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<tmlind> ok pushed out droid4-pending-v5.18 branch to, seems to behave based on light testing
<tmlind> i also merged in my pending fixes for few annoying warnings, random debug console sysrq events and, musb not idling with some dumb chargers. will post those to the lists after more testing after the merge window hopefully
<tmlind> uvos: so the sysrq fix might help with remaining boot issues with debug serial cable connected
<tmlind> Wizzup, freemangordon, uvos: please also do a v5.18 based topic branches for your pending kernel patches for m-l kernel to merge in
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<freemangordon> tmlind: sorry, I am on holiday, will be able to check on thursday, earliest
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<tmlind> freemangordon: ok no rush, check when you can, seems to behave for me
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<tmlind> at least connecting to d4 to a media dock musb fails to idle on disconnect.. so this is with musb in usb host mode, need to debug that at some point..
<tmlind> disconnecting dumb chargers seems to idle musb just fine now though
<tmlind> oh well, need to continue at some point later on when i get a chance
<sicelo> Nice work
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<uvos__> nice @tmlind
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<Wizzup> tmlind: nice, will try to look at it soon
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