put the latest image on a microSD today to bring my Pinephone back to life again after months of it collecting dust
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it was kind of strange. For some time after boot, the screen was black (even though it was on). I could hear the sounds when I touched the screen but could not see the UI. The phone would not respond to the volume or power buttons either (except for the feedback sounds). After I had let it sit a while, it finally showed the Maemo lock screen when I pressed the power button. Then, I unlocked the phone and the screen went
black again immediately. The second time I unlocked it, I could finally access the homescreen. Now it works normally.
Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to see that QtWebbrowser is now available indeed. It works beautifully on the Pinephone!
I had to resize the file system manually on the latest image. I could not install any additional packages after having installed qtwebbrowser due to lack of space (the partition was only 1.7 GB on my 64 GB card)
Also, the new volume control feature does not seem to work on the Pinephone
did you see /etc/expandcard.sh ?
is there some first-boot guide or something? I think I may have closed that due to the screen being black
I just used a guide from Stackoverflow :)
fdisk + partx + resize2fs
unix.stackexchange technically, I guess
pavucontrol is really clunky on the Pinephone :(
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also, the battery indicator does seem to work partially on the Pinephone but it does not show a percentage ("calibration needed")
this is all on a Convergence Edition, by the way, (3 GB RAM) in case no one else has one
mighty17[m]: there should be @ guide
sorry semi afk atm :(
(will be back later)
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missMyN900: callibration needed means that your battery dosent report charge state so voltage based estimation is used instead
idk if the pp can report battery state
missMyN900: there is a fist boot guide yeah
we should maybe create a .desktop file to launch it again after its been closed
I just hope the black screen issue doesn't return anymore
there are several issues with the pp
wrt volume
i maintain the audio stack more or less atm
but i dont have a pp
so its hard for me to fix this
maybe some affordable used PPs will become available now that the PPP has arrived
well im also not really interested in a pp
I don't know if pmOS uses pulseaudio
due to the bad power managment and lack of kbd
why not? Lack of hardware keyboard?
power management will improve
no it cant
why not?
The A64 is a tablet SoC is it not?
It's not like the RPis
the main problem with it its that it takes really long to enter idle states
so while the droid4 can suspend 60 times a second
and have the device remain "running"
the pp really has to enter pc style suspend for minutes at a time
what about the RK3399?
that should be a little bit more advanced than the old A64
no idea youd have to look at the cost table for the idle states
RK3399 is used in Chromebooks too (OP1)
so the TI OMAP is still a little bit more sophisticated than the cheap Allwinners?
pm wise yeah
omap is a "real" smartphone chip with really low idle/resume times
I guess Mediatek is promising for the future
maybe sure
they seem to be improving wrt to open source support
problem is also having good upstream support
Ralink must be rubbing off on them ;)
the omap also dose well here with ti having upstreamed mostly everything
having a PPP 2.0 with Mediatek SoC would be awesome
due to widespread usage in industrial boards
still a separate modem, of course, though
(which have long lifespan)
ironically Allwinner and Rockchip (at least the older chips) are supported much better by Linux distributions and *BSDs than the i.MX6 (I have a Wandboard Dual)
i.MX8 support is lackluster too
for example, with NetBSD i.MX seems to technically be supported but it is not really advertised
and in practice I think that not much works aside from booting
so you won't have working audio, display etc
thats true for some chps used by sbc yeah
i.MX8 also is rather dated and products using it tend to expensive
Allwinner H6 and RK3566 are more attractive (Pine H64 and Quartz64 SBCs)
sure yeah
but supported well enough for sbc and supported well enough to work well as a phone are different targets
the new Olimex STM32MP157 LIME2 interests me
not that i know the exact state of these
but even with kernel support for all of the pm features of omap4 being in manline allready
the first SBC with a European SoC in a long time. I think it is good to have an alternative to American and Chinese SoCs
it still was quite the undertaking getting all the pm features working for just a single phone in practice
(ie the droid4)
how about N900 pm with mainline?
none of the pm features work
everything needs to redone?
because of issues with device drivers
so the n900 has 2 problems
no sgx is fine
its device drivers and a omap3 having mutch larger idle entry costs than omap4 that makes it harder to enter idle states with modern linux
as modern linux is quite busy timer wise
missMyN900: yes pmos uses pulseaudio
volume control with buttons does work on pmOS on the PP
sure its a leste userpsace problem
it only works on mapphones atm
but how can that be specific to the PP?
(btw mapphones == droid4 and some other motorola devices of same age)
when the kernel and pulseaudio etc is the same (as with pmOS)
yes, I know
missMyN900: well
missMyN900: so there are 3-4 problems
there were quite some OMAP4 devices around that time
I used to have a Galaxy Nexus (only bought it in 2019 LOL) with OMAP4460
1. mce cant recive the key events because it expects the event devices to be layed out in a certin way (legay from when everything was hardcoded to fit the n900 and only the n900)
2. we dont autodetect the audio sink that needs adjustment, instead its in a config file (again legacy from n900 hardcoding)
3. the volume buttons are currently intercepted by hildon because thats the only way to bring up the kbd when your in a applicaion without him integration
I used it as an MP3 player for some time
problem is with those old phones is the batteries
luckly the d4 gets a pass on that
they are shot. I replaced it with a BlackBerry Z10 (I used to own a Classic, too: N900 -> Jolla -> Classic -> Moto G with LineageOS -> iPhone :( )
its battery is connected by 2 screw terminals
so any old lipo will do
got a new, second battery for the Z10
missMyN900: how many physical keys does the pp have by the way
same issue
looking at it right now: only volume rockers and power button
although I think it is a bit better than the GN
the drain is horrible and when it is drained too much, the battery won't charge in the phone anymore
(I got the second, new battery as a part of kit with an external official BB charger)
so I have to swap the battery again
uvos: fortunately, I did not the PP to replace my iPhone (although that would have been nice for sure)
I actually got it to use an LTE hotspot (for internet outages; our ISP is terrible) since the iPhone sucks for that
of course, it is a cool toy as well ;)
yeah sure
You can help to make leste work better on it
pp is a good dev platform
at the very least
sicelo: unfortunately I do not have much time for dev, but certainly I can report bugs and maybe test some fixes/patches sometimes
Or, if you just want something that already works, pmOS with phosh or plasma mobile is really great too.
sicelo: yes, I was already using that as my main OS
I don't like Arch and I like Alpine, so pmOS is natural for me
I don't like alpine :-p
I don't like Phosh either, even though Plasma is not great either currently at least
why not?
what is not to love?
i dont like devuan :P
no systemd, musl, you can use whatever audio you want (even sndio from OpenBSD), it is fast, low RAM consumption
missMyN900: anyway i maintain the n900 port on pmos since recently
also: no systemd, musl.
you prefer systemd?
Maemo did not have systemd ;)
yeah so on a phone it makes a lot of sense, unfortinalty (i dislike politics around systemd)
i have zero problem with systemd. I think even alpine is currently considering a change of init system
I don't see how it would make to switch to systemd but use musl and busybox frankly (apart from my personal opinions on systemd)
I don't know if systemd would even work with musl and I frankly doubt that the devs would be very receptive to accepting patches for it
regarding musl, i dont think the compatability problems are worth runing something other than glibc for "lightness"
Yes they will be going to some new init or sth. Openrc seems subpar in some way
missMyN900: actually last month someone made a systemd MR to alpine, but it was vehemently rejected by alpine folk :-D
runit perhaps? I don't know much about init. I am not saying that systemd init in it self is bad but I dislike all the integration and the massive largely newly written C code base. Just seems like a bad idea to me.
sicelo: can't say that I am very sad about that frankly. If you want really want to use systemd, there a lot of options out there
I understand. I'm glad debian allows me to choose *any* init (unlike alpine) :-p
I am currently running Debian but I will switch to Devuan in the future. Already installed it on some devices.
I decided shortly after installing it that I should have installed Devuan but I can't keep wasting time on reinstalls, so for now I am sticking with Debian on my desktop
I never saw the ram consumption stuff ... i ran debian on my n900, and also pmos. At idle, ram usage was mainly same
true, I just saw a couple days ago that RAM consumption was < 600 MB on AMD64 with Devuan+MATE
I don't know how much systemd adds to RAM consumption though ;)
I was using systemd ... didn't see much difference
but that is not related to musl, of course
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Anyway, comparison was alpine/musl vs. others/glibc. I don't see the difference so much
(RAM, I mean)
yes, that is why I said it is not related to musl ;)
The only real difference i see is that the base size of an alpine install is smaller ... but, how's that achieved? Not installing man pages ... um.
What don't you like about phosh?
I like to think it's modern hildon :-P
seemed to have very little features to me
hmm, I disagree with that
I can see why people would say Mobian is modern Maemo
but the UI of Phosh is not a true successor to Hildon
the Sailfish UI, for example, was better
(although still not a true successor)
Of course. Nothing can be. Not even the sfos ui is successor
Phosh seems like a generic, uninspired, featureless typical smartphone UI to me
missMyN900: phosh is gtk, like hildon ;-)
I know
but that is far from enough IMHO
I cannot understand why they designed it the way they did
when they had so many great sources of inspiration
missMyN900: i haven't seen that many people interested in (modernized) hildon, tbh. Not even on tmo.
sicelo: really?
I think it is great, especially with larger screens such as the Pinephone
I think it could be great on the Pinetab too
Maybe I just miss them :-)
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anyway, recently I was thinking that maybe the PP could replace my iPhone too eventually. Looks like that won't be happening with the lackluster power management...
How's the suspend working for you in pmOS? I think I've seen others get up to two days on a single charge ...
it will still make for a decent LTE hotspot in a pinch and tablet though
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I haven't used pmOS for months. My PP was collecting dust
unfortunately, I either forget the PIN code or there is some bug
now I am just waiting for 22.06 because I have gotten tired of constantly flashing a new image and I don't want to wear out the flash either
in the mean time I am running ML from a microSD, like I was before
Okay. The power mgmt is definitely not comparable to the OMAPs for sure, but somehow the suspend stuff seems to be working. Not ideal, but for some users, it's good enough
I think I keep using Maemo primarily in the future, especially as it improves and only remove the microSD (so it boots from eMMC) when I need the LTE hotspot
What prevents Hotspot from Maemo
I don't know if I can use LTE on ML
certainly there is no GUI for it
Why wouldn't you? :-)
I have no experience with ofono cli utils :)
LTE is supported on pp, i believe. I recal
actually, I also have the "dock" (USB hub), which I want to use to connect to my computers with ethernet in the future
I designed the icon for it, and I recall someone showing it live
I don't see any cellular related applet on the PP
also, no volume applet as mentioned before
it is still very minimal on the PP
not complaining though :)
I am happy that qtwebbrowser is available now and working very well
It shows 4G (instead of LTE, because I didn't figure out a good way to show full LTE in the available space)
LTE has been an issue for me in the past with T-Mobile US
I could not get LTE until late 2021 with pmOS
Plasma Mobile added an APN autodetect feature that finally fixed LTE for me
the default (which is also the official recommended by T-Mobile setting) APN does not work
only the autodetected mobile broadband APN works
Please read through the last few news updates for the correct packages to install. Cellular has applets since a while now
I think it may be a laptop with LTE modem oriented APN possibly
I did not see any cellular applet in the Hildon package manager certainly
only WiFi related stuff
Use apt
Wizzup: can also tell you the exact packages you need. I've got a lot of stuff in my droid4 (it's an old image that i just apt upgrade), so I no longer j what's
*Know what's needed and what's not
uvos: wait but all the audio issues on the PP are only related to the hardware buttons, right?
so the volume applet should still work if I install it?
hmm PP gets very hot when charging, in general it feels hot
but it is actually on 54 C, so not too bad
during normal use it seems to be about 40 C
what is weird that the part of the phone where the modem is located seems to get significantly hotter than the battery part
which is the opposite of what you would expect when charging
*only 54 C
hmm I did tried "apt search applet | grep status" but did not find anything sound related
sicelo: missMyN900: should be hildon-connectivity-mobile meta package
oh I just read the 16th update again
and was reading the audio support part of the 15th update
missMyN900: its maemo-statusmenu-volume
thanks, will try it
but why is it not installed by default if I may ask?
idk i though it was
it wont work on pinephone
what part?
every part
hardware buttons?
what about the software slider?
but how is that related to the PP?
wont work
i explained before
the sinks are different
well, yes, the events but that is hardware related, right?
[23:02] <uvos> 2. we dont autodetect the audio sink that needs adjustment, instead its in a config file (again legacy from n900 hardcoding)
16th update said that the correct sink is now selected by default
on PP
thats what i thought
but its wrong
you can make it work
pactl or something?
or was it pacmd?
hmm looks like those both exists on Debian 11 at least
change it to sink_name=alsa_output.platform-sound.HiFi__hw_PinePhone_0__sink
oh so PA already has the correct sinks? It is jut the applet?
going to SSH for that...
obv the buttons wont work
what was the user pw again?
it won't accept "toor" as root pw when SSHing
just sudo passwd user
uvos: I am getting "does not exist" for that file in nano
wait for the directory
you need to have the applet installed
oh I need it to install it first
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uvos: I use my Pinephone in landscape mode with ML, should I change native_is_landscape to 1?
this only changes the behavior of the volume buttons
so dosent matter
it seems to work!
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most important thing for me is that I don't have to use pavucontrol on the Pinephone
looks like the PP with ML will become a nice small tablet
I am fine with the PP as a mini Pinetab with LTE capability that is available when needed. I think that the suspend-style power management will be adequate for that purpose too.
if I had paid $600-1000 for this then I would not be satisfied but considering what the Pinephone costs this is more than acceptable for me
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hmm it certainly does not seem to have an effect on the mplayer volume...
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experienced the blackscreen bug again...
after waiting a little while it would finally respond to the power button again and display the lock screen
I think the screen even went black randomly when I was trying to watch a video wiht mplayer
I had already changed the timeout to 1 min since 30 s was getting really annoying, so I doubt the screen turned off due to the automatic timeout
I think there are some freezes every now and then too. I am not 100% sure but the screen and UI seem prett sensitive normally, so it seems it can't really be me not pressing a button properly
I would like having a Droid 3/4 but I don't think it is a good idea for me to get such an old device if I can even find one for a reasonable price
I never get the latest and greatest hardware but 2010-12 is really getting a bit too old for me, not because of performance but just because of the age of the device
I got a laptop recently with a Richland APU from 2013 but it was only actually used from 2016
I feel like I got burned a little by the Nexus and Z10. Not really looking to repeat that anymore at this point.