they're extracting the xz -on- the sd card which they will write the image to? :D
gee, just 550MB?
ehm, i dont think the maemo-leste-1.0-arm64-pinephone-20220515.img.xz is able to boot?
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oh > These steps should work in theory, but at the moment the image is unbootable.
ah, weird, now the image is 2GB ? O_o
wtf is happening :D
ah well, at least its not blinking red anymore
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xmn: do you have one? do the leds have any meaning during boot?
I do have one.
I currently am only booting into meamo under the multi-boot img, so may not have the same experience and is likely outdate or has a different kernel then fresh install.
But just now the red light did come on as it started up, then went away after the startup text scrolled by.
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It also will blink purple-ish color when charging too. Don't remember if it will turn green once completed.
xmn: so from booting its fully-on red all the time?
until kernel msgs come by?
hmm, i'm stuck in 'fully-on red' it seems
xmn: i have some multiboot on the EMMC with maemo inside , but its a very eh, weird image
are all the OS in 1 filesystem? using the same kernel?
feels like a notclever move
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yeah pretty much
it's has it advantages and disadvantages. Like you can restore a img. or choose different OS to boot to, like sailfish for example or palmOS.
but it can never be treated as the orig, so can't get help with things.
I hope to make a boot-img of only my favs at some point. Even can make a kodi boot img if that is your thing :)
The red light only last at most 1 sec, then off while the kernel msgs text scroll by
xmn: as is, that multiboot doesnt even have diskspace to update the maemo :P
yeah you need to expand it to take up the full size of the sdcard. They do that to keep it working for smaller cheap sdcards I think.
right, but maemo's /etc/expandcard.sh doesnt work inside that multiboot image
I used a btfs capable app to do it via gui. But there are ways to do it in terminal too.
yeah I did it under manjaro
since it support btfs if I remember correctly
did you device come with anything install on emmc?
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mighty17[m]: iirc its not related to the omap4 on mappones
you just tell cpcap you want to reboot isntead via a register write and then shutdown
cpcap + mbm then do the right thing
probubly your pmic works the same
oh thats intersting
i dont think it'll be able to reboot to lets say recovery
xmn: whats hard reset? power+voldown?
im actually not sure how that works
ah, yes it is!
but yeah must be some way to tell mbm
i think
since android dose so
buZz I forget, either when you hold the power button down for some time till it shut off. Or there is a button on the back under the cover.
xmn: it has a 2022 january? multiboot on emmc
now its booting leste from a 8GB sd, works well :)
i dont think video accel is working though
no accel
you can update the multiboot version of maemo, but always remember that this is NOT the true experience of maemo-leste. For that you should install the full maemo only img on emmc or sdcard.
I have not had time to do that just yet
hmhm, its not that hard, just find a microSD you can use, and run the commands from the wiki (once i've updated them, wtf who wrote those, lol)
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yeah, too many things on my sdcard at the moment :)
I got sailfish, mobian, another one I forget ... lol and some tools on another.
you own -1- sdcard? :O
oh 2
gee man
no I have a bunch. Some are faster, some are too small, some are slow.
buZz: no accel? on pinephone?
Wizzup: i dont think so? gui is pretty sluggish, want me to film it?
I think I have about 4 good one for this stuff
:) gee man
did you see 128GB microSD is now <20 euro?
buZz: what does es2_info say
buZz: if you get more than 2fps it is accelerated fyi
its not installed :P
oh, yeah >2 fps , but maybe not >10 ?
which device?
oh, pinephone
any idea which package its in?
yeah yeah no shaming :P .. haha. I will get it on a separate device eventually.
i saw references that pinephone leste is using lima? so hip
xmn: np :)
buZz: how about portrait
seems slower
that is odd
mesa-utils-extra has es2_info btw
not sure, i havent ever used a pinephone before
virtual keyboard cant send backspace -_-
what app?
ah , GL_RENDERER: Mali400
Wizzup: terminal
yup accelerated
alright, gee
droid4 runs circles around this :P
lower res
ah true
by a lot
maybe we can run the screen at /2 res? :D
but yeah also mali400 is slow
but also there is a bit more we can do to make it faster
still it is not bad I think compared to some other oses
at least at the time
did i read correct that calls + data work fine on pinephone?
Sailfish for reference rush, buttery smooth on the pinephone. So it should be able to be optimized more.
Half resolution sound like a reasonable approach.
buZz very OS dependent. But yes mostly it works. Some times really good other times pretty bad. sms and mms now work, just not ideally for critical use at the moment.
buZz: there are some of the same ui bugs
but yes, should
hmm :)
xmn: yeah i'm just caring about leste ;)
so your sim will cause similar issues probably
if MMS is critical to you, i'd say you need to upgrade your life :D lol
buZz, yup of course.
well for some in the US it still very much used
buZz: wrt screen blur, that is tweakable
in gconf
Wizzup: I got maemo running on my d4, that was pretty fun. the photon Q seems to have immediately died on me, LED turns on when i plug it in but i can't make it turn on. I need to get some time to take it apart, pull the battery out and maybe hook up UART so i can figure out what's going wrong
Wizzup: but, the keyboard could be 'android style' in portrait mode
where its always on screen, and your keys go straight to program
Caleb[m]: nice @ d4
Caleb[m]: re: photon, mmmm
I think I booted it to android np
maybe low bat?
buZz: agreed
Wizzup: I did have it booting to android when it arrived, charged it up and all was fine
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left it on my desk and came back to it a day or so later and it was just dead
At worst I should be able to combine the two PQ's I have into a working on ...
Caleb[m]: can you still boot android on it? droid4 can get in 'such' mode aswell
i haven't been able to get the display to turn on
if you could boot android, often their 'low battery' stuff captures the boot and holds it until >X %
green LED when i plug in a usb cable, nothing else
i left it plugged in for a day
was green led still on then?
think so? it was a little while ago
i don't think the battery was dead
ahwell, d4 is the winner anyway
* buZz
tries installing anbox
Caleb[m]: still, surprising
yep i'll have to look into it
shame as i was having a lot of fun doing mainline bringup :P
gee, on idle, pinephone runs pretty hot :P
buZz: yes, pp is only ok power wise when suspended to ram
maybe a 'user experience review' could be made by me, n900, d4, pp
I think that's too early given the state of the os, but within reach of this year
bbiab, will read full backlog in a bit
* buZz
pops sim in pp
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Caleb[m]: sounds about right wrt a photon
yes vkb in x11 mode cant send backspace
wrt makeing the keybord more like the android one
(ie it dosent cover the whole app, but resiszes moves it to fit and you type into the app's field in real time)
unfortionatly him is architecturally designed so that this is not really possible
it would be less effort to port another real vkb, like onboard etc than to make him work like this
him uses pugins, and these plugins are and the api around them are geard towards having the user input a string internaly and then only passing the string along though the framework when the user closes him
him never types into applications in real time
or deals in keycodes for that matter
it just sends compleated strings
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hmmf, seems qtwebbrowser isnt setting any pinchzoom handler at all, its something inherited from qtwebengineview