound reasonable?
< palashahuja> yes, thank you that's exactly what I was looking out for
< zoq> palashahuja: Sure no problem, I'm glad I could help.
< rcurtin> ILSVRC, they should have picked an easier to pronounce name for their conference :)
< palashahuja> :|
< palashahuja> :)
< zoq> I guess everyone just uses ImageNet (ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge)
< palashahuja> :D
< palashahuja> ImageNet sounds cooler :D
< palashahuja> sound super-heroish ..
< rcurtin> :)
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< meenaerian> Hi, I want to know more about joining google summer of code with mlpack; I'm not sure if I am qualified; am I supposed to be good at machine learning? or to be ready to learn?
< meenaerian> Hi, I want to know more about joining google summer of code with mlpack; I'm not sure if I am qualified; am I supposed to be good at machine learning? or to be ready to learn?
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< zoq> meenaerian: 'The "necessary knowledge" sections can often be replaced with "willing to learn" for the easier projects, and for some of the more difficult problems, a full understanding of the description statement and some coding knowledge is sufficient.'
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< DipeshCS> Hello, I have submitted initial draft of proposal for "Implement Tree Types". Can any of the mentors please review and give some feedback?
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< palashahuja> zoq, rcurtin I have submitted my second project proposal for the GoogLeNet architecture. Please review it whenever convenient
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< miku_> Hey. WRT the Frank-Wolfe project idea, are you *also* looking at the factorized matrix-norms, apart from the optimizations over vectors and matrices?
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< rcurtin> miku_: yeah, it would be nice to be able to handle the specialized cases like that
< palashahuja> zoq , sorry for the permissions issue
< palashahuja> you could review it now
< rcurtin> I think this probably comes down to just having a general enough FW implementation to handle that
< rcurtin> the only one I can think of that would have a current use in mlpack is maybe the matrix trace norm... if I'm remembering correctly right now optimization for an SDP is over the trace norm of the input matrix
< miku_> rcurtin: Alright, but irrespective, I'm thinking it makes more sense to focus on the optimization routines. You'd agree?
< miku_> It would seem that they are the ones more relevant for ML tasks...
< rcurtin> miku_: yes, I agree, we should focus on the implementations that are directly applicable to the types of stuff mlpack already implements
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< rcurtin> ideally though we should try and make the implementation flexible, so that people can easily implement future support for other optimization domains
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< miku_> Sure, will make sure to allow that.
< miku_> From the ideas page, it seemed that you guys thought the OMP was one of the big things mlpack could take away from a Frank-Wolfe implementation. Is there any other use case you guys are particularly looking at?
< rcurtin> I didn't write the idea; I think Stephen was very interested in OMP
< rcurtin> personally I am interested in having it as an available optimizers to complement the existing optimizers
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< decltypeme> rcurtin A question For GSoC proposal, what are the suggested datasets to test against (for classification), like the famous iris dataset for example? What else?
< rcurtin> hmmm, there's a lot of stuff on the UCI dataset repository that I usually do, but they are often very big datasets
< rcurtin> for a unit test it's probably best to stick with something little like iris, or maybe some simple synthetic data you've generated
< rcurtin> but if you are looking for larger datasets for classification, you might try covertype, pokerhand, connect4, mnist
< rcurtin> I think higgs and susy are classification too, but they are extremely large (close to 10M points in 10-20 dimensions)
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< miku_> Any heads-up for testing the FW algorithms?
< miku_> Was wondering what sort of tasks this will work best for, classification or regression...
< rcurtin> I actually don't have the knowledge to be sure which tasks the FW optimizer will be best for
< rcurtin> for testing, we should basically just make sure that it is able to converge to reasonable solutions
< rcurtin> you can take a look at how the other optimizers are tested
< rcurtin> like src/mlpack/tests/sgd_test.cpp, and for instance some of the tests in src/mlpack/tests/logistic_regression_test.cpp
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#682 (master - 5af7dd9 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#683 (master - 998cd7f : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< toshad> rcurtin: I have shared my proposal on the GSoC website. It would be great if you could review it and suggest any improvements in your free time
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< miku_> rcurtin: I've shared my proposal on the site, would really like to get feedback from you. Thanks.
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