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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#737 (master - f73d898 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< Guest24490> Hello. My name's Dean. I was here yesterday asking a question about the mlpack_nmf program
< Guest24490> I am having trouble when running the program on matrix V[512][100] that the resulting W and H are filled with NAN. What could be the cause of this issue I wonder? V is initialised with 0, it then later holds Spectrogram data. 512 bins, 100 Frames
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< rcurtin> Guest24490: are you sure the input matrix does not have any NaNs in it?
< Guest24490> Hello again :) Well I was under the impression that it contains all zeros except for where there is STFT data. I strongly believe there's no NaNs
< Guest24490> I have checked that there are no NaNs in the input CSV
< Guest24490> the input is filled with floats for 2 of its columns, then the rest of columns are 0
< rcurtin> hm, is there any chance you can make that file available so I can try to reproduce the issue?
< Guest24490> Sure, no problem.
< Guest24490> I will give you a dropbox link
< Guest24490> I really appreciate you trying to reproduce the issue. Thanks a lot!
< Guest24490> also I am running with -- $ mlpack_nmf -H h.csv -i v.csv -r 5 -W w.csv
< rcurtin> okay, I ran a quick test
< rcurtin> the problem is that by default mlpack_nmf uses the multiplicative update rules
< rcurtin> which divide by W * H * H.t()
< rcurtin> so if W or H have a large number of zeros, this can cause big problems and introduce lots of NaNs
< rcurtin> but your V matrix is mostly zeros, so W and H end up with a lot of zeros
< rcurtin> I would say the right thing to do here is to use a different set of update rules... so you can also specify -u als
< Guest24490> Oh right
< rcurtin> with the ALS update rules it seems to converge to an actual solution instead of dividing by 0
< Guest24490> Yeah that makes much sense
< Guest24490> I was rather confused with this problem that has plagued me all day
< Guest24490> running it now...
< Guest24490> Ah yes!!
< Guest24490> Thank you so much.
< Guest24490> If I could buy you a beer I would man hahaha
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> yeah, so one of the difficulties is that the Lee and Seung paper I linked you to yesterday doesn't really consider what happens when there are zeros in the W or H matrices
< rcurtin> so this leads to weird behavior sometimes
< Guest24490> I see! Yeah I did spend the day pretty baffled with it. And I didn't manage to find anything in the paper. Very happy to have overcame this issue
< rcurtin> unfortunately it's computationally difficult to check for 0s which will cause this NaN issue in the update rules
< rcurtin> I might consider switching the default rules to the ALS rules, but sometimes they can be much slower than the multiplicative distance update rules or the multiplicative divergence update rules
< Guest24490> I see. I will definitely be able to consider this in future now. Thanks for the knowledge
< rcurtin> sure, I am glad we could get the issue worked out :)
< Guest24490> Yes :) there aren't many that I know I can turn to for NMF advice. Excellent! Have a great day !
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#740 (master - 637809f : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< rcurtin> you too, I hope your noise suppression technique is successful :)
< zoq> looks like travis can't fetch the gpg key, hopefully this is just temporary, if not we could force apt-get update to install the package :)
< Guest24490> Thank you :)
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, it seems like it's been down since this morning. I was going to wait a few days before looking into it further and hope it fixed itself
< rcurtin> I saw some days ago that the AppVeyor build also couldn't access some packages with nuget, but that looks like it's fixed now
< zoq> rcurtin: yeah, right, not sure, since the AppVeyor build fails every time, because of this ridiculous time constraints, we could delete the config.
< zoq> rcurtin: Btw, I'm not even sure we need to add the ppa repo to build mlpack.
< rcurtin> yeah, maybe we should remove the AppVeyor config entirely
< rcurtin> hmm, let me try something first
< rcurtin> ok, let's see if 62a9489 does anything
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#739 (master - 3781ccb : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#741 (master - b8f53a4 : Ryan Curtin): The build failed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#742 (master - 62a9489 : Ryan Curtin): The build failed.
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< rcurtin> as a last attempt to try and use appveyor, I sent the team an email to see if anything can be done
< rcurtin> I'm hoping maybe they will make an exception and allow us 90 minutes of build time, but I am not too hopeful...
< zoq> great :), I'm looking into some msbuild flags to speed up the build process, hopefully, the appveyor team can provide some insights and can provide some hints how to speed things up.
< zoq> wow
< rcurtin> yeah, nice, more CPU speed
< rcurtin> hopefully it helps...
< zoq> Hopefully it's for the next build, I'd like to see if switching to debug mode helps.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#744 (master - e047bcf : Marcus Edel): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#745 (master - 6de06f0 : Marcus Edel): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#746 (master - 2e33c5c : Marcus Edel): The build is still failing.
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