but that I'll fix as well hopefully next week
Wizzup: when my iPhone dies, I will get a cheap, used, oldish Android phone that is supported by LineageOS and use it as dumb(ish) phone
the LTE dumb phones either suck or are actually custom low-end Android phones in which Google still has their tentacles
and anything without LTE is no longer an option here in the US, unfortunately
I liked the old days when I had one device that I liked and trusted and used for all sorts of things but I have come to realize that those are not coming back
i built it! i built lagrange. let's see how it works from repos.
unfortunately both on desktop and mobile it doesn't allow you to choose from all fonts recognized by system.
whatever that means.
one needs to paste the font to that screen to add it.
i can do that with keyboard.
but need to connect bt kbd first.
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rafael2k_: let me know if I can help
missMyN900: we/you can look at using android kernel + some userspace as a base with m-l on top like sailfish does, it's just not somethting we strive towards, we want mainline-only
norayr: looks nice @ screenshots
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norayr: re:irc - you may want to get znc/bouncer
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I have been looking for some Debian/Devuan applications that work well on ML/PP again
I realized that Mopidy+Mopidy-Mobile or Mopidy-Iris could work reasonably well as a music player
vlc with some certain skins too perhaps, so I am looking into those
I was interested in trying out sayonara too but apparently it is only available in Bullseye/Chimaera
I am really looking forward to the ML upgrade to Chimaera; then I can finally try netsurf-gtk (3.10) on ML!
uvos: yes, the backlight is definitely on when the black screen bug occurs. That is what I was trying to convey
hmm don't think VLC is using hw accel... Otherwise this MP4 video would not be straining the PP this much
pavucontrol seems to work a lot better now (GTK version) for some reason, then it did last time I tried
status menu volume applet is useless though
it is completely disconnected from the actual volume
(on the PP with current settings, that is)
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smplayer seems to be more efficient but audio was out of sync and now the audio is completely gone...
very unfortunate as it works quite nicely on the PP overall
missMyN900: if you find ones that work well, please make a list
also of things that don't work too well :)
Wizzup: yes, I was thinking of doing that
that would be great :)
missMyN900: i might package netsurf for current version of ml.
norayr: I don't think it is worth the effort if Chimaera will bring it in anyway
i don't know when ml will switch to the chimaera, but maybe you're right.
i was considering it anyway.
for now, someone please add maefat to phoenix.
in a few months from what I've read
ok, let me look at that now
norayr: is it written in C or similar?
norayr: maefat that is
c and gtk2
looks like it
it is already hildonized.
i also need to package amazfish which supports different watches.
it would alse be cool to port that rock... something app, from ubuntu, which works with pebble watches.
I have no clue where to add it this in jenkins... fun
parazyd may know.
only smartwatch I would ever be interested in is the pebble watch
I remember looking into it when I had a Jolla and there was a SFOS app for it
rockpool, it is now as well.
just it works only with pebble classic watches, which aren't as cool as pebble 2, let's say, or pebble time.
pebble classic are pretty dumb, actually. i have one, i use it with sailfish on xperia.
Cortex M/RTOS watches are somewhat interesting to me
this rockpool app which is a port of rocksomething from ubuntu, cannot work with ble devices.
norayr: phone call
the Android and Tizen massively overpowered and power hungry watches are 0% interesting to me
especially if they come with Google spyware as if having a Google Android phone is not bad enough already...
I guess the PineTime also interests me a bit
I think it is Cortex M based too
they need to make a RISC-V powered PineTime 2.0 :D
I guess I should try mpv on the PP even though I don't really like it in general
at least smplayer can use mpv as well...
Wizzup: does Firefox on ML have any tweaks nowadays?
I was thinking that actually you could use FF as a video player too
no hw accel though of course
Wizzup: is openmediaplayer dead by the way?
I think there is a fremantle port of it with some changes, maybe
(still semi afk)
I am going to test feathernotes on ML as well since I use it on my Debian desktop
looking at the GUI it *should* work well
oh wait no hildon keyboard in Qt5 yet, right?
I guess I need to try some gstreamer-based player as well. Probably going to go with the XFCE one since there is no way I am dragging in all the GNOME (3/4) or KDE stuff with Totem or Dragon
missMyN900, i guess hildon kbd will work, if you type latin characters.
just there are two kbds.
one that appears when you tap in the input field, and one which appears
when you press a volume up button. (on pp it is volume up)
it works for me for non-latin characters as well, just i run setxkbmap in maemo terminal all the time
in which app is this?
is there a Qt5 virtual kb?
parole menus are unusable but if you click on the big play icon when no video is playing, then can you get the dialog to open a file
it is clearly not using hw accel but I think audio may be in sync (video is lagging to badly to know for sure)
I am really suspecting that there is connection between hw accel being utilized and audio being out of sync
obviously this is not really a ML issue, more of a linux-sunxi/Devuan issue
it is not really clear to me what accel API is being used and which one is currently preferred
I need to try mpv next
I hate to say it as I am not really an mpv fan
but it seems to be the best player so far
minimal lag if any
and audio seems to be (reasonably at least) in sync
I will try it with smplayer too
battery is dead...
to be fair I did strain it quite a bit today but it was dead in like 4 hours...
did install many applications and strain it with the video testing
21:56 < missMyN900> oh wait no hildon keyboard in Qt5 yet, right?
right not yet
Wizzup: sayonara is not yet available in Beowulf/Buster
we do plan to upgrade to chimeara
but it should be in Chimaera and I noticed it depends on something called qt6-virtual-keyboard
so maybe that could be useful for ML?
what we 'need' or want it to port a piece of qt code from qt4 to qt5 that interfaces with the him
I tried to do it in the summer of 2020 and I got stuck
is Qt5 that different?
they redid a bunch of stuff unfortunately and it required some fixing
I don't remember the specifics now as it was a while ago
is there anyone else who has more experience with that type of thing?
yes, others could do it too, I could maybe too, given time, but it hasn't come up too much
there is a way to invoke the keyboard in any X11 app
I think it should be mapped to one of the buttons, uvos knows
yes, I am familiar with it
I used it in FF
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* _uvos_
posts this on d4 currently 35h uptime on one battery
nice :)
its vol up
on pp
PP is very jealous and sad
did you change anything?
as allready stated
ok, sorry :)
its just having a tood day
_uvos_: yes, I used it the last time I was using ML (last year)
i have no idea why its 50mW sometimes
and 90 others
just realized the pun of zzztop...
is it available already for ML?
I want to try it on the PP
Wizzup: I did some Qt4 dev a long time ago
wrote a very basic SFOS application and got it published in the Jolla Store. That was many, many moons ago
I wonder if it is still in there
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actually I created a desktop version of it too
it was all hosted on Bitbucket but they uncerimonously shut down their Hg repositories some time ago...
Wizzup: do you think it is worth sticking with HIM, actually? Perhaps it is better to just switch to some more modern Qt based solution?
I remember SFOS was(/is?) using Maliit
ultimately, probably, but at this point I am not sure if it makes sense to remove it now, better to support it in qt5, since that is the mai nthing lacking
gtk3 will be pretty easy
I mean, maybe not remove it for Hildonized/GTK2
but maybe it is better to create a new virtual kb for Qt
perhaps not the most beautiful solution but acceptable to me personally and it does not matter for the mapphones/N900 anyway
maybe ML can borrow the keyboard from Nemo?
SFOS keyboard is proprietary but the Glacier keyboard could be used
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mostly a off the shelf vkb like onboard should work
except that ewmh support in hildon is broken
what's that?
so it renders in the wrong place
extended protocolls for x clients to tell x wms what to do
with the windows
and yeah i agree that him is probubly a dead end
unless someone wants to seriously refactor it
I discovered that months ago and reported it here
it is missing kf5-walletmanager
_uvos_: how many Plasma Mobile apps are there in the Devuan repo?
just 2 i think
I am going to try Nemo on the PP soon too
don't really like that they switched to Manjaro but it is probably a good idea to try a Manjaro based image again
and I like Glacier
missMyN900: (smartwatch) did you see the BangleJs? https://banglejs.com/. Can be freely programmed in javascript, a maemo bridge would be possible.
ah that is why Maep is not showing anything
it is trying to get my location
the GPS indicator is showing up in the status area
brings back the memories...
I wonder if it will actually get a fix with the PP
I prefer modrana over maep. Got a fix in the last test
humpelstilzchen: oo that intrigues me
IIRC Modrana did not work for me on the PP when I tried it last year
I remember it from the N900 though
not that I used it much
if only we could have Nokia Maps...
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fix schould work on all devices
fix schould work on all devices
but no agps so takes a very long time
I just really cannot fathom anyone wanting more than a Cortex M in a smartwatch...
What is the point?
Who would want terrible battery life with a watch?
on mapphones you can feed the modem agps info by hand
then it locks fast
yes, I know
but I am being patient :)
it is charging anyway
mayeb you can do that on pp too
network location is greyed out
its not implemented
it says supl.nokia.com, which I guess is dead
there is a PP script that loads agps data from the internet
I guess it talks to the modem?
so it should be distro agnostic?
you also need to enable high resolution time
on mapphones you must have chrony running
otherwise the kernel dosent provide high acuraccy clock if required for agps
don't think I will ever be getting a mapphone though unfortunately
missMyN900: also battery life on banglejs watch is ok, unless you enable gps...
ie ajdtime fails
can't really justify spending money on a smartwatch for the foreseeable future though
wait Maep still doesn't show anything even if I am completely zoomed out
for some reason in maep you can pan away from the entire world
as far as you want
it doesn't matter how far I zoom in or out or what map I select
wait it has crashed
location acquisition has stopped as well
might be 64 bit problem
it works fine on mapphone
maybe check with gdb if you have the time
I believe I had a problem with maep that it did not disable any map until I removed its folders from /home/user
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missMyN900: btw openmediaplayer is not dead, the port is just not finished
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ok that is good to hear
tried SciTE but it is not very useful
I thought it would be GTK2 based and therefore Hildonized
missMyN900: thanks for all the testing btw, please keep notes and make bug reports
* Wizzup
needs to go afk
travelling tomorrow to make the maemo association on Monday
also triggering HIM seems to work with neither pluma nor scite with the current image
at least on PP
volume up does not do anything anymore
Wizzup: cool
i have icd2 on hellaverbose, and it seems that every time i boot, it needs to have ofono reproffision my simcard, while ofono normally stores that based on IMSI
I brought a pinephone and pinetab with me for coming week
do some debugging :)
Woot woot!
I am glad they will represented at the MA :D
Maemo Association :)
haha, never would have guess that one.
wow FoxtrotGPS is working nicely!
I was already familiar with it from the desktop
it is also available on OpenBSD
I wonder if it would be possible to get the GPS to work too
since the PP actually has a GPS module
I am going to get rid of Maep, honestly
maep was a proof of concept port :)
I like it though
it's snappy and low resource
* Wizzup
black screen bug has not really been occurring anymore lately
not even after a fresh boot
I am really happy with ML currently (except for the fact that triggering HIM is broken on the PP now and power management)
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_uvos_: wait, no, it wasn't keepassxc, it was Falkon
Falkon is one of the best browsers on pmOS (at least when I tried it late last year) but it cannot be installed on ML
triggering HIM is completely broken
doesn't work in ScITE, pluma, FeatherNotes (Qt5), Chromium or Firefox anymore
i am enjoying lagrange on pp and maemo.
FeatherNotes looks like it could be great (if HIM works again, that is) on ML
lximage-qt is looking good with breeze-icon-theme installed (and selected in lximage-qt), but I have to test it with actual images
I need to do some more multimedia testing
yond this page: gemini://gemi.dev/apple-folklore/083.gmi
ML needs a redshift status area applet