<norayr> gpodder almost worked, but:
<norayr> dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.nokia.mafw.renderer.Mafw-Gst-Renderer-Plugin.gstrenderer was not provided by any .service files
<norayr> what is mafw-gst-renderer? (:
<missMyN900> norayr: gst = gstreamer, I know that at least
<missMyN900> norayr: I think this is bad news, seems like this is some Nokia proprietary GStreamer plug-in :(
<norayr> yeas, was there some nokia proprietary gstreamer module?
<norayr> eh.
<norayr> ok, anyway, leafpad works, and that's very good. i love it.
<norayr> thank you!
<norayr> but i'll try to sleep now. will continue tomorrow.
<missMyN900> thank https://www.qwant.com :)
<missMyN900> you should probably ask uvos about this
<missMyN900> I think this MAFW thing may be open source, actually
<missMyN900> but not sure if it still needs to be ported or not
<missMyN900> it is also connected to OMP in some way
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<missMyN900> I have discovered that qtwebbrowser *does* have search capability
<missMyN900> I was confused at first
<missMyN900> it does say "search or type an url" or something like that but it didn't actually work
<missMyN900> however, reading the QML source code I discovered that it has search capability hardcoded to Google
<missMyN900> but, it only works if you type a search query and click on the white bar below the address bar with a "looking glass" icon. Hitting enter does not work unlike in most browsers!
<missMyN900> so of course, my first modification will be adding support for multiple search engines like most (mobile) browsers have
<missMyN900> the nice thing is, this browser should run fine on my Debian desktop, which makes dev a lot easier
<missMyN900> no need to mess with VMs, cross compiling, transferring to the device etc
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<missMyN900> Wizzup: I remember the Modrana UI! But I don't think from my N900 days. Was it available on SFOS too?
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<missMyN900> uvos: I am getting "QML module not found (WebBrowser)" after importing qtwebbrowser in Qt Creator
<missMyN900> this settingsview seems incredibly complicated and way too clever (but I am not an experienced Qt dev)
<missMyN900> I may just partially rewrite it
<missMyN900> I may remove some options as well. I mean who honestly wants to disable images or disk cache on a phone/tablet?
<missMyN900> according to the Qt wiki a ListView is supposed to use a ListModel but they just have some dummy ListModel and don't actually use it
<missMyN900> ah now it makes a little more sense
<missMyN900> biggest problem is how are we going to modify something that was clearly designed only for checkboxes to include a ComboBox...
<missMyN900> and by that I mean it was also only designed for binary options...
<missMyN900> looks like the AppEngine saveSetting method at least supports strings so that is good news
<bencoh> missMyN900: actually disabling disk cache would be more efficient on some devices
<missMyN900> HTTP disk cache in a web browser?
<bencoh> ie the ones with slow IOs, and/or that need to swap a lot
<missMyN900> but isn't the disk cache stored on the eMMC?
<missMyN900> or SD card
<missMyN900> I guess maybe if your internet connection is really fast
<missMyN900> but the devices with slow IO also don't support LTE (properly) and are stuck with 2.4 GHz-only 11n
<missMyN900> I suppose it may be worth preserving the option, if only to limit wear on the SD card
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<Wizzup> norayr: it might make sense to set an icon for maefat in the app manager
<Wizzup> this is just a base64 thing in debian/control
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<uvos__> missMyN900: please note that the version of qtwebbrowser is a _really_ old version
<uvos__> missMyN900: and the newer versions have more feattures, including adblock support and i think selectable search too
<uvos__> unfortionatly as qtwebbrowser is a demo app for qt, it uses new qt features as mutch as possible
<uvos__> and the qt version in devuan is very old
<uvos__> it may make sense to backport a newer version of qtwebbrowser first
<uvos__> before thinking about changing it
<uvos__> also please carry the mce patches in this case
<Wizzup> oh, so we'd need a newer qt and therefore a newer debian?
<uvos__> yeah
<uvos__> not that this really matters from a securty perspective
<uvos__> qtwebbrowser is just the ui
<Wizzup> yeah
<uvos__> but feature wise yeh
<Wizzup> understood, yep
<uvos__> wrt volume buttons on pp
<uvos__> should work
<uvos__> for the vkb
<uvos__> what do you have in ?usr/share/hildon-desktop/shortcuts.ini?
<uvos__> also do the vol buttons work in xterm?
<uvos__> (they should not)
<Wizzup> I think he means for volume
<uvos__> no he explicitly mentioned the vkb no longer working
<uvos__> 1653688004 <missMyN900> volume up does not do anything anymore
<uvos__> since it still works on bionic, the dbus call still works so it must be hildon failing to issue it or the kernel failing to register vol up
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<Wizzup> ok, it's hard for me to keep track of the irc chatter without gh issues
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<norayr> >this is just a base64 thing in debian/control
<norayr> yes, i was sure it's there. will add.
<norayr> meanwhile, when you have time, please open leafpad repo and add it to phoenix. https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/bugtracker/issues/28
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<mighty17[m]> https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/8e6de4a30294809420ac9a974b4f28b38ebdb38f can i add CLK32KAUDIO like this tmlind ?
<lel> MerlijnWajer created a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/leafpad
<norayr> yay
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/bugtracker/issues/28 ([REQ] leafpad)
<lel> norayr edited a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/leafpad
<norayr> sorry, leafpad-source doesn't have a build button.
<Wizzup> norayr: let me add that
<Wizzup> norayr: btw did you see your maefat build failed?
<Wizzup> you can't use the same version/tag and rebuild
<norayr> oh.
<Wizzup> norayr: try now
<Wizzup> norayr: you have to add at least something, like -1, -2
<norayr> i used +leste2 in changelog.
<norayr> but with tag i didn't know what to do because the actual version didn't change.
<Wizzup> ok, hm, not sure why this failed, I think maybe that means the source is still the same
<Wizzup> which then fails
<norayr> no sorry, no button yet.
<Wizzup> huh
<Wizzup> oh
<norayr> yesterday you did something eventually.
<norayr> for the button to appear.
<Wizzup> now
<norayr> yes
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<norayr> aha, interesting, maefat-repos failed, because i followed and maefat-binaries were fine.
<Wizzup> yeah
<Wizzup> there is ##leste-ci
<Wizzup> jenkins blurts there
<norayr> will join.
<norayr> leafpad is in ham.
<Wizzup> yup just installed it
<norayr> it is also interesting that on a pinephone, i can see maefat with +leste2 version and with icon in ham.
<norayr> and strange that lagrange doesn't have an icon, because it is there, in control file.
<Wizzup> yes, it just depends on what runs first
<Wizzup> best just increase the version/tag
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<buZz> could we prevent 'application manager' from trying icd2 stuff
<buZz> it keeps breaking my GPRS connection if i tap on it by accident
<buZz> (which obviously should not happen, but icd2/ofono/data is still kinda fragile)
<Wizzup> I think the problem is that you fix your icd2 connection wrong :)
<Wizzup> or that we don't have the right fix for you
<Wizzup> :)
<buZz> :D
<buZz> i didnt make the icd2 connection though, icd2 did
<buZz> -every- time i reboot it provisions my 'unseen SIM' again
<buZz> maybe i can just plonk the IMSI file somewhere with that MCD MCC stuff already in?
<buZz> if ofono is so unable to store it itself :P
<Wizzup> ofono has very little persistent storage
<Wizzup> it still seems like the problem is that your provider is not known
<Wizzup> right?
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<Wizzup> if someone wants to toy around with it, I set up a tor hs for maedevu http://maemopkgove3kc2xxzyuk26j3ict6qzbqi3govge3s6h5aokr2uo6eqd.onion/
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<buZz> Wizzup: i guess? not sure, normally without knowing the provider it would still collect those MCD MCC stuff and then -store- it on IMSI
<buZz> Wizzup: but -each boot- i get 'IMSI first seen, provisioning'
<buZz> https://lists.01.org/hyperkitty/list/ofono@ofono.org/message/F227ZJQPNDDFSHDSUGSZFE4DIOETPHBJ/ <- this tells me that it should store the provisioned information in the end
<buZz> but i might just be misunderstanding it
<buZz> :)
<buZz> /var/lib/ofono has two directories named after my IMSI
<buZz> with different contents?
<buZz> ah, thats also where 'tx_queue' was stored, which keeps SMS that werent transmitted? :D
<buZz> i noticed one inside, catted it, it got sent right after, file disappeared :)
<buZz> hmm, i wonder if i should just remove all those files and reboot it
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<missMyN900> Wizzup: no, volume has never worked on the Pinephone. Even the status menu volume slider does not work. Pavucontrol is the only option.
<missMyN900> Wizzup, uvos: it is triggering HIM (specifically with the volume up key on the Pinephone) that has regressed since Dec 2021 (I basically did not touch the Pinephone between then and this month)
<humpelstilzchen[> missMyN900: try https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/615 for slider
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen: I have already tried updating the sink
<missMyN900> no effect
<humpelstilzchen[> uh?
<missMyN900> yeah, I already saw that issue yesterday
<missMyN900> and someone (Wizzup or was it uvos?) had already recommended trying that
<missMyN900> it doesn't seem to work
<missMyN900> it has zero effect on the mplayer/smplayer volume
<missMyN900> right now it has been muted the entire time but smplayer still has sound
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: I have tried to debug it but for some reason there is no pulse list-sinks or something command that works
<missMyN900> like I remember listing sinks with a command on a Debian(ish) desktop a while ago
<missMyN900> but neither pacmd nor pactl work
<missMyN900> I just get "no daemon running" or something like that or command not found
<missMyN900> I don't remember exactly
<humpelstilzchen[> yeah, have seen that one
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<missMyN900> I find Linux audio really confusing in general
<missMyN900> why can't is just be like literally every other OS: OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Haiku...
<humpelstilzchen[> missMyN900: "pactl info" works here
<missMyN900> they all have sane audio
<missMyN900> I will try that
<missMyN900> just connected the Pinephone to its charger agian
<missMyN900> the drain is awful
<missMyN900> norayr: btw, weren't you thinking of getting another ML device?
<humpelstilzchen[> pacmd does throw this error: "No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon."
<missMyN900> yes
<missMyN900> that is it
<humpelstilzchen[> pactl info gives me this output: https://paste.debian.net/1242493/
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: so the "default sink" is the same as the one in the issue except for the "platform-sound" part in the middle
<missMyN900> does that matter?
<humpelstilzchen[> it probably does
<missMyN900> wait
<missMyN900> when did you install your image?
<missMyN900> I have a very new image
<missMyN900> I guess I should try changing the status volume ini to my "default sink:
<humpelstilzchen[> no idea, somewhere in the last year, but I update all the time
<missMyN900> wait black screen bug is occurring again
<humpelstilzchen[> missMyN900: are you on beowulf-devel?
<missMyN900> hold on I need to ssh to debug it
<missMyN900> no devel
<humpelstilzchen[> aah, thats probably the difference
<missMyN900> I am always too late to dbg it...
<missMyN900> it is occurring again!
<missMyN900> this is during the black screen bug
<missMyN900> DPMS is already on
<missMyN900> so not point in forcing it, I think
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<missMyN900> I have noticed that when it recovers from the bug, the notification LED always turns on
<missMyN900> it has happened again
<missMyN900> the screen has truly turned off (timeout) again and the LED is on
<missMyN900> and now
<missMyN900> yep, if I press the power button I get the lockscreen again
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: where is this sinks.ini again?
<humpelstilzchen[> /usr/share/maemo-statusmenu-volume/sinks.ini
<missMyN900> ok thx
<missMyN900> do I need to restart anything or reboot
<missMyN900> btw, sorry for the interruption but uvos asked me to debug this days ago
<humpelstilzchen[> yes it is a good idea to reboot. I recommend against a manual restart of hildon. Had no good experience with that...
<humpelstilzchen[> also it might be a good idea to add the beowulf-devel repository. Wizzup: how big is the difference between both for pp?
<missMyN900> I just don't want it to break stuff honestly :(
<missMyN900> I am happy that my PP is finally somewhat usable
<missMyN900> I am actually using it quite a lot for browsing now instead of my iPad
<missMyN900> before that was simply too painful
<missMyN900> uvos__: by the way, are you saying that qtwebbrowser is in the Devuan Chimaera repos? It is not in the Bullseye/11 repos on my desktop...
<missMyN900> did ML upstream it?
<missMyN900> or wait you said it uses Qt features, right
<missMyN900> sorry
<missMyN900> anyway, it is probably better to wait for the switch to Chimaera
<missMyN900> that will be a really good time for browsers on ML then as netsurf-gtk 3.10 will also become available!
<missMyN900> I actually discovered recently that netsurf-gtk does appear to have some kind of touch support as I can drag the page to scroll on my Debian desktop
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: it does not affect the volume displayed in pavucontrol at all
<missMyN900> nor does it affect the smplayer volume
<missMyN900> I guess you just need devel for this
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: what is the general difference between 'regular' and devel? I mean aside from Pinephone specific stuff?
<humpelstilzchen[> I have no overview on this. I just found out in february that PP works much better with -devel
<missMyN900> but is it for the OS itself or apps only?
<missMyN900> extras-devel?
<missMyN900> like what repo is it specifically the devel version of?
<humpelstilzchen[> deb https://maedevu.maemo.org/leste beowulf-devel main contrib non-free lima pinephone
<missMyN900> uvos__: I was able to trigger the bug again by rotating the screen (that often seems to trigger it). Tried xset dpms force on multiple times to no effect
<norayr> > missMyN900 wrote:
<norayr> > norayr: btw, weren't you thinking of getting another ML device?
<norayr> hey, yes. you have suggestions?
<norayr> missMyN900: i was answering your question.
<norayr> yes, maybe it makes sense to package netsurf, till we are not on the release which contains it.
<norayr> Wizzup: how did u generate a tor url which starts with maemo? (:
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<uvos> missMyN900: its a bug in lima then, or maybe hildon-desktop
<uvos> please kill hildon desktop next time
<uvos> missMyN900: no its not, i packaged it and added it to leste
<uvos> its not in any other repos
<uvos> please do as i say wrt debugging steps wrt vol buttons
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<norayr> Wizzup, ok, i found eschalot.
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<uvos> missMyN900: btw firefox has full mobile/touch support
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<missMyN900> norayr: yes, I was checking out the Droid Bionic the day before yesterday, I think it was
<missMyN900> and found brand new ones for 50 USD!
<missMyN900> if you are importing from the US, you might as well pay a little bit more to get a new one
<missMyN900> otherwise it is kind of a waste of money to pay for shipping to get a worn out device
<uvos> imo 50 for a bionic is alot, even new
<missMyN900> well, I mean, do you really want a device that has been used for 10 years?
<missMyN900> if you are in the US and shipping is cheap it may be worth teh gamble
<uvos> if its in good cosmetic condition, sure, they have no moving parts
<missMyN900> but if you are paying more than $30 to ship it to another continent it is better to get one that is in excellent condition IMHO
<uvos> except the battery nothing fails really, and thats just as dead if its been sitting for 10 years
<uvos> btw if you can
<missMyN900> I think touch screen failures can be an issue
<missMyN900> what is your advice for debugging the HIM/volume up key issue?
<uvos> get one with the hw8x extended battery
<uvos> its a non-hv normal lip
<uvos> o
<missMyN900> I followed your advice for debugging the black screen bug
<uvos> that ages mutch better than bw4x/eb41
<missMyN900> unfortunately it did not work but I did do a paste
<missMyN900> I probably will not get a DB
<missMyN900> but it is good info for norayr for sure
<uvos> i did see that yeah
<uvos> this means its not mce
<missMyN900> are you sure?
<uvos> yes
<missMyN900> I can work around it by spamming the power key
<uvos> its either lima or maybe hildon (fairly unlikely)
<missMyN900> that works consistently
<missMyN900> so that seems like a mce/power button event/whatever issue to me
<uvos> but its not
<uvos> mce just tells x to turn on the display
<uvos> and xset asserts that has happend
<uvos> so x has failed to create surfaces
<missMyN900> it mostly occurs when rotating the phone
<uvos> or hildon has failed to render surfaces
<missMyN900> but does not always occur
<missMyN900> maybe it is a good idea to try the Twister tablet?
<missMyN900> see if it is lima related?
<uvos> killing hildon is a good test
<uvos> since if it works after that
<uvos> its the opengl implementation or hildon itself
<missMyN900> how do I do that? Can I do that over ssh?
<uvos> otherwise it could also be modesetting/drm failing to create the front buffer for some reason
<uvos> sure
<uvos> killall -9 hildon-desktop
<missMyN900> ok
<missMyN900> and it auto restarts?
<uvos> yea
<missMyN900> alright I triggered it
<missMyN900> and restarted hildon
<missMyN900> but it had no effect
<missMyN900> however, spamming the power button worked again
<missMyN900> and like I said before that also causes the notification LED to turn on
<missMyN900> sometimes it resolves itself and then I also see the notification LED turn on
<uvos> x/glamor is failing to create the frontbuffer or the crtc is failing to reactivate
<missMyN900> the notification LED is connected to it
<missMyN900> what is crtc?
<uvos> cathode ray tube controller
<uvos> essentally "display output"
<uvos> anyhow this is not really my department
<uvos> maybe check if you can repoduce this without hildon
<uvos> with just x/glamor
<uvos> and then complain upstream to lima folks
<missMyN900> uvos: should I try if I can reproduce with another distro?
<missMyN900> pmOS?
<uvos> you can just repoduce it on leste
<missMyN900> Mobian?
<missMyN900> but what UI should I use then?
<uvos> by creating a runlevel without hildon stuff
<uvos> and starting x with just a xterm or something
<uvos> and then rotating with xrandr
<uvos> no ui just control via ssh
<missMyN900> hmmm
<missMyN900> uvos: I have an idea, I will lock the orientation and see if the disappears completely
<uvos> not really a good test
<uvos> rotating causes a lot of surfaces to be reallocated at the same time
<missMyN900> why not? Then we can be sure it is purely rotation related
<uvos> oh sure, that just dosent tell us that mutch
<missMyN900> do you know where I can find the newer version of qtwebbrowser, by the way?
<missMyN900> I would like to take a look at that code
<missMyN900> ok thx
<missMyN900> also, do you think I should try devel first?
<missMyN900> to see if the black screen bug has been fixed already?
<uvos> no its not
<uvos> its x or mesa
<uvos> both of those are the same
<missMyN900> ok
<missMyN900> but then Chimaera could be an improvement?
<uvos> no we use even newer x/mesa than chimaera
<missMyN900> oh
<missMyN900> it is from upstream directly?
<missMyN900> or linux-sunxi or something?
<uvos> git snapschots even
<missMyN900> ok
<missMyN900> modrana is working now
<missMyN900> last time I tried it (Dec 2021) it was not
<missMyN900> at least on the PP
<missMyN900> I will let it try to find my location this time
<missMyN900> uvos: by the way, what is your advice for debugging the HIM/volume up issue? Since you said I should follow it ;)
<missMyN900> also, that issue is stopping me from using firefox at the moment (before qtwebbrowser, I was using FF on ML)
<norayr> missMyN900: thank you, i have opened the link.
<norayr> looks cool.
<norayr> i was searching for something with keyboard, that's why i was thinking about droid3.
<missMyN900> yes, but these are easier to find in good condition :)
<norayr> i have droid4. but i have a tendency to hoard devices, so it is better to discourage me from buying something instead of encouraging. (:
<missMyN900> you can join the vkb team :)
<norayr> yes, as i see, droid3 is hard to find in good condition.
<missMyN900> DB has the same resolution as the Jolla had
<missMyN900> but on 4.3" instead of 4.5"
<norayr> i do, on pinephone. though i should receive the hwkbd soon.
<missMyN900> oh that is cool
<norayr> not sure how useful it'll be.
<norayr> there was a motorola phone i'd really like to have, if its camera was working.
<missMyN900> DB has 8 MP camera and 1080p so should be relatively nice
<norayr> it connects to the hasselblad attachment, and becomes more like a point and shoot camera with different focal length, with zoom lens.
<norayr> yeah, but under leste it won't work, i guess. :/
<missMyN900> according to wiki currently, no
<uvos> boinics camera (same unit as d4) is piss poor even relative to its age
<norayr> aaand, it is officially supported? is there a maemo sd card image for it?
<uvos> yes droid bionic is fully supported
<norayr> actually if i found cheap devices, i know about 3-5 people, i would want to present the phone with leste.
<missMyN900> speaking of the wiki, I edited the wiki yesterday to reflect that smplayer is in the Devuan repos
<missMyN900> and that FoxtrotGPS has been tested (by me :) )
<missMyN900> since smplayer is on the wishlist
<norayr> i just realized we don't have a simple camera to test it. but there should be one in debian repos. maybe cheese. or there was something like glucview.
<missMyN900> uvos: how does its camera compare with the N900 camera?
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<missMyN900> maybe the phosh camera has been upstreamed already?
<uvos> n900 is slightly better
<missMyN900> I liked the N900 camera
<missMyN900> Jolla camera was very bad LOL
<uvos> n900's cammera is good for its age
<uvos> but by 2011 its just average
<norayr> missMyN900: that's the attachment i was talking about: https://www.amazon.com/Motorola-Hasselblad-Camera-Droid-Force/dp/B01J9SSQZY
<uvos> by 2022 its terrible
<norayr> and the phone is moto z force. not sure what is its chipset.
<missMyN900> oh but those are not OMAP/ML phones, I think
<missMyN900> you should look into the Lumix phone
<norayr> and speaking of jolla it's one of the devices i really like how it looks.
<uvos> msm8xxxx
<missMyN900> not a fan of Snapdragon
<norayr> i like those straight corners, the flat boxy design.
<missMyN900> it does have interesting styling
<norayr> uvos, do you know what is the chipset of moto z droid? is it texas instruments or quallcomm?
<uvos> qcom
<norayr> eh.
<uvos> omap4 is also the last genration of ti chips
<norayr> also, what's really bad about jolla phone is that we cannot change the operating system.
<uvos> that was sold in any volume
<missMyN900> Pyra has OMAP5
<uvos> right
<missMyN900> but not in volume
<uvos> in any volume
<norayr> omg two chipset nerds.
<missMyN900> not really, I just came across the Pyra a while ago and then again yesterday while browsing OMAP wikipedia
<norayr> missMyN900: do you aware about keyboardless device that looks like a really flat box? sort of like jolla?
<missMyN900> I was looking for more OMAP4 devices
<missMyN900> btw are there any plans for a Galaxy Nexus port?
<uvos> no
<missMyN900> i9250 should be easy to find across the world
<norayr> i have google nexus s, i know it runs postmarket os, so i would like to contribute with many efforts to create a leste port.
<missMyN900> why not? It is as good as it gets with OMAP4
<norayr> don't even know where to start.
<uvos> its still a huge amount of effort
<missMyN900> 4.65" 720p with 1.2 GHz 4460
<uvos> the omap4 is just one chip
<missMyN900> pmOS seems pretty advanced
<uvos> nexus s is totaly differant
<norayr> for me, for some reason it is really slow (pmos).
<missMyN900> almost everything is mainlined except modem
<missMyN900> it'd be a nice, cheap tablet
<norayr> maybe that's because musl is well, small, portable, but has less optimizations for different processors, than glibc.
<norayr> also, i don't like the approach of musl's developer who doesn't like gpl.
<uvos> no
<uvos> anyhow its still a lot of effort to support a device
<uvos> we wont do it
<uvos> ofc anyone else can
<missMyN900> even if it is already well-supported by pmOS?
<uvos> yes
<norayr> i believe today pine64 devices are must to support. they bring a lot of users.
<missMyN900> so basically adding supported for, for example, the Pinephone Pro would be a lot of work too?
<norayr> and we need users because some of them become contributors.
<missMyN900> even though it is heavily mainlined?
<norayr> also, i remember mnt announced a phone, i guess.
<uvos> yes
<uvos> even keeping up with all the issues the d4 has is like a full time job
<norayr> but, old motorola device doesn't bring many users - pinephones do.
<uvos> it just gets extream once you get into details
<uvos> and the d4 is really mainlined
<uvos> not pmos fake mainlined
<missMyN900> norayr: but PP seems to have poor pm unfortunately
<missMyN900> mapphones will never be a true option in the US unfortunately
<missMyN900> carriers are getting extremely restrictive
<norayr> well, anyhow, a lot of users will suffer with that poor pm. isn't it better if they suffer in our community, by running maemo leste?
<missMyN900> problem is if people are disappointed and decide to not use the PP much at all
<missMyN900> like for example, I had no idea that A64 pm was inferior to even an old OMAP
<missMyN900> luckily I never bought my PP to use as a phone in the first place
<missMyN900> otherwise I would have been very unhappy and disappointed
<norayr> well, maybe. just pp attracts people who think about freedom. so my two friends with pp, they run it, suffer with it, but run.
<norayr> one even installed a jabber server and got a sim card with real ip.
<missMyN900> I wonder if i.MX8M pm is better in the Librem
<norayr> and eventually one friend decided to use leste, other uses sailfish. other distributions are too heavy and slow.
<missMyN900> for sure
<missMyN900> ML is the smoothest experience that I have so far
<missMyN900> that is one of the things that attracted me to it
<missMyN900> even back in 2021 when it was not as usable as it is now
<missMyN900> it ran much better than pmOS Plasma
<missMyN900> of course, as an ex-N900 user and fan there is more to it than that
<missMyN900> norayr, uvos: but basically mapphones are dead in the US
<missMyN900> VoLTE is becoming a requirement here right now
<missMyN900> what is worse is that some carriers are even implementing whitelists!
<missMyN900> so even if your phone is 100% technically capable of operating on their network, it can still be banned
<missMyN900> basically the situation is very bleak for anyone who wants any kind of freedom/privacy or something unique/interesting
<uvos> i gues you could use the one mapphone: the mz617 xD
<missMyN900> in the future we may be stuck with not much more than Samsungs and iPhones
<missMyN900> and remember that US Samsung Galaxy S series have a locked bootloader!
<missMyN900> IIRC it cannot be unlocked
<missMyN900> we get the Snapdragon versions here
<missMyN900> because of CDMA traditionally
<missMyN900> although now I think the MSMs are being sold in more places
<missMyN900> and Exynos is getting less common
<missMyN900> but it has been fixed in newer versions
<missMyN900> it the post says that there indeed is no oem unlock in North American models
<missMyN900> so it is true what I said
<uvos> all mapphones except xt91x are also bootloader locked with no way to unlock
<uvos> dident stop us
<missMyN900> still, I would not mind buying a mapphone without cellular but it is another device to care for
<missMyN900> and I am worried about the battery because I have not had good experiences at all with my i515 (Verizon Galaxy Nexus) and BB Z10
<missMyN900> both of which I bought used for about $20
<norayr> i have some crypto anarchist friends who live in rural russia. but they only own computers, because they don't trust phones.
<norayr> ml would be a good choice for them to stay connected.
<norayr> even without gsm/3g, only by using wifi.
<norayr> just after the war started, one of those came for a couple of days to armenia, to try to open a bank account, but i had no device to give them at time.
<norayr> won't send the device, need to give from hand to hand. so next time i see them. if i have the devices.
<norayr> maybe indeed, bionic is a good device for a present. especially if the battery is easily replacable. nokia n9 looks cooler, but the battery is a problem.
<missMyN900> they are smart people ;)
<missMyN900> I would definitely go for a Bionic
<norayr> do you aware if the battery in bionic can be easily replaced, by opening a cover?
<uvos> it has a removable battery
<uvos> but good luk finding one thats in good shape
<uvos> they stoped makeing them in 2014
<norayr> btw, it's interesting, i see that lagrange gemini client crashes on droid4 often, but is very stable under pinephone. probably it is not tested well on 32bit
<uvos> d4 is mutch better
<norayr> systems.
<uvos> since it has screw terminals
<norayr> uvos, but those screw terminals is such a problem for me.
<uvos> how so?
<norayr> the screws on mine are not in good shape. every time i am afraid i won't be able to use them again.
<norayr> then... i used to carry second battery with n900 and swap.
<uvos> they are just m1.5 screews
<uvos> iirc
<uvos> you can just buy them
<norayr> with droid it is a problem to unscrew and screw every time.
<norayr> okay. didn't think of it.
<norayr> and when my battery dies and i need to put it to external charger
<norayr> i need to unscrew and screw again. (:
<norayr> what about droid3? i just like how it looks more.
<uvos> same as bionic
<norayr> so droid4 is the most powerful and modern?
<uvos> out of which devices?
<uvos> bionic and d4 are 90% the same
<uvos> d3 has less ram and no lte
<uvos> d4 has best combination of features
<missMyN900> uvos: I saw a Mugen for the Atrix 2, which seems to be the same phone for a different carrier
<uvos> ofc
<missMyN900> I remember N900 Mugen batts :)
<uvos> atrix 2 has a totaly different case
<uvos> its also a mapphone btw
<missMyN900> yes
<uvos> thats an exaustive list btw
<missMyN900> norayr: yes, I have the same issue with Z10!
<missMyN900> I constantly need to swap batteries with my external charger
<missMyN900> norayr: are you familiar with the Z10?
<missMyN900> it is "the other" Qt phone ;)
<missMyN900> actually, the global version was also a mapphone
<norayr> never heard of it i think.
<norayr> let me check it out.
* norayr downloading the ods file
<missMyN900> if you are a phone collector, you should def have one
<uvos> missMyN900: um mapphone is a motorola arch that includes a ti omap4 and a motorola cpacap chip
<missMyN900> oh
<missMyN900> it has a 4470
<uvos> right
<uvos> its more a 4470 referance implemntation
<uvos> the mapphones are very far from a ti referance implementaiton
<missMyN900> most RAM of any OMAP4 phone probably :)
<missMyN900> norayr: I got mine for $22
<missMyN900> it is an ex-Canadian one
<missMyN900> GSM with LTE, so theoretically I could use it on T-Mobile US
<missMyN900> but no VoLTE
<missMyN900> so would be LTE data only
<missMyN900> by the way if you guys ever need any ML testing on T-Mobile US, I can do it
<uvos> same thing should be possible with mz617
<uvos> in theroy
<missMyN900> I got it to work on the PP with pmOS Plasma APN auto detect
<missMyN900> it uses a special APN
<uvos> not that i recommend testing this theory
<missMyN900> rather than official/regular LTE APN
<missMyN900> norayr: Z10 is a feature phone now basically though
<missMyN900> BB World is dead so no apps
<missMyN900> I use it as an mp3 player
<missMyN900> OS is super smooth
<missMyN900> it has a microSDXC slot
<missMyN900> OS is QNX based
<missMyN900> very nice
<missMyN900> norayr: actually I had a BB Classic after I sold my Jolla (I missed the hwkb of the N900 more than mobile Linux for daily use tbh)
<missMyN900> all that switching phones cost me a ton of money due to poor resale value
<missMyN900> but I was young and dumb ;)
<norayr> yes, something that cannot run linux is not a computer, and cannot be used as computer.
<norayr> to me that, being able to be used as computer, is the most important thing in a device.
<missMyN900> ok
<norayr> there was a lot of 5 droid4's for $120 i guess.
<missMyN900> honestly the ML project should pool money together to buy those
<norayr> but all the devices that can run leste are under this computer category.
<missMyN900> I know
<missMyN900> for me, I had actually given up on that
<missMyN900> until the PP :)
<missMyN900> but PP will probably never be a phone for me
<norayr> even pmos... probably i should install pmos on that nexus s device, just to feel better. and ssh to it from time to time. (:
<missMyN900> you could get a Galaxy Nexus too
<missMyN900> and run pmOS
<missMyN900> there is i9250 (international), i515 Toro (Vzw) and L700 (Sprint)
<norayr> let me check that, i never know these nexuses well. this device i just have because somebody gave me, they just don't need it.
<missMyN900> I had a i515 but gifted it last year
<missMyN900> all are OMAP4460
<missMyN900> just different modems
<norayr> i am trying now to move my mobile computing to leste, be it droid or pp.
<missMyN900> i515 is LTE
<missMyN900> I think L700 is very similar
<missMyN900> i9250 is 3G only
<norayr> one thing i really need is 2fa, which i now run under sailfish.
<norayr> i am afraid i need to write a new gui for the sailfish app.
<missMyN900> uvos: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues?sort=created_date&state=opened&label_name[]=lima I don't see anything that could be relevant
<norayr> the rest is doable. gemini i already have. there are many browsers for debian.
<missMyN900> it has still not required a location fix
<missMyN900> I don't think it is going to happen
<missMyN900> let's see
<missMyN900> it has been more than 1 h based on IRC time stamp
<missMyN900> yeah, location must not be working on PP
<missMyN900> even without A-GPS this seems excessive
<missMyN900> or maybe the GPS module in the PP just isn't very good
<missMyN900> alright guys I am going devel
<missMyN900> wish me luck ;)
<missMyN900> lots of updates
<missMyN900> this is looking good
<missMyN900> if I had not bought the PP already (to use as an LTE hotspot), I would have bought a DB if I was aware of ML
<missMyN900> (I discovered ML because of the PP)
<missMyN900> alright, I am going to do some Haiku testing/debugging
<missMyN900> I am going to try it on some more laptops (I am getting rid of some old ones)
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