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<Wizzup> new images are up
<Danct12> i have a n900 with me today :)
<Wizzup> how does maemopkgove3kc2xxzyuk26j3ict6qzbqi3govge3s6h5aokr2uo6eqd.onion sound for hidden service for pkgs
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<sicelo> Sounds obfuscated:-D
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<bencoh> and awfuly long, but let's hope nobody while try to type it
<Wizzup> uh it took me 40 cpu hours to get a key with that prefix
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<bencoh> oh :D
<bencoh> neat
<Wizzup> just one more char in the prefix will likely require 500+ cpu hours
<bencoh> ^^
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<buZz> aw, finally got the openlara files, but its not really functional
<buZz> eh, lol, now i can get gprs connected, IP configured, icd2 seems happy, BUT, no route gets set O_o
<sicelo> Some mobile operators don't provide one actually
<buZz> it does give one on android
<Wizzup> buZz: hm, wrt route, does mdbus2 show it?
<buZz> not sure how to see it with mdbus2?
<buZz> btw, if i just do 'mdbus2' on commandline, i dont get any org.ofono output?
<Wizzup> mdbus2 -s org.ofono
<Wizzup> then find the context path
<Wizzup> run it with the path
<Wizzup> and then pick the getproperties method
<Wizzup> and run it with the path and the metho
<Wizzup> d
<buZz> eh, hm
<sicelo> buZz so simetimes the operator doesn't provide you with a default route ... in that case you set default route by interface (wwan3) instead of by gateway
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<Wizzup> buZz: did you figure it out
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<uvos__> buZz: whats wrong with openlara?
<uvos__> i accually finished the game on device
<uvos__> so works fine here
<buZz> are you using hildon?
<uvos__> yeah
<uvos__> its fine and fullscreen
<Wizzup> uvos__: btw, any comment on the speakerphone issue?
<Wizzup> as in I'm trying to figure out what to write so I can test that it works for me
<uvos__> Wizzup: hmm?
<buZz> its not fullscreen here, nor even visually correct
<uvos__> buZz: you have to disable shadows
<uvos__> this is a pvr bug
<uvos__> otherwise its visually correct
<uvos__> and its fullscreen for me
<buZz> i mean, i dont even get any menu
<buZz> its fully distorted
<uvos__> you dont get the 3d icons right?
<uvos__> the 2d text should be fine
<buZz> 1 moment, i'll show you
<uvos__> Wizzup: you just have to write the route you want to use
<uvos__> you can use registers as set when a audio file is playing via whatever route you want
<uvos__> then place a call and write the register back to that state
<Wizzup> uvos__: I don't think I know how
<Wizzup> oh, hm...
<Wizzup> so does that make earpiece work for calls too?
<Wizzup> (because you wrote 'whatever route you want')
<uvos__> yes
<uvos__> also headphones
<uvos__> whatever you want
<Wizzup> hmm
<Wizzup> so how many registers do I have to look at, not just the one you mention then?
<uvos__> just the one really
<uvos__> unless you also want to use a different mic
<Wizzup> so 0824 ?
<uvos__> if thats the resiter i mentioned
<uvos__> i dont know it by heart :P
<uvos__> buZz: openlara still works fine here
<buZz> still uploading;
<buZz> 1m remaining
<buZz> uvos__: maybe something weird about the more recent images then?
<uvos__> no idea
<uvos__> try this
<uvos__> open the game
<uvos__> once the menu music is playing go right right
<buZz> i cant launch it through hildon
<uvos__> enter
<buZz> the files arent in the location it expect perhaps?
<uvos__> right they are supposed to go into ~/.openlara
<uvos__> hmm thats interesing
<buZz> ah, no idea where i could see that :P
<uvos__> you cant
<uvos__> its not documented
<Wizzup> it'd be good to have wiki pages for every extras pkg
<buZz> well, or make it selfdocumenting? like a popup on failure 'files should go in X'
<uvos__> buZz: well ist a upstream issue
<uvos__> reall
<uvos__> upstream isent documented
<uvos__> is the problem
<uvos__> anyhow
<uvos__> that looks really screwed up
<uvos__> never seen that
<buZz> hmhm
<buZz> yeah no idea
<uvos__> interestingly it also worked fine for freemangordon
<buZz> i dont think many ppl install new images too often :P
<uvos__> i doubt its that
<buZz> gotta say i -am- tempted to grab maemo-leste-1.0-armhf-droid4-20220508.img.xz ;)
<Wizzup> maybe the gl-in-gles lib is installed?
<Wizzup> I forget the name
<buZz> gl4es? shouldnt be
<Wizzup> ok
<buZz> lets see
<buZz> yeah its not installed
<uvos__> put that into .openlara
<uvos__> (and all your files)
<uvos__> launch via hildon
<uvos__> also
<uvos__> nvm
<uvos__> we just synced devel so you have the new sdl for sure
<buZz> ok lets see
<buZz> now it works :)
<uvos__> hmm
<uvos__> hmmmm
<uvos__> but why
<buZz> wait, actually, the entire game is untexturemapped?
<buZz> eh
<uvos__> huh?
<uvos__> no
<uvos__> its fully textured
<uvos__> you must be missing files if its not
<buZz> yeah i guess
<uvos__> thas how its supposed to look
<buZz> :)
<uvos__> buZz
<uvos__> ah this is pvr bug
<uvos__> go into settings
<uvos__> and turn of shadows
<uvos__> the shader is broken on pvr
<buZz> how do i leave the game without Esc?
<uvos__> its tab
<uvos__> not esc
<buZz> hm, tab does nothing?
<uvos__> hmm maybe i changed it to tab
<uvos__> em then you have to use the power menu
<uvos__> and change the key to tab
<uvos__> before going into game next time :P
<buZz> ehh
<buZz> no idea what you mean, there's no config option for 'escaping'
<uvos__> Inventory
<uvos__> escape usaly brings up the inventory
<uvos__> while at i set shadows to low and filtering to medium
<buZz> ahhhh ok, now with details all tuned down i can get a game :P
<uvos__> buZz: the default control sheme is poorly suited for just thumbs
<uvos__> but this is quite playable:
<buZz> oooo i can trigger openlara into that distorted mode, i think
<buZz> press the 'home' key , and go back to openlara
<buZz> do that 1-2 times? and it'll be distorted, at least here
<uvos__> this works fine here
<uvos__> thats wierd
<uvos__> yeah i can do that as often as i want
<buZz> weird, even switch to a different program?
<uvos__> yeah
<uvos__> its choppy/slow
<uvos__> but it renders fine
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