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<lel> freemangordon closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/osso-xterm/pull/3 (Don't use osso service activation)
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<_uvos_> freemangordon: i dont think there is a bug
<_uvos_> its just impossible for dbus activation to work
<_uvos_> since there is just the one xterm dbus interface, but we have several seperate apllications running in xterms
<_uvos_> there is no way for the interface to work as desinged, as there is no way for it to know what application needs activation
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<_uvos_> so short of having xterm crate a different service for eatch application i dont see how a solution is possible besides just not using dbus activation for xterm
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<freemangordon> uvos: and who and why tries to activate xterm?
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<_uvos_> freemangordon: hildon
<freemangordon> you mean - there are xterms, and you click on the launcher icon?
<_uvos_> so we have 1 application running in an xterm
<freemangordon> gui application?
<_uvos_> this xterm was launched on behalf of this application
<freemangordon> ok
<_uvos_> because its termnial=true
<freemangordon> ok
<_uvos_> in .desktop
<freemangordon> yeah, got it
<_uvos_> then the user wants a xterm
<_uvos_> right then the problem happens
<freemangordon> lemme check how that works in fremantle
<_uvos_> in freemantle terminal=true is not supported
<_uvos_> we added that
<freemangordon> does not matter
<freemangordon> you still can start htop or mc
<freemangordon> starting mc from the launcher starts mc in osso-xterm, trying to start osso-xterm after that brings mc on top
<freemangordon> that's correct
<freemangordon> if you want another terminal, you shall start it with "new" anyways
<_uvos_> i think this is bad
<freemangordon> no
<freemangordon> this is by design and sane behaviour imo
<_uvos_> its not sane at all imo
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<freemangordon> only one copy of xterm can be started from the launcher, no matter if something runs there or not
<_uvos_> if i click on xterm i want xterm not nmcpp or whatever
<freemangordon> no, this does not work like that
<freemangordon> new osso-xterm is launched from the menu
<freemangordon> not from the launcher
<freemangordon> new as in "new after the first"
<_uvos_> well yeah but osso-xterm is several different applications if its launched via .desktop termnial=true
<freemangordon> also, see what ctrl-shift-x does
<_uvos_> the fact that this application is running in an xterm is just an implemnentation detail
<_uvos_> this is really broken if only one xterm is allowed
<freemangordon> it opens new terminal even if there is already running one
<freemangordon> I think you are getting this wrong
<freemangordon> you *can* open new terminals
<freemangordon> just not from the launcher
<_uvos_> since by your method whenerver one terminal=true app is running
<_uvos_> all .desktop files with terminal=true are broken
<_uvos_> its just broken behavior
<freemangordon> what do you mean "broken"?
<_uvos_> they tont work
<_uvos_> you cant launch nmcpp while htop is running
<_uvos_> via its .desktop file
<_uvos_> the dekstop file is broken
<freemangordon> well then, the issue is with "terminal=true" support, not with xterm
<_uvos_> untill all xterms are closed
<_uvos_> no
<_uvos_> because again
<freemangordon> check how ctrl-shift-x opens new terminal
<_uvos_> yes i know
<_uvos_> it uses dbus
<freemangordon> the same shall be done for "terminal=true" IIUC
<freemangordon> so?
<_uvos_> the fact that htop runs in xterm is a im9plementation detail
<_uvos_> it shal not change the bavior of the xterm .desktop file either
<_uvos_> thats jus assinine
<_uvos_> *just
<freemangordon> do I get it right that we discuss some imaginary distro with hildon and without osso-xterm?
<_uvos_> no
<freemangordon> sorry, I don;t really understand the issue then
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<freemangordon> hildon-desktop shall call libhildonmime finctions to try dbus activation, if it fails, then it shall do what it does now (running osso-xterm directly, IIUC)
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<freemangordon> or rather osso-rpc
<freemangordon> not libhildonmime
<freemangordon> _uvos_: right now hildon just executes osso-xterm, right?
<_uvos_> except that dosent work for this case at all
<freemangordon> WTYM?
<freemangordon> what exactly does not work?
<_uvos_> as xterm can have serval personalities depening of it it was launched for the user
<_uvos_> or on behalf of some other application as an implementation detail
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> ok, lemme try to explain my idea:
<_uvos_> anyhow this is useless i allready know your never going to reccognize the problem as its a design flaw in freemantle
<_uvos_> and we cant have those
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<freemangordon> _uvos_: do you get disconnected or you don;t want to discuss?
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<norly> _uvos_, freemangordon: i can confirm this xterm bug.
<norly> launching htop from the hildon app meny first, then xterm from the app menu, doesn't open the second xterm window
<norly> however the converse works: opening xterm first, then opening htop from the app menu results in two windows.
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<uvos> right the htop desktop file dosent use dbus activation
<Wizzup> isn't that how it works on fremantle?
<Wizzup> the only way to open another xterm is to use the menu
<uvos> Wizzup: yes it is
<uvos> Wizzup: the problem is this becomes broken when you launch .desktop files that implicitly open xterm
<Wizzup> oh
<uvos> ie launch htop or whatever
<Wizzup> yeah that's a problem
<uvos> then when you want to launch xterm....
<freemangordon> I think a proper fix is to not register xterm as osso-service when launched by h-d because of 'terminal=true'
<freemangordon> maybe additional cmdline paramater or something
<freemangordon> *parameter
<Wizzup> right
<freemangordon> not to say I think this is already implementd
<freemangordon> so, h-d shall start osso-xterm through dbus, by using "run_command"
<freemangordon> this opens new terminal window and executes whatever needed, IIUC
<uvos> this dosent help
<freemangordon> why?
<freemangordon> IIUC the particular issue is that you cannot start more than one applications with "terminal=true"
<uvos> its still broken since the xterm desktop file will still focus a random application window instead of creating the "first" xterm window
<uvos> no its not
<uvos> this works fine
<freemangordon> uvos: look at the code
<uvos> since hildon dosent use dbus activation for desktop files without the x-osso-whatever key
<freemangordon> well, we can teach it to do so for "terminal=true"
<freemangordon> and this will be a proper fix - new window will be opened and it will get focus
<uvos> then it would break it again
<uvos> it works _now_ since it dosent use dbus activation
<uvos> the problem comes if you launch the osso-xterm desktop file only
<uvos> with the special key
<uvos> since it dose use dbus activation
<uvos> activating a random xterm launched by terminal=true
<freemangordon> ok, thats another issue then
<freemangordon> do you have example desktop file/application?
<uvos> any deksktop file with terminal=true works fine here to repo
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<freemangordon> uvos: ok, to summarize:
<freemangordon> 1. h-d support for terminal=true shall be changed to use dbus "run_command" method
<freemangordon> 2. we can change osso-xterm to not focus (the first opened) terminal window but to create another window if needed, though I don't see why we shall do that given that you can always start "new" window from xterm menu
<freemangordon> hmm, most-probably if we start osso-xterm for terminal=true in such a way that it does not register itself as dbus service will fix (2) too
<freemangordon> norly: this is not a bug, this is by design
<freemangordon> BTW the same happens on fremantle: if you start mc and then you start osso-xterm, mc is window is activated
<freemangordon> *mc window is activated
<freemangordon> but then again, you can always start new terminal from the menu
<norly> freemangordon: this is totally unexpected and confusing
<norly> but i see you already have ideas, so thanks a lot!!
<freemangordon> norly: ever used fremantle?
<norly> freemangordon: yes, but i haven't gotten around to set it up again to compare, sorry :(
<norly> in any case, leste is evolving at an amazing pace, and even that already feels like being back home (like fremantle). so thank you so much.
<freemangordon> Wizzup: uvos: what about adding another dbus method ('terminal'?) to osso-xterm that is used by h-d to start terminal=true applications and that sets a property ("no_focus_on_activation'?) of the particular window, so when dbus activation is requested, windows with this property to be excluded. if we have no available window to be activated, create a new one.
<norly> freemangordon: that sounds great, actually!
<norly> the no_focus_on_activation solution, i mean
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<tmlind> uvos: no idea what goes wrong there with the stock kernel.. but sure looks like the uart is not clocked when something is getting printed
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<uvos> tmlind: ok, its pretty wierd
<uvos> tmlind: i just removed all printascii debug prints from kexec modules
<uvos> it dosent help
<uvos> :`qq
<uvos> tmlind: btw kexecboot build root dosent build anymore with newer gcc
<uvos> tmlind: theres a fix in upstream buildroot
<uvos> its also to big and dosent fit anymore now :(
<uvos> freemangordon: sure but that seams like a lot of effort for bahvior i think is bad ui anyhow
<Wizzup> how about other non-terminal apps like contacts?
<uvos> what about them?
<uvos> sure contacts being a singleton make sense
<uvos> same with sphone eg
<uvos> the terminal? not so mutch
<Wizzup> is there some xdg key for singleton?
<uvos> there is a x-osso key
<freemangordon> uvos: the rationale behind is that no new osso-xterm process is started, just a new window instead
<uvos> so?
<freemangordon> so you save on RAM
<uvos> that dosent enforce the sigelton pattern in the ui wrt ram
<freemangordon> Wizzup: every osso application is singleton one
<uvos> really annyoing in other places to btw
<uvos> like why cant i have to pdf viewers
<uvos> two
<buZz> dangit, maemo said 60% battery, i pull the usb cable , plop , shutdown
<freemangordon> use your laptop
<buZz> really think my install is kinda crooked again :P
<Wizzup> maybe we can make it configurable
<freemangordon> no, please, stop that
<freemangordon> we have lots of gaps here and there
<Wizzup> buZz: I think my device also please turns off a bit too quickly with older battery
<buZz> i think the thresholds might be a bit too tight
<buZz> or dno
<uvos> buZz: mce turns it off it it goes below 3.45 volts
<uvos> its quite conservative
<uvos> since we cant boot if the voltage is to low
<uvos> you can lower it a bit if you want
<uvos> (at the expense of maybe causing to to be unbootable)
<uvos> also the battery indicator lies if uncallibrated
<freemangordon> uvos: I am under the impression that you are missing the point of what a mobile OS is
<freemangordon> this is not server/desktop OS
<uvos> i dont get why being on mobile should restict me in what windows i can open
<uvos> but ok
<freemangordon> because it is resource limited
<uvos> but
<uvos> its not
<uvos> d4 can open hundres of xterms before its out of ram
<freemangordon> because it opens new windows, not new processes
<freemangordon> exactly because of the osso service acttivation
<uvos> not really
<freemangordon> yes, really
<uvos> but thats not the point
<freemangordon> what is tha RAM usage of a single osso-xterm process?
<uvos> no idea but probubly not more than 4 meg
* freemangordon checks
<uvos> besides this is not the point
<Wizzup> I think fmg says multiple pdf windows is fine, just preferrably not multiple processes
<freemangordon> exactly
<freemangordon> on amd64 VM, osso-xterm uses 23644k RES memory according to top
<uvos> that.. tells us nothing
<freemangordon> no, that tells us that it uses ~24MBs of RAM
<freemangordon> "RES stands for the resident size, which is an accurate representation of how much actual physical memory a process is consuming"
<uvos> no idea where you have that from
<uvos> but it includes shared
<uvos> so with what maemo launcher is doing...
<uvos> also 64bit x86 != 32 bit arm
<freemangordon> sure
<uvos> number is mostly useless
<sicelo> Without entering this discussion, may I mention that on Fremantle i have vim, htop and irssi ... all these have .desktops. i can open them without getting any of them to open in a random existing xterm window.
<freemangordon> sicelo: yeah... but because they have "hildonized" .desktop files
<freemangordon> we want to get rid of that
<uvos> obviously replaceing all the .dekstop files in debian repos is out of scope
<freemangordon> there is a standard way (terminal=true)
<freemangordon> uvos: so, back to the matter - besides that it will require some effort to be implementd, do you see any other flaws in my proposal how to fix the issue?
<uvos> no
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> then please opens an issue and assign it to me
<freemangordon> *open
<buZz> didnt sliding closed after sliding open used to turn off screen
<buZz> ?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> i had to break this temprarly
<uvos> mce dose this
<freemangordon> buZz: auto-lock is broken too in -devel
<freemangordon> but uvos said he'll fix it when he has some time
<uvos> freemangordon: ill do it right after i get my device to boot again with sim
<uvos> autorelock is harder
<freemangordon> uvos: sure, I didn;t mean to sound offensive or something
<uvos> freemangordon: no worrys
<freemangordon> just explaining the situation
<uvos> buZz: so mce relocks whever no input event was caused, except for events that are ignored
<uvos> buZz: unfortionatly mce chooses events to ignore based on which device they come frome
<uvos> buZz: unfortionaly on d4 the slider key and the volume buttons are on one deivce
<uvos> buZz: you can have it ignore the volume buttons, or you can have it not ignore the slider key as an "input" for autorelock
<uvos> you cant have both
<uvos> atm
<buZz> ah ok, cool , np
<freemangordon> uvos: do you want me to look at this?
<uvos> freemangordon: no its fine
<freemangordon> ok
<uvos> i just have to replace the filter system with soemthing that filters per key code instead of per device
<uvos> its on my list
<freemangordon> right
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<uvos> tmlind: not ever loading the uart module dosent help either :|
<uvos> tmlind: so there is a bug in stock kernel uart subsystem that somehow triggers on kexec
<uvos> tmlind: (with this sim)
<uvos> really strange
<uvos> tmlind: well im at a loss
<uvos> tmlind: ill go with echo shutdown > /sys/class/radio/mdm6600/command; sleep 5 for now
<uvos> that makes it boot reliably at least
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<uvos> Wizzup: tmlind: https://github.com/maemo-leste/clown-boot-kexec/tree/3.0.8-leste-simboot-tests <-- here will be the modules with working ainchent cross compile toolchain (x64) and build script if you have to build these hatefull things
<uvos> in future
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<Wizzup> honeycomb builds are now working on armhf, adding arm64 now
<Wizzup> the speed beats the amd64 builds :)
<uvos> Wizzup: great
<norly> is there an easy way to have a mouse pointer when running the x86 build in a VM?
<norly> as in, to have it *visible*?
<norly> ah, got it. invoking qemu with -display gtk,show-cursor=on should do the trick :)
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<norly> next question then... F7/F8 are mapped to the volume keys. but when running the VM, is there a key to turn on the virtual screen again after it went to sleep?
<uvos> F7/F8 are not mapped to the volume keys
<uvos> just some applications react to f7/f8 the same as volume
<uvos> anyhow
<uvos> its by pressing the acpi power button
<uvos> how thats done on your vm varies
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<uvos> freemangordon: new mce version should be fine wrt autolock
<uvos> freemangordon: but dident test beacuse i use the newer cp applets that do not use the gconf if anyhow (so setting autolock works either way)
<Wizzup> uvos: can you check the mce arm64 build
<Wizzup> uvos: I am not sure if it's my changes or something in mce
<uvos> none of the depends changed
<uvos> so i dont see how it can be a change in mce
<Wizzup> hmm
<Wizzup> armhf worked fine though
<Wizzup> and they are the same setup
<Wizzup> maybe just retry?
<uvos> its not finding any packges
<uvos> looks like
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> from leste repo
<uvos> is it maybe missin in sources.list somehow?
<uvos> sure i can retry that dosent cost anything
<Wizzup> try again?
<Wizzup> yeah
<Wizzup> I just made a change
<Wizzup> maybe not in time
<Wizzup> let's see
<uvos> still failing
<Wizzup> oh I see..
<uvos> hmm?
<Wizzup> I missed a config file
<uvos> ready?
<Wizzup> I started it
<Wizzup> ty
<uvos> ok
<uvos> thanks
<Wizzup> note it might still fail but that should be a predictable one
<Wizzup> it will build the pbuilder env now
<Wizzup> and then I will chroot and add the keys (one time thing)
<Wizzup> yup
<uvos> not sure what your doing there but im sure youl make it work :P
<Wizzup> it should work this time
<Wizzup> i've just been reverse engineering the bash history of root on the build pis that parazyd set up
<uvos> lol
<Wizzup> *shrug*
<Wizzup> it works
<uvos> maybe write it down this time
<Wizzup> I have
<uvos> good :)
<Wizzup> both are set to 8GB ram and 6 cores
<Wizzup> could increase it some but I don't want to fully hit the machine yet
<uvos> ok
<uvos> probubly the storage io speed is the biggest gain here tho
<uvos> on the pis most of the time installing the packages took more time than the compile
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> the speed is also 3x at least
<Wizzup> going to sleep soon, but glad this is finally done
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<norly> uvos: thanks!
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<norayr> people
<norayr> i don't know... i have so many questions...
<norayr> i understand you are busy but i am ignored for several days.
<norayr> :/
<norayr> one question was about the new boot loader entry.
<norayr> i have read here something about it. and now my droid, today, drained the battery. and i again remembered about my question.
<norayr> someone mentioned there is a new menu entry
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<norayr> that may charge the droid. and i asked if that menu option is a part of new maemo leste image?
<norayr> i guess it is not. it is part of that bootloader, kexecboot, i guess was it's name.
<norayr> so it is separate from the leste image right?
<norayr> then having a new image won't help me.
<norayr> another question was about the messages i get when i boot leste.
<norayr> it tells me to remove /etc/init.d/zram, and deactivate the service. but it also tells that zram situation improved, so i am confused.
<norayr> i guess that option should be part of droid4-kexecboot.img?
<norayr> (back to the first question)
<norayr> if i manage to starte droid, i probably have to backup the home data, and install the new image... to understand everything is right with zram.
<norayr> but then, will i use data about my wifi access points? where is it located? in my home? or somewhere in /var directory?
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