and then "standard" userland can be used!
libcamera guys are helping... cool
then hopefully it will be just gstreamer "plug-and-play" heavy lifting work
rafael2k: yes (@meaning of DB)
tks sicelo
for people who love/want/need hwkbd, sacrificing other phones for D4 makes sense. but such sacrifice for a TS-only omap phone ...
hopefully at some point this year I'll be able to join a jitsi meeting with video on firefox or chromium in Maemo running in the PP
sicelo: indeed... this is why I'm really trying hard to get the hwkbd working fine in the PP...
and the pp keyboard works fine here
I mean, it works fine... until it burns. Let pay 50 bucks more to pine64 for another one.
may be it was just bad luck of myself
oh, did you attach anything to the Pine USB?
nope, I did nothing wrong...
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parazyd: hi :)
sicelo: imho PP is a fun toy but next to omaps pretty dumb
sicelo: its SO SLOW (PP) to draw the screen , droid4 feels like 10 years newer in comparison
Not really. That's just a result of how much work has been put into each device in Leste. Try running pmOS with same UI on both. Then you'll get objective comparison
the GPU of droid4 is just a lot faster
i might try that , sicelo , i have a PP here on loan and a spare droid4
btw, that SGX540 is clocked at 66% of droid4's on that page
SGX540 seems to be winner in most tests there , if you realize we have it at 300mhz instead of the 200mhz there
* sicelo
concludes that he can't read, because he sees the page saying SGX is losing. Can't comment on clocking as there's no clocking info for the Mali
i was talking about the SGX clocks
but i agree, these sites are so often very unspecific about their specs
note how SGX also has 6 pipelines vs just 3 on mali400MP4
btw after more than a year, i'm glad that i'll soon be returning to N900 as daily driver ;-)
as opposed to?
we were just considering using a n900 as FM transmitter on a silent disco , maybe synchronized multiple with snapcast over wifi :P lol
Samsung S7
right now i carry 3 phones on a daily basis - N900 with non-working modem for alarm and calendar, S7, and A03s (for work)
maemo calendar is so nice :D
i can then ditch the S7 once i use an n900 with working modem :-)
if only that time/date entry would work nicer, then i could enter stuff without this insane dance :D
totally @agree @maemo calendar
and i dont know, i'd love to be able to see a whole week in 1 view, without scrolling
but i guess thats functionality it never had
for the devices with no hwkbd, i understand there's competition between vol keys being used for volume and raising vkb. a wild thought passed my mind the other day - can't the function be context based?
e.g. meaning of the vol keys is also context-based on fremantle. it's either zoom or vol, depending on application in focus. so maybe when an application that has input fields is in focus, could have it raise vkb, then do volume at all other times
non-hwkb phones probably don't need zoom via vol keys anyway
sicelo: oh right
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maybe there's a 'blinking cursor visible' function to hook into
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so compearing gpus like this is extreamly fought with danger
we're aware
but the sgx in mapphones has about the same pixel rate and a coupple of raw flops more then the pp
the gups are roughly equivalent in power
but the pp has to push more pixels
the pp probubly also has more memory bandwith
so that helps
so wrt buying a bionic instead of a pp
besides the way better powermanagement and margainally better leste support there are only downsides
im not convinced of the binary choice really tho
maybe one of the other well suported pmos devices would be a better choice
i never used it that mutch with linux
for running leste?
but pmos/phosh was very competent on xt1602
buZz: more for linux generally
honestly, i just care about maemo :P
the pp seams to have lots of hw rough edges
similar to pinebook
so maybe a different android device is a good idea
yes OnePlus is something else
i mean, its such low quality hw with near zero software support from vendor
if lte volte is a requirement
like x1602 or yeah the oneplus
and the mainline support for SDM845 is coming in pretty fast.
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wonder how leste would look on oneplus' high-res screen. or did someone already try? can't recall if caleb did
just people aren't interested in Leste much ... otherwise would been nice to see a port to the MSM8916 phones, of which there are very many to choose from
honestly, every nerd i show leste to is like 'wtf, this is just real linux??'
i think many ppl arent aware about it enough
maybe we can ask nokia for some old marketing material for maemo, and revive it a bit? :P
sicelo: i got maemo up to the lockscreen iirc
that was a long time ago though
buZz: maybe :-)
wonder if they would be willing :P
or mostly, if anyone from that time is still alive/present at nokia :D
buZz: I love the idea, but ... :)
actually that Nokia N900 demo video (present on every n900 device by default) is kinda nice
nokia really had decent budget back then :)
that one yeah
but I doubt anyone would be impressed nowadays
back then, "multiapp" was really new, iOS/android had none of it (or rather, did not allow it)
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and still , its almost unworkable on either
bencoh: the people who know why you would want a terminal , know
(for the ppl that dont, i just 'apt install blender' and start it, usually they're pretty wtf'd about that)
nowadays, I wonder, but maybe :)
at @job if I really wanted to impress people I'd probably connect a jtag adapter to the phone's usb port and start debugging some MCU from the phone
haha yeah , aczid ported a Proxmark RFID gui some time ago aswell
so awesome to have a portable rfid sniffer/cloner/reader just on USB on your tiny laptop
unfortunately running blender is possible on all (or most?) mobile distros :-)
yeah I think most of those things seem less of a feat than years ago
(to the untrained eye)
bencoh: sicelo: I think once we get a bit more of the userspace in place (we are), then people will be
bencoh: buZz: yes, I use the d4 daily for calls
and I made a module for sphone that sets the proper audio registers manually
Wizzup: as a daily driver?
bencoh: yes, but I still carry my n900 as well
neat <3
Wizzup: ooo cool! can i try/have? :D
buZz: yes, but it requires just a few more changes that I discussed with uvos last weekend
seemingly nobody mashed ofono and asterisk together -yet-
that's the kind of stuff that deserve a twitter/blog post, even just a oneliner to say that you really use leste/d4 as your main phone :)
buZz: couldn't find anything either, I find it super odd though
yes, once I add some fixes
it's just been absolutely crazy at real life work
bencoh: i feel it shouldnt be so hard, maybe even just as 'soundcard' and we do everything externally, just 'push towards asterisk' after not picking up
I dunno about that, but .... yeah, it's mostly routing audio to the right place and handling signaling between the two daemons
i assume because their HW doesnt have modems internally ;
either way, 'selfhosted voicemail' is one of those mindblowing things leste can allow
self-hosting your voicemail is nice, but selfhosting it on your phone is somehow unreliable, you'd still need to check the regular voicemail
imho mobilephones -should- be unreliable, its in the nature of being mobile
this whole '24/7 always on' mentality isnt healthy one bit
yeah, but that means you still need to dial into your provider's voicemail system once in a while
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well, to me 'unreachable' is a OK thing to report
if they REALLY wanted to reach me and know me, they would do IRC or email :P
sure, but people see it differently usually :)
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hehe, thats just because they've been brainwashed by always-on commerce
we still need simple stuff, like USSD, carrier selection, RAT technologies selection, and so on
for now, stuff that we already have, like RAT tech selection is outdated (does not have LTE)
not talking about ViLTE, VoLTE knobs (enable / disable)
most people probably just care about being able to make a call
but yes, ussd is something for sure
carrier selection too
that being said, leste is already in a pretty good state, at least in the PP, that is what I have
btw, did you take a look in the ringtone stuff?
: )
droid 4 doesn't support ussd for some weird reason, even using the qcom interface via ModemManager
tbh, even under android, ussd is quite unusable on droid4
rafael2k: did you link me a git repo that builds?
rafael2k: nice work re:pp :-)
i got a idea, i could put droid4 on my 3Dprinters bed while 'charging at night' to monitor temperatures externally , and cut power to the charger if >X celcius
sicelo: ussd certenly works on my d4 on android
at least basic balance check
i know you mentioned it not working on android either at some point
no idea whats up there, maybe a bug triggerd by the carrier being different somehow
sicelo: i think i saw USSD stuff on the wiki for d4?
uvos__: do a number of ussd requests one after the other
( just did 4)
i barely ever use it, only on prepaid cards to check balance
what are you using it for?
sicelo: seams to work ok
even rapid fireing them
or, do the ones that work in request-response
dont know if my carrier has one
buZz: here i need it, for example, to buy data packages
ill have to check later
those really never where a thing in us
ah ok, my provider has a website for those things
so im not terribly suprized a verizon only phone has issues with it
*101# USSD seems to work on almost all providers here
unless my droid 4 has flaky modem. this behavior has been consistent since day 1 for me
im not doubting what you see
i just cant repoduce any problem
buZz: here providers tend to stay away from those kinds of websites ... because data is expensive, the youth exploit them
you need to pay to activate it
primary method here is also a website
i ques in western europe you can assume everyone has acess to cheap internet anyhow
HTTP Injection ... which i still can't fully understand how it works (for educational purposes)
i mean if your website is vunerable to that you deserve it
yeah, so the easiest solution is - don't have such websites :-)
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tbh i really want to know how that really works. i know it works for sure, as i've tested it on the android clients
i wonder if your USSD's are somewhat reliable because perhaps they're in some known/standard range.
i just recalled that a verizon LG G4 that i once had had a problem with our *686*5# code for balance check. the moment you dial the 8, it clears the whole USSD
I could swear our devuan was on Qt 5.12, instead it is 5.11. must be dreaming
yeah it is 5.11 atm
5.18 seams to do better on the pm front on d4
its been consitanly ideling at 75-85mW all day
our current kernel has a đriver which does work with MegaPixels
but it is very incomplete
now we'll have a proper ov5640 driver
why is there another kernel tree for the pp?
I hope this question is not for me
it is
I don't think it is 'another kernel tree'
it's mobian
yeap, it is just Mobian tree with some patches from us
right, I thought the mobian and maemo stuff would be mostly shared :P
I mean, Mobian patchset + ours
I haven't ever seen anyone from mobian in here :)
btw, MegaPixels is a miracle, but it is hard to compile gtk4 in Maemo Leste
: )
why is it harder in maemo?
I don't think gtk4 is in buster
because we don't have it
ah right
I originally tried to keep it on gtk3, but gtk3 combined with the opengl version on the pinephone was not possible :(
I remember... I had the last gtk3 working here
: )
but libcamera + gstreamer will be fit better ol' maemo stack I think
it's been years and libcamera still doesn't have a camera app
I think qcam does the job, nỏ
but indeed, "gstlibcamera" source is my target
in order to integrate to Maemo stack
last time I tried qcam on an a64 it barely reached 1fps preview
I still need to wait around 6 hours for the kernel compilation to finish
then I can tell you the fps I can grab from gstlibcamera src
considered cross compiling?
huh 6 hours?
kernel compiling is between 6 to 7 hours in my pp
with conservative scheduler
why would you use convervative? why would you compile the kenrel on device!?
*powersave, sorry
you do know this locks the clock to the lowest value at all times right?
ok aperantly compiling the kernel slow is your thing then :P
cause I don't like it to turn off when compiling the kernel
MartijnBraam[m] amazing work overall with megipixel, but especially the latest update ... look so much sharper. Cheers
why would it shut off?
MegaPixel is a miracle - I always say it
uvos: current consumption > change current
pinephone can't sustain charging at full load
I use a mobian chroot on Maemo just to have MegaPixels
but yeah, cross compiling is the way
or at least any other ARM64 host
scheduler at powersave does the job for me for compiling kernel (or compiling firefox and giant stuff)
I have no rush tbh... this is my hobby
I compiled X in a Jornada 710 back in the times
this reminds me of the person doing the whole gentoo thing from source on the pinephone :P
noooo rush
Pinephone is much faster than my desktop Pentium II 233 MHz with 32MB of ram back in 1999... and I still use to compile kernel 2.2 on it without problem
oh wow
I did gentoo on the n900 fwiw
lemme sleep, when I wake up kernel compilation will be over - that is fast
years back
: ))
in any case I am so happy that I can crosscompile
won't look back
if you do a lot of pine64 kernel testing stuff we can also give you jenkins access for the package and you can test with beowulf-experimental and just use the build machines I set up
is maemo leste supporting the ppp?
I think we might, but I don't have one
rafael2k: ^
oh what..
presumably linux 2.2 was mutch mutch smaller than linux 5.x
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MartijnBraam[m]: yeah :/
MartijnBraam[m]: my pp keyboard basically broke after using it for a few mins, but others report it works
seems like pine64 device allocations are roughly proportional by how much of your tweets TL sees
pp keyboard pogopin contacts are kinda shitty
yeah we don't do too much pr
Wizzup: yeah, i think i still don't have the 'build' button.
I find the pixelfed stuff too instagrammy
huh, object-fit: cover; is neat
cannot take credit, most likely copied it from some other website
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MartijnBraam[m]: true. that is why i set up 'socialhome' for my photo blog on fediverse. and as a photography instance.
but nobody likes it. :/ (:
MartijnBraam[m]: i was able to build megapixels-legacy on maemo. i used it.
We talked here and i said i liked that i can apply my custom imagemagick postprocessing (i have my LUTs) and you've said you maybe will remove
that possibility.
yep, ended up implementing a setting instead so there can be multiple concurrent post processing implementations :)
Wizzup: i got the build button on msid! Thank you!
will i be able still to apply HALD CLUT?
just i have nothing that runs megapixels now to test.
i have dual boot of sailfish and maemo on pp.
rafael2k: RE:ussd - yes it's super stable in my experience too in every single phone i've used, except the droid 4 :-)
oh uvos just quit that is unfortunate
anyway I was thinking a bit more yesterday about phone choices
and I actually had already looked at some pmOS devices before reading the log just now
but basically the compatibility is very bad for pretty much anything except Pinephone and OnePlus 6 (and some old Xiaomis that are impossible to find in the US)
I won't even consider anything that does not have working audio (just music/video that is, I am not even talking about calls)
and at the end of the day running Plasma Mobile does not excite me very much either
power management is a big deal for me
audio on mobile platforms is quite annoying to get working :(
should it not be the same for each SoC platform?
I mean like for i.MX6/8 and a given Allwinner/sunxi generation?
I imagine it would be similar for Qualcomm
I know it is more difficult than on the PC with HDA/Azalia but I have read that even there there are quirks
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actually, I am now thinking about getting a used Android and using it without Play Services etc and with F-Droid. Also considering getting a used Xperia and trying Sailfish (I can always use Lineage if it does not work out)
because I have realized that probably 1 GB RAM and a dual Cortex A9 would not be enough for my use
if it fits you sailfish is awesome
if I could use it as my phone that would be one thing but if I can't use it at that, web browsing should at least be a good experience
xmn: I used to own a Jolla
throw some containers and waydroid you might have everything you need
so I am familiar with it, albeit a much older version
I actually got it on launch'
I should still have the t-shirt somewhere ;)
nice, then you know the daily living better then me
but yeah, I am thinking it could be good to get a phone that could be replace my iPhone if/when it dies
I used it on multiboot and sd, most for updating my pebble watch.
so that means that it works with T-Mobile US, including VoLTE
but maybe we went over this before :)
that was a long time ago though
I sold my Jolla in 2015H2 IIRC
and got a BB Classic
last I tried it could txt, call. but audio was messed up and battery drain fast. But was buttery on the PP. I haven't tried it since they added encrypted dir, I have to edit something I haven't had time for.
I imagine it is better on an Xperia though
should be similar to the Jolla with supported models
as the Jolla was also running SFOS on libhybris on a Qualcomm SoC (Snapdragon 400 dual core Krait)
if you recall, they were planning to run it natively on a Novathor U-something
but ST-Ericson got out of the mobile SoC market
bb, ubuntu phone, webOS, maemo could have ruled the world if they would have only worked together to build cross platform apps with qt, webbase and a few other too.
I don't know honestly
biggest problem is stuff like banking apps
xperiea seem the way to go for less problems
I don't think it's that easy
working together is not going to solve that
those companies are lazy
they only want to support the duopoly
what's that Wizzup?
I read that even in NL you basically are forced to have a Google Android device running an OEM ROM or iPhone
while the EU is talking about digital self-suffiency and even funding ML...
so why are/were they at least not supporting European OSes?
depends how you use banking apps. You might be able to do it in the browser.
true but for many that is not acceptable
tbh I have a banking app installed but never use it
so I don't even know (and of course it differs with each bank) if there are 'special' things that can only be done in the app
also there are feature bank apps use that won't work on the website. Like they need your imei number to allow for some transactions
yeah, depositing check with a photograph for example
yes, that is what I mean
basically without the intervention of regulatory agencies/watchdogs I think that the alternative OSes were doomed to fail
and if governments themselves do not set an example what do you honestly expect from for-profit corporations?
xmn: collaboration is not easy if everything uses different apis and widget sets
yes, that is true BB10 used very different widgets from SFOS
I think maemo at least at the time was the most compatible with regular linux
both had their own proprietary widgets
thats true Wizzup
it is not just app development but these companies will also need to provide support for each OS
but I remember them all using QT for example.
maemo is mostly gtk
they are not very enthusiastic about increasing the support burden
so qt and web apps could have been the common grounds
I don't think phosh is qt
no not phosh
only kde
well not only, but for sure
Now days people expect a certain level of useable apps. If you can provide that then you can gain traction. The problem is the facebook, youtube, spoitfy have no incentive to help or even try.
I don't think those are the main issue
there are good third party clients for those
The only real saving grace is webapps, which can some what bridge that gap. and give 3prty OS a slight chance to catch on.
it is really the banking and government etc stuff that is the issue, I think
what I really hate is that they want to use a smartphone as a root of trust
wel the gov stuff can be lobbied by voters at least. Corps ... nope
theoretically ;)
and they can easily shut down api for those 3rd party apps like twitter did.
I don't think web apps are particularly foss friendly
I have actually been thinking about that a lot recently
I am ambivalent about web apps
on one hand I don't think all the bloat, untrusted JS (especially with the transient execution vulnerabilities nowadays) and the emerging Chromium monopoly
on the other hand it is the only option for alternative OSes (both desktop and mobile)
and that is not even considering all the tracking
xmn: well, yes, but web apps don't work when they want to use the device as the root of trust, like your example using the IMEI
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yeah, for sure not saying web apps are perfect. Just an easy way for company to support alt OS.
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true, I am just saying, the least they could do is not force you to have a certain phone for use as a hardware token
Wizzup not sure how we can fix the foss friendliness other than something like a matrix, where it's a bridging platforms. But I see it as the only way to even begin to attract alt curious main stream users.
missMyN900 haha, one could wish. But ppl and corps love control
they will do everything to get more, unless you vote with your wallet or votes.
I'm sure you folks have way more experience then me. But I started with a sharp zuarus 5500, which was qt. And through out all this time, I saw opportunities wasted, because of lack of building a universal apps store, before store were even a thing :).
This is way i think webapp, which there aer many very successful one, can be commercially successful and still foss or open source at least.
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foss doesn't need webapps, it needs apis
yeah, true
this is the next stage I think
to me a web app is almost the same a apis, in the sense of building in technology into them.
I have an idea for a app that I want to build. And it would be web first them maybe build native apps eventually if needed. But would be using lots of apis for many services or existing saas platforms, to make it happen.
But would lean on folks like you MartijnBraam[m] who are making things to know best practices and paths to try.