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< sohail> hey guys, I'm new to machine learning (takinng a course). This is not for my course, this is my own work. Anyway, I have a binary classifier with a couple of features which are correlated pretty strongly with the output. I don't really know what the relationship is except it is guaranteed to be something like h(x) = 1 iff x_1_low <= x_1 <= x1_high and x2_low <= x2 <= x2_high
< sohail> it seems like overkill to use machine learning for this... perhaps I should just drop outliers on either end? But if there was a simple algorithm that could learn (the user will help with the learning), that would be preferred to trying to figure out the exact relationship
< sohail> btw, when I say "it is guaranteed", I mean "it is probably..."
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< zoq> ohail: Hello, sounds like a simple decision tree would work.
< sohail> zoq: I think you're right
< zoq> sohail: You could test if the decision stump is sufficient for you data.
< sohail> zoq: the dataset looks like this:
< sohail> that's a 2d histogram
< rcurtin> yeah, a decision stump could work if the relationship is simple
< rcurtin> if it's more complex a decision tree might be more useful, but mlpack only has "streaming decision trees" (Hoeffding trees) at the moment
< sohail> how would I Know the difference between something that would be more complex?
< rcurtin> you could just test a decision stump and see how accurate it is, and if it's not accurate enough, you could try something more complex
< sohail> I actually have another dataset I can use as the test dataset, so I'll try that
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< daidaeee> in lars, how could we do the cross validation
< daidaeee> why in lars/lasso, we have to explicitly set lamda1 , normally I guess, the lars could give the full path of lambda during the computation
< rcurtin> daidaeee: lambda is the penalty parameter, I thought this was set to only one value throughout the course of hte algorithm
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< sohail> zoq, rcurtin: I found another interpretation of the data which results in something MUCH simpler. What do you think of this?
< zoq> sohail: Without any labels, it's hard to say something about the representation.
< sohail> zoq: the x label is the "segment of the week" - broken up into 15 minute increments, the y is the number of times something occurred in that week egment
< sohail> an example of how it changes over time (howlonago = days)
< sohail> the "count" label should be "segment"
< zoq> sohail: looks interesting, I guess, you like to predict the number of times something occurred in a segment?
< sohail> zoq: even simpler - will something happen in a segment
< zoq> sohail: Ah right, you said it's a binary decision.
< sohail> Perhaps a simple logistical regression could help
< sohail> let me try that with the test data
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< daidaeee> rcurtin: I guess for LARS implementation, the lambda1 is not static, in the LARS class, there's function called lamdapath : Access the set of values for lambda1 after each iteration; the solution is the last element
< rcurtin> daidaeee: you're right, I see what you mean
< rcurtin> the way the lambda1 parameter is used is to determine when the algorithm is complete
< rcurtin> see lars.cpp:96 -- the algorithm terminates when the maximum correlation among dimensions is less than lambda1
< daidaeee> I plan to sweep the lamda1 from 10-3 to 10+3 outside the function to do cross-validation in order to determine the best lambda1, it's an efficient way?
< daidaeee> or is there better way to determine inside the best lamda1
< daidaeee> or just give a very very small lamda1, say 1e-9, then get lamdapath and betapath, then I just need to determine the best beta out of the betapath using cross-validation
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