changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< travis-ci> darcyliu/mlpack#1 (master - 06a7b34 : Darcy Liu): The build failed.
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< ranjan123> Hello everybody !
< ranjan123> rcurtin: " math::Random() and math::RandomSeed() " what are those function ? can you give me some reference ?
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< zoq> ranjan123: Hello, math::Random() returns a uniform random number between 0 and 1 (double); math::RandomSeed() sets the seed for the rnd generator.
< zoq> ranjan123: For more informations take a look at core/math/random.hpp
< ranjan123> in namespace math ?
< ranjan123> oohh
< ranjan123> now i get it
< ranjan123> :)
< ranjan123> thanks
< zoq> ranjan123: glad I could help
< ranjan123> zoq: May I allowed to know about the number of slots for mlpack-gsoc this year ? :P
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< travis-ci> darcyliu/mlpack#2 (rename_knn - 06a7b34 : Darcy Liu): The build passed.
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< rcurtin> ranjan123: I am not sure if we are allowed to share that information, or if we have to wait until Google announces that next week, so it is probably better to wait :(
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< ranjan123_> ok . :)
< ranjan123_> what is that error in /home/travis/build/mlpack/mlpack/src/mlpack/tests/hmm_test.cpp(285). Build is failing every time for this.
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< travis-ci> darcyliu/mlpack#3 (master - 2bd6932 : Darcy Liu): The build was fixed.
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< rcurtin> ranjan123_: I think maybe it is a problem caused by something I recently committed
< rcurtin> but it did not show up on my system, I guess travis has an unlucky random seed
< rcurtin> I'll see if I can fix it today...
< ranjan123_> it did not show up on my system also
< ranjan123_> hmm
< ranjan123_> ok
< rcurtin> ranjan123_: should be fixed in 0c945f3
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< travis-ci> darcyliu/mlpack#4 (master - fdfb9e0 : Darcy Liu): The build is still failing.
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< ranjan123_> Hope so!
< ranjan123_> wow! My AppVeyor build succeeded ! ^_^
< ranjan123_> success.
< ranjan123_> Please restart my Travis-build.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#754 (master - 0c945f3 : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< travis-ci> darcyliu/mlpack#5 (rename - f13409c : Darcy Liu): The build failed.
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< zoq> ranjan123: Do you have a link to the travis build?
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< Ranjan123_> Sorry for late reply
< Ranjan123_> I am in train.
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< zoq> Ranjan123_: no problem, travis already build your pull request without any problems, so I'm not sure why you like to rerun the build?
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< umberto> Hi, in order to avoid wasting of time to the organization, just wanted to warn that I have submitted by mistake two times same proposal. So the proposal is just one. Thanks, sorry for the inconvenience.
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< rcurtin> umberto: no problem, we saw that and assumed it was an error
< rcurtin> thanks for letting us know :)
< umberto> Thanks a lot for quick answer :), and sorry for late warning.
< rcurtin> sure, it's not an issue at all :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#758 (master - 6982488 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#759 (master - 31dd6c0 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< Ranjan123_> Zoq: you r right , build passed the test failed. So the status is failed
< Ranjan123_> And Ifeel so good and confident if it shows green over there.
< Ranjan123_> :)
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