<Wizzup> uvos: I think we could use dbus-scripts to toggle audio routes as a hack via regs, to test how reliably that works
<Wizzup> dbus-scripts can just act on ofono picking up / hanging up
<buZz> Wizzup: so i still have the same issues of 'instant failure on gprs connect' which does leave wwan3 fully configured but without IP or route
<buZz> i've been able to get into 'have a ip but no route' just once, cant seem to find how i got there
<Wizzup> so no ip and no route just means that icd2 doesn't make the iface up
<Wizzup> have you tried to connect again using the interface when wwan3 is up with ofono?
<Wizzup> and again -please- use mdbus to check
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<buZz> Wizzup: well, it disappears from icd2 UI when i connect to it, as mentioned before
<buZz> restarting icd2 brings it back
<buZz> org.ofono.AllowedAccessPoints.GetAllowedAccessPoints , returns just ([],)
<buZz> ahh, finally
<buZz> org.ofono.ConnectionContext.GetProperties does show route and dns
<buZz> and ip even, as static??
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<Wizzup> buZz: I never had it not come back
<Wizzup> buZz: yes, ofono takes care of getting the ip, so it's always 'static' in that sense
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<buZz> i'm really tempted to just try that new image, maybe something went wrong during build when diskspace was so low?
<Wizzup> possible.
<buZz> backing up now
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<buZz> put the 20220508 image on a new sd card now
<Wizzup> uvos: register 0824 doesn't seem to change if I play music on speakerphone
<Wizzup> uvos__: many other registers change
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<buZz> did https://github.com/pavelmachek/welcome-leste/ move to somewhere? i wanted to fix some typos in the text ;)
<Wizzup> I don't think that's the one
<Wizzup> that's the one
<Wizzup> uvos__: so there's like 20 registers that are different even with just earpiece vs speakerphone it looks like
<buZz> ah ty
<buZz> * Copyright (c) 2021 Carl Phlipp Klemm.
<buZz> i think that name is even a typo?
<Wizzup> I don't think so
<Wizzup> oh yes it is missing an i
<lel> buzztiaan opened a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/salutem/pull/1 (Salutem.html had some typos)
<buZz> just did the user facing stuff, carl can fix his own name :P
<Wizzup> maybe just fix it up anyway?
<buZz> hehe
<buZz> hmm, window is 800x600?
<Wizzup> it will get resized yeah
<Wizzup> please feel free to make any other improvements
<buZz> i noticed the welcome-leste was able to resize SD directly :)
<Wizzup> yeah, not sure which is better.
<Wizzup> we went for this in any case
<lel> buzztiaan opened a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/salutem/pull/2 (Many typos in uvos' name, and some more layouting for the README)
<buZz> ooo interesting
<buZz> already this 20220508 image behaves differently ; when booting the 20220410 with a charger connected, it wont start charging until you remove&replug it
<buZz> 20220508 seems to be fine with it
<buZz> although, this might be because i moved to -devel ?
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<buZz> alright, what was the bundle to install for making it a phone? :D
<Wizzup> I'd appreciate if you could spend some of the time documenting this - it's hildon-connectivity-mobile
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<buZz> hmmm, 20220508 @ droid4 doesnt seem to have the decent keyboard :( (with the OK layer)
<Wizzup> hmm
<Wizzup> could be a first boot thing maybe?
<buZz> i rebooted a bunch of times now, nogo
<Wizzup> hm, ok, will have to check.
<buZz> can i do the hildon-connectivity-mobile without -devel too? guess not super useful?
<uvos__> buZz: its me
<uvos__> everything is a typo
<uvos__> :P
<uvos__> Wizzup: just the register i mentioned and one other is relevant
<uvos__> all others are different
<uvos__> but on purpose
<uvos__> othe one other is the mic amp
<uvos__> but it should work by just seting the output reg correctly
<Wizzup> uvos__: so the register you mentioned is always 0 it seems
<uvos__> yes
<uvos__> all amps are off
<Wizzup> I mean when playing
<uvos__> when in phone mode
<uvos__> no
<uvos__> that cant be right
<Wizzup> that is made like so:
<Wizzup> cat /sys/kernel/debug/regmap/spi0.0/registers > registerlogs/headset-unplugged.txt
<uvos__> you must messure while actively playing
<uvos__> like not just the profile set
<Wizzup> yeah, that's with mpv playing and me hearing it
<Wizzup> (apart from the one file where nothing is playing)
<uvos__> Wizzup: ok im not at home right now
<uvos__> ill check my notes when i am
<uvos__> maybe its the wrong register
<Wizzup> great, ty
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<buZz> fyi, hildon-connectivity-mobile isnt installable without -devel
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> that is on purpose
<buZz> ok :)
<Wizzup> you've probably noticed it's not quite ... end user ready
<buZz> well, its is -in- the not-devel
<buZz> hehe
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<buZz> alright, -mobile is installed on this -devel, lets reboot and see
<Wizzup> buZz: I will be afk for a bit jfyi
<buZz> np, hf \o
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<buZz> is libicd-network-ofono not needed? its not installed now
* buZz installs and reboots
<buZz> right, that does help
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<buZz> seems to be similarly broken as 20220410 after all the setup , meh
<Wizzup> It's weird, it just works for me really.
<Wizzup> maybe there's some step you're missing
<Wizzup> it's hard to debug without getting much info though:)
<buZz> yeah i think it might just be my simcard?
<Wizzup> I don't think so.
<buZz> what do you have on > 03:37:18 < buZz> org.ofono.AllowedAccessPoints.GetAllowedAccessPoints , returns just ([],)
<buZz> ?
<Wizzup> I have no idea what that interface is, but I didn't ask about that
<buZz> i know
<buZz> 03:41:44 < buZz> org.ofono.ConnectionContext.GetProperties does show route and dns
<buZz> 03:41:57 < buZz> and ip even, as static??
<Wizzup> if you get a wwan3 interface at any point in time, it just means it worked.
<Wizzup> and if it shows an ip, then the problem you're seeing is in icd2 not configuring the interface with the settings from ofono
<Wizzup> it = mdbus2/ofono
<Wizzup> so that's very likely -not- the sim card
<Wizzup> for example, for me the data connection does not disappear
<buZz> after the 'connect'/failure (which removes entry from icd2 UI) there's no IP configured, wwan3 is up, and org.ofono.ConnectionContext.GetProperties shows IP, dns, route (as static?)
<Wizzup> how does it 'remote' it from the ui
<Wizzup> do you never ever see the entry again until you reboot?
<buZz> until i restart icd2 , yes
<Wizzup> I don't have that problem
<Wizzup> I just tried it
<Wizzup> it still shows 'KPN'
<buZz> and your APN name, is there any stored in the IAP ui in settings?
<buZz> does org.ofono.ConnectionContext.GetProperties show a APN?
<buZz> for me , both are '' , emptystring
<Wizzup> yes, it shows an apn for me
<Wizzup> 'internet'
<buZz> i feel this might be the origin of the problem
<Wizzup> it's certainly a side effect of libicd-network-ofono not provisioning it correctly
<buZz> configuring -anything- as APN makes it a) not disappear b) work even less (wwan3 isnt up, but!!! still IP/dns/route in org.ofono.ConnectionContext.GetProperties)
<Wizzup> do you have the package with all the apns installed?
<Wizzup> I think it is in the meta, but still
<buZz> i doubt it contains 'youfone' :p
<Wizzup> why would it not
<buZz> its a kinda newish telco?
<Wizzup> dpkg -L mobile-broadband-provider-info
<Wizzup> does that show anything
<buZz> 20170903-1
<Wizzup> no file listing?
<buZz> yeah, its there
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> it doesn't seem to contain youfone
<Wizzup> so maybe just set it via gconf?
<buZz> or just add to that pkg?
<buZz> oh hmm, maybe because its a MVNO
<Wizzup> what?
<Wizzup> no, just use gconf to configure the iap
<buZz> does that do something else than the UI?
<Wizzup> I don't know, have you confirmed that your gconf has the right apn?
<Wizzup> mine has
<Wizzup> gprs_accesspointname = internet
<buZz> i havent, but how could it work without the correct APN?
<buZz> mobile-broadband-provider-info isnt our own, is it?
<buZz> i'll just wedge my operator settings into the .xml
<Wizzup> I mean....
<Wizzup> that xml file is only used once to set the gconf settings..
<buZz> right, i just wanna check if it might change behaviour
<Wizzup> so if you tried what I suggest, to set it in gconf, maybe you wouldn't have to mess with the xml? :)
<buZz> its a bit hard to find -where- in gconf tree to set it without |
<buZz> :D
<buZz> really should start using usbnet more again :)
<buZz> omg omg omg
<buZz> so, with my network in the .xml , failed gprs connects do -not- remove it from ICD2 UI
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<buZz> and, on second connect, it works \o
<buZz> just still doesnt set DNS correctly, but the failsafe gets set
<buZz> alright, i'll work this all into a 'state of leste - using as a phone'
<buZz> i kinda wonder how all this would be on n900/pp , hope i can borrow that pp soonish
<Wizzup> buZz: without | ?
<buZz> hmm, ok, on -disconnect- it does disappear from ICD2 UI
<buZz> :(
<buZz> Wizzup: yeah , the 'OK' keyboard layer isnt here
<buZz> hmmf, ok nevermind, that succes seems just once
<buZz> -_-
<buZz> soooo cloooose :P hahaha
<buZz> at least, there doesnt seem to be much the 20220508 is doing that 20220410 wasnt
<buZz> i'll go back to that one
<buZz> ok, added network to .xml , deleted gconf entry for GPRS IAP , reboot
<buZz> lets see
<buZz> so eh , gconftool -s /sy..... (the GPRS iap) -t string gprs_accesspointname="poop" , and then gconftool -R /sys.. (same entry) , should that show 'poop' ?
<buZz> because it just sticks to emptystring
<buZz> ah, wait
<buZz> right, not 'gprs_..=""' , but just "" and add the gprs_... to the path
<buZz> welp, setting it to the correct value just makes it completely unable to connect, similar to setting APN in the UI
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<buZz> pfff, what a puzzle :D haha
<Wizzup> what did you execute exactly?
<Wizzup> it sounded like you had it working 30mins ago no>
<Wizzup> ?
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<buZz> yeah, -once- O_o
<buZz> i dont get why
<buZz> gconftool -s /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/<hash>/gprs_accesspointname -t string "portalmmm.nl"
<buZz> confirmed with -R that it stuck, connecting doesnt take
<Wizzup> maybe reboot after that
<Wizzup> or restart icd2 at least
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<buZz> neither lead to succes (rebooting or restarting icd2 with valid APN name in gconf)
<buZz> nor does any of these routes lead to a 'internet connections' setting that shows a configured APN
<buZz> Wizzup: shouldnt libicd-network-ofono be inside hildon-connectivity-mobile ?
<buZz> hmmm libicd-network-usb also isnt installed i notice
<Wizzup> libicd-network-usb I don't know of
<Wizzup> I don't think it does what you think it does
<Wizzup> buZz: yes probably it should be in that meta pkg
<Wizzup> what was the mobile connecitvity pkg thing?
<Wizzup> mobile providers - got the name handy?
<buZz> and eh 'telepathy-ring' ?
<buZz> i guess not
<Wizzup> no, tp ring we will pull in some other way
<Wizzup> it is mobile-broadband-provider-info
<buZz> yeah i have that installed, thats where i added Youfone to
<buZz> alas not even deleting the gprs IAP and rebooting made it functional, thusfar
<Wizzup> so what works and what doesn't -- do you see an ip in dbus?
<buZz> didnt have gprs visible again, restarted icd2 now, then i can tap it, it instantly 'fails' , dbus shows a configured IP and 'Active true'
<buZz> wwan3 is up, no ip, udhcpc -i wwan3 now would get me functional gprs
<buZz> gconftool has no APN configured inside it
<buZz> dbus btw also doesnt show a APN configured
<buZz> i wish i could see what APN its actually using :/
<Wizzup> buZz: ok so it's the same problem for you where icd2 doesn't actually activate it
<Wizzup> maybe check the icd2 logs
<Wizzup> /var/log/maemo/icd*
<Wizzup> buZz: the apn in use is shown is mdbus2
<buZz> on the /context1 ?
<buZz> thats a emptystring ..
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<Wizzup> buZz: well it's possible that the apn being empty is fine
<Wizzup> if you have an ip and it's active then it 'works'
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<buZz> here's some icd2 log at superverbose ; http://space.nurdspace.nl/~buzz/icd2log.txt
<Wizzup> looks like it connects to wifi?
<buZz> in the end yeah, needed to scp the file away ;)
<buZz> May 10 18:17:32 localhost icd2 0.98[5400]: [OFONO] Got APN:
<buZz> emptystring again
<buZz> May 10 18:17:34 localhost icd2 0.98[5400]: network id 'ab4c7733-4a2e-4658-9b5a-2bc4f3b07670' all entries (1) removed
<buZz> ah, thats where icd2 decides to delete it , i guess
<Wizzup> I wouldn't necessarily assume entries removed means that
<Wizzup> so this is it activating only once, not you activating it again, and that's what you're trying to figure out?
<buZz> ah, on -restarting- icd2 i again get > seen for the very first time, provisioning.
<buZz> exact same id though
<buZz> (actually, on restarting -and- tapping on icd2 UI in statusbar)
<buZz> wonder if this is important?
<buZz> May 10 18:17:30 localhost icd2 0.98[5400]: always online doesn't run because iap count 4 <= 0; srv_provider FALSE; auto_conn is 'FALSE'; timeout 300 <= 0; number of connections 0 > 0 and always change FALSE; priority 0
<sicelo> buZz even with wrong apn, mobile internet usually works. But you could get higher billing, etc.
<buZz> it looks totally normal on my telco website panel thingy
<sicelo> mobile-broadband-provider is a freedesktop project. You could add your provider ans upstream it. I did so for the ones in my country
<Wizzup> upstream might already have a newer version
<Wizzup> we ship the buster one
<buZz> but even without, from what i'm reading, because there's no unique MMC&MNC , it could pick a already specified APN from another entry with the same details
<sicelo> Also they ca be a bit slow to tag new versions. Sometimes you must prod them nicely, e.g. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mobile-broadband-provider-info/-/issues/3
<sicelo> And yes, its a gnome project, not freedesktop. My bad
<buZz> np
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<buZz> so within 1 second of trying to connect, its coming back with > May 10 18:17:32 localhost icd2 0.98[5400]: IAP reports error 'no_network'
<buZz> thats maybe a bit too short :P
<Wizzup> buZz: yes this is the same problem all along as it not waiting
<buZz> uhuh
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<buZz> Wizzup: is that just in icd2 then?
<buZz> or maybe in the libicd-bla-mobile
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<Wizzup> buZz: it's kind of the same thing, libicd-network-ofono is a plugin of icd2
<buZz> but where would the delay be , it does seem icd2 keeps waiting a bit for the wifi connections?
<Wizzup> literally just in the code
<Wizzup> it's really quite trivial, it just needs some fixing
<Wizzup> the code just calls 'activate context' and assumes the functions is blocking
<Wizzup> but it's not
<sicelo> please help me
<sicelo> https://paste.debian.net/1240473/ ... i got this message, and i understand what needs to be done
<sicelo> however, i'm a little lost - who do i sent the changes to? should it be original maintainers/reviewers that i sent to initially, or someone/something else?
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<Wizzup> sicelo: is this patch already merged?
<uvos> Wizzup: its CPCAP_REG_RXCOA
<uvos> #define CPCAP_REG_RXCOA0x0824/* RX Codec to Output Amps */
<uvos> er no thats wrong
<uvos> #define CPCAP_REG_RXOA0x081c/* RX Output Amplifiers */
<uvos> here
<Wizzup> ah
<uvos> 0x081c
<uvos> confusing name
<uvos> anyhow this is the correct register
<uvos> i just tried it
<Wizzup> ok, let me check my log files based on it
<sicelo> Wizzup: it's in next. But I've just found that the maintainer already noticed the hanging flag and nuked it
<sicelo> So nothing for me to do :-)
<Wizzup> sicelo: check
<Wizzup> uvos: hm let's see so that value is 0002 when I have nothing playing, but also with music on speakerphone
<Wizzup> and it's 0260 with headphone set as output regardless of whether hp is plugged in
<Wizzup> and then for the earpiece it's 0001
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<jirido> Hi
<Wizzup> yo
<jirido> So cool that with maemo on a new kernel..
<jirido> it might be the future.
<Wizzup> there are still some things to work on though :)
<jirido> sure.. but it's like a opensource android
<jirido> or?
<Wizzup> Not sure if I get the question
<sicelo> Far from Android. It's more like any linux distribution
<jirido> Well I might get it all wrong then, what is making maemo maemo?
<jirido> I have a bunch old nokia/microsoft phones(the square ones) can maemo run on them?
<Wizzup> yes and no
<Wizzup> the answer to the question depends a bit on your background
<jirido> lol
<jirido> it's baad
<sicelo> jirido: you said you have an N900, right?
<Wizzup> jirido: so what we aim to have is something that looks and feels like maemo on the n900, but on more devices than just the n900, with nothing but open source software based upon the debian/devuan distribution
<Wizzup> compare that to nokia maemo which wasn't fully open source, for example
<jirido> Sounds sweet
<jirido> I look forwarrd to feel secure on my phone some day
<Wizzup> yes, me too.
<Wizzup> uvos: btw I see this in sphone:
<Wizzup> (sphone:4270): hildon-1-CRITICAL **: 23:24:29.107: Tried to initialized Hildon more than once.
<jirido> is there some development of secure open source telecom chips going on?
<jirido> Can't get more secure that the chip i guess or is it enough to have a opensource driver?
<Wizzup> uvos: ok I got something on speakerphone now with:
<Wizzup> echo 081c 0001 > /sys/kernel/debug/regmap/spi0.0/registers
<Wizzup> but it lacks echo cancelling for sure
<Wizzup> depends on how you define telecom chips, do you mean modem?
<Wizzup> uvos: nothing on earpeice though with 0001
<sicelo> maybe osmocom (not sure about spelling)? jirido: there's not much progress, i'd say
<Wizzup> uvos: same for headphone, that didn't work for me with the register setting, but maybe I also need to switch to it in pavucontrol?
<sicelo> pp has a modem whose firmware is replaceable somewhat, but it's not open overall. and seems quectel (its vendor) is about to close the loophole which allowed the firmware to be replaceable in the first place
<jirido> sicelo: thats bad. It should not be rocket sience to make an opensource radio chip.
<Wizzup> uvos: ok I can get all three working when switching pulse profile + reg write
<Wizzup> uvos: at least I can hear my n900 on the droid4
<Wizzup> I can't hear the droid4 on the n900 yet
<sicelo> i haven't taken calls on droid 4 in a while. so they currently work over loudspeaker only?
<Wizzup> sicelo: I think is one of the first times I kinda got it working
<Wizzup> but I am still not sure is that I hear both sides
<sicelo> i definitely did get it working as well in the past - with both sides working fine. i suppose that was loudspeaker
<Wizzup> I can hear my n900 on my d4 with earpiece and headphone
<Wizzup> I am just not sure I can hear my droid on my n900
<sicelo> nice
<Wizzup> I'll try again in a bit
<Wizzup> if I can get that working today I'd be quite happy
<Wizzup> I mean all I'm doing is follow uvos' advice really
<sicelo> i saw you want to use dbus-scripts to handle the switching? sounds like a good idea
<Wizzup> but for the record, if you're in a call, go to pavucontrol and set the output you want, and then also the register write
<Wizzup> sicelo: it's a hack but yes
<Wizzup> echo 081c 0002 > /sys/kernel/debug/regmap/spi0.0/registers
<Wizzup> that's speakerphone
<Wizzup> echo 081c 0001 > /sys/kernel/debug/regmap/spi0.0/registers
<Wizzup> that's earpiece
<Wizzup> echo 081c 0260 > /sys/kernel/debug/regmap/spi0.0/registers
<Wizzup> that's headphone
<Wizzup> maybe a similar things needs to be done when looking at input
<Wizzup> I guess the mic gain?
<Wizzup> looks like 0x0818 (CPCAP_REG_TXMP) is always 0x400 so that's not it
<sicelo> 118175:1592141117 <sicelo> yay, so i've just received a voice call on my d4 with ofono. works good. i did have to speak quite loud (using pavel's alsa config from unicsy_demo). i guess it's a matter of playing around until i find good microphone volume
<sicelo> so maybe your N900 can hear the d4 ... but volume is low
<Wizzup> maybe voice loopback or something else is needed?
<Wizzup> yeah voice is at 13 atm
<Wizzup> maybe that's it?
<Wizzup> wait
<sicelo> unless things have changed much since back then
<sicelo> i didn't have to do anything special for that call
<Wizzup> looks like call noise cancellation was off
<Wizzup> hm pavucontrol sees no input device in phone call mode
<Wizzup> sicelo: ok mics are 0
<sicelo> :-)
<Wizzup> I can hear myself when pavucontrol is set to speakerphone
<Wizzup> but not when it's set to earpiece
<Wizzup> uvos: ok so it looks like mic1/mic2 are 0 on my phone by default, and only in speakerphone mode in pavucontrol do I hear the d4
<Wizzup> uvos: does that sound familiar?
<Wizzup> tmlind: ^^
<uvos> hmm what
<sicelo> 1592517205 <sicelo> got sound on N900 with a phone call after all :) N900 can 'hear' the other person quite good. i can't really hear N900 on the ohter phone. will test further tomorrow
<sicelo> almost two full years ago
<Wizzup> uvos: what in particular should I elaborate on :)
<uvos> uvos: ok so it looks like mic1/mic2 are 0 on my phone by default, and only in speakerphone mode in pavucontrol do I hear the d4
<uvos> are 0 what?
<Wizzup> 0% out of 100%
<Wizzup> so it's literally silent
<Wizzup> which part of the puzzle of why I never heard the d4 on the remote side
<Wizzup> on top of that I also only hear the d4 if the pavucontrol output device is speakerphone
<Wizzup> if it's earpiece or headphone I can't hear it
<uvos> the mic only woring in some modes is familiar
<Wizzup> oh, and I had to switch the "left" item to mic1 or mic2
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> "left" in the alsamixer F4 capture devices
<uvos> it has the same problem as the output amps
<uvos> just in a different place
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> I thought maybe it was CPCAP_REG_TXMP
<Wizzup> but it doesn't look like it
<Wizzup> but it looks like in calls the "left" value in alsamixer also isn't set to what it'd expect
<uvos> there was one more bit you had to set
<uvos> apearntly i lost the register dumps i had from android
<uvos> at least i cant find it right now
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I'm planning to make a local build of sphone that just runs some sh scripts that sets up the registers
<uvos> [23:25] <Wizzup> (sphone:4270): hildon-1-CRITICAL **: 23:24:29.107: Tried to initialized Hildon more than once.
<uvos> this is harmless
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> this is silly use of CRITICAL
<uvos> we should probubly demote it
<uvos> sphone calls the function more than once becasue that way it dosent have to keep track of what module loaded when and if one that requires libhildon allready loaded
<uvos> Wizzup: sphone can run sh scripts out of the box btw
<Wizzup> ok, but on what events?
<Wizzup> like if I press 'speaker' or something, there's no event, right?
<uvos> no i was expecting you just wanting to hack a working setup for one route into it
<uvos> that you could do on CallAwnserd
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> that can also be done with dbus-scripts, but yes, sphone itself might be easier
<Wizzup> well I would probably just go for the earpiece route, but that first requires working input in that mode
<Wizzup> in speakerphone mode I get nasty noise cancelling issues
<Wizzup> so that's not useful for day-to-day stuff
<uvos> the speakerphone headphone etc buttons in sphone actually do nothing at all btw
<uvos> i never implemented it since it cant be tested
<Wizzup> why not?
<Wizzup> with register hacks it can right?
<uvos> sure i mean via pulse
<uvos> the module is called route-pulseaudio not route-registerhacks
<Wizzup> :p
<uvos> in there
<uvos> (this function)
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> is it possible to have more than out route plugin?
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> like what if I actually made a route-registerhack :)
<Wizzup> can we use them both at once?
<uvos> sure
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> (well preferrably pa first)
<Wizzup> it almost seems worth it to me
<Wizzup> (for now)
<uvos> eh
<Wizzup> well there's many things that are in flight / work in progress, but if with some simple work we can make the d4 actually make calls reliably, I think that's pretty big
<Wizzup> of course it's not a ready solution in that sense
<Wizzup> but if it allows me to toy around with making calls, I think that's pretty neat
<Wizzup> like, I would switch my main device over if the following worked: (1) stable ofono (2) audio in calls (3) telepathy conversations with sms working
<uvos> you dont have to write a multi page motivation statment to me, just do it if you like
<uvos> i just would not do so myself, since i dont condone sutch terrible hackery
<uvos> and yeah sure would be neat
<Wizzup> I think having something this in place is more likely to lead to more interest in making a proper fix
<Wizzup> (including from myself)
<Wizzup> brb
Wizzup has quit [Quit: brb]
Wizzup has joined #maemo-leste
<lel> IMbackK closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/salutem/pull/2 (Many typos in uvos' name, and some more layouting for the README)
<lel> IMbackK closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/salutem/pull/1 (Salutem.html had some typos)
Wizzup has quit [Quit: leaving]
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cockroach has joined #maemo-leste
uvos has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]