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<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, I have qt tp accountmanager working with multiple accounts for sending/receiving and db writing
<Wizzup> it's still hacky but at least so far no 'bugs' in telepathy-qt, looks like we didn't ask for FeatureCore way back
<Wizzup> also, presence managing online-ness helps :)
<Wizzup> dsc_: ^^
<Wizzup> of course it needs a _lot_ more work on basically everything, but at least some of the tp stuff just works now
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<buZz> should that presence-ui also gain a ui in the settings?
<Wizzup> no, it's in the status appplet.
<buZz> ah
<Wizzup> buZz: give us a couple of days to figure this out and it'll work quite sweet I think
<buZz> oh, no worries, was just curious where it was :)
<buZz> btw i have pretty stable gprs on d4 now ; reboot phone, wait till 'no sim icon' disappears, open conndlg ui once (thats the one in status, right?), init.d/icd2 restart , open conndlg ui again, tap the GPRS, it fails , press 'no' do not retry, udhcpc -i wwan3 , boom
<buZz> stable for -houuurs-
<buZz> until i tap conndlg ui again, then it breaks
<buZz> not the best userexperience, but i'm still amazed at how stable this works :)
<Wizzup> too bad you need the udhcpc thing, I use icd2 for it
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I am chatting two-way from conversations now over irc, xmpp and sms with telepathy
<Wizzup> (from my d4)
<buZz> sweet :D
<Wizzup> (of course, this will not always work well yet since we have ofono bugs wrt sms)
<buZz> Wizzup: yeah i really feel its the MVNO simcard thats throwing dirt in the gears
<buZz> or something
<Wizzup> and we don't have a way to compose to new (unknown) contacts yet
<buZz> Wizzup: i wondered if 'sms new person from commandline' could work
<Wizzup> buZz: yeah it's too bad I'm busy tomorrow otherwise we could maybe meet somewhere and look at it irl
<buZz> aww <3
<Wizzup> buZz: yes and also from sphone, we just need to add it to conversations qt app
<buZz> yeah every wednesday evening (or most) i'm at nurdspace, always open for visits
<Wizzup> right, I just can't this wed :)
<buZz> yeah i understand, np
<buZz> if you wanna meet up some other time/day , lemme know, nearly always able to free some time
<Wizzup> yeah, I won't be in .nl for a while after wednesday ;)
<buZz> aw ok , well
<buZz> i probably wont come to bulgaria to debug it ;)
<Wizzup> honestly a fresh image + ssh access ought to be enough
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<buZz> Wizzup: hehe , well, i could set that up perhaps
<buZz> i dont have access to -all- routers in this building so cant forward through that
<buZz> but -maybe- through nurdspace infra
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<uvos__> i dont think there are any ofono bugs wrt sms
<uvos__> at least i never encounterd any wiht sphone, and have used sms quite a bit
<Wizzup> yeah, but there are, were it will not send or receive messages and they get stuck
<Wizzup> might depend on using other parts of ofono at the same time (eg. internet context)
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<fmg_test_rtcom> hehe, this account was created through account-ui :)
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<Wizzup> nice
<freemangordon> mhm, latest tomorrow we'll have idle plugin
<Wizzup> if you feel like it, try the telep branch
<Wizzup> (from conversations)
<freemangordon> will do, but not now
<Wizzup> there is more to do for sure, of course, but it's a nice demo already
<Wizzup> sure
<lel> MerlijnWajer opened an issue: (Missing features / bugs)
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<buZz> freemangordon: was that idle plugin the one based on liblongcat ?
<freemangordon> nope, I am re-writing it from scratch
<Wizzup> ah
<buZz> ah, cool :)
<Wizzup> bad code?
<freemangordon> liblongcat is too hackish for my taste
<Wizzup> what does it do?
<freemangordon> not bad, but not clean
<buZz> it was ment to simplify making new account plugins
<freemangordon> hacks accounts-ui
<freemangordon> yeah, but there are better ways to do the same now we have accounts-ui source code
<freemangordon> have to run, ttyl
<buZz> \o
<buZz> Wizzup: oooo i had a idea, maybe the $dns isnt an array on single answers? (in udhcpc)
<Wizzup> it's possible, maybe log it to a file
<buZz> running udhcpc on commandline does output 'dns="x.x.x.x"'
<buZz> would ${!dns[@]} work in sh? :P
<buZz> hehe
<buZz> oh i have an idea, lets see
<buZz> eh, huh
<buZz> ok i'm getting proper dns over 3g already, not sure
<buZz> 2g*
<buZz> might have been only when not manually udhcpc'ing?
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<buZz> maybe some of the recent -ipv4 fixes changed it
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