and yes, looks like it is packaged properly
but, you need to create xorg.conf for it
see pastebin ^^^
Will try, tysm!
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freemangordon: i dident remove it
freemangordon: i did make it a config option
welp :(
<freemangordon> "but, you need to create xorg...." <- `[ 101.485] (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/omap_drv.so: Error relocating /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/omap_drv.so: InitPowerVREXA: symbol not found`
must not be linked to pvr um
uvos: no, that's another issue
InitPowerVREXA is in pvr EXA module
mighty17[m]: could you move omap_pvr_drv.so out of modules directory and retry?
as in?
mv omap_pvr_drv.so /root for example
move it to another dir
oh ok
mighty17[m]: why revert `Depend on sgx-ddk-um-dev ` ? just make sure you have the pc file
I made one
Wizzup: i dont have it on alpine
then make it!
otherwise things won't work
you need -everything-
I am talking about the .pc file
but if you think it's working, then ignore, just waking up
it just doesn't seem like a good idea to remove stuff from autotools that we add
they aren't just checks, they also translate to CFLAGS and linker actions
for some reason ld.so on alpine tries to resolve symbols on loading
ok, then I'll let fmg handle it because I think it's much better to build it the way tested it
musl issues?
ugh.. :/
also reverting the header commit is a bad idea, now you might even have wrong version
Wizzup: well from where can i get header files then?
omap5-sgx-ddk-um-linux ?
Wizzup: for sure this shall be fixe, but that's not the issue he is hitting now
mighty17[m]: from our -dev package
me has to package that for alpine
but even with that, this issue would come
yes, we worked hard to package it all properly so that people could just mimick the packaging and make it all work
can we just define InitPowerVREXA to 0 or smth garbage?
* mighty17[m]
> <@Wizzup:libera.chat> yes, we worked hard to package it all properly so that people could just mimick the packaging and make it all work
* mighty17[m]
has no clue how deb works
mighty17[m]: no
that's the nice thing about it: it's self contained so people can just do their packaging stuff and as long as it's the same, they know they did it right
this is dynamic linker's job to resolve symbols when they are needed
mighty17[m]: I also don't know how APKBUILDs work or other .spec files for rpm but I had no trouble figuring them out
* Wizzup
and this seems to be broken, somehow
looks like we should ask in #alpine?
Wizzup: also move /usr/share/maemo-statusmenu-volume/sinks.ini to leste-config when able
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uvos: right
uvos: so pkill status should work?
ah ok required mce restart
lol it looks tiny on droid4 :p
uvos: it looks like the volume for the hp and speaker are shared
yes they share a volume in ucm
they don't share the volume in actual playback
only different ucm profiles have sperate volume
if I unplug the volume is clearly much louder
but the applet doesn't realise when it gets changed I think
so it tries to revert to the wrong state
it dosent get changed
at least should not
so playing something in mpv (or w/e) and set volume to max on speaker, plug in hp, set volume to min, remove hp, and then adjust volume a bit
speaker will go to almost min
(from previous max)
yeah its true
the volume slider dosent update from external at all
don't know if it is intended, but it's not how it works on the n900 at least
but this is probubly ucm bug
the volume slider dosent updateing from external at all us a legacy bug, or rather nokia just dident care and the implementation is very bad
are you sure it doesn't rely on ohm and those plugins?
because it clearly works
on n900
it cant update from external
well it might read different streams/sinks?
and it dose the volumes itself
for different states
oh, you mean it doesn't care for user manually changing it with alsamixer
it dosent care for anything else changing the stream
pavucontrol etc
the behaviour I described above works ok on fremantle/n900 though
ucm is probubly set to duck the volume on hp by accient
its broken
it just works because it claims all changes for itself
so ucm i probubly set to duck the volume on hp by accident
then it must be aware that something changes in audio setup
uvos: I don't think so, try to toy around with it a bit
and the slider dosent update when pa changes it
I'm pretty sure this is an unrelated bug
uvos: try the inverse: set speaker to 0, then plug in hp, set hp to max, then unplug hp, note that it is silent (correct) and then press volume up or down and see speaker jump to max
i dont have to
you can see the problem in pavucontrol-qt
anyhow it will get fixed once the slider follows pa events
removing stream-restore basically means that all maemo audio infra will not function
including ohm policies and whatnot
this is nto about updating the slider, but about lots more
so, what I think shall be done is: get module-stream-restore(or whetever the name is) from nemo and make it work, then port the applet to use it
I think I have this packaged
it would have been good if we can integrate with ucm though
but lets look at that after we finish all the onther things we're on atm
yes, ohm and pa stuff is going to require quite some brainpower and time
right, so do we merge this and later revert some stuff?
right now we have no volume control
up to you
I think I like the other changes, so I'd say yes, but maybe get the code commented rather than removed
maybe create a separate branch with that merged
or a branch for the code we want to keep
I wonder if we can create our own ucm parser, if ucm properties are not already available somehow
but lets not get into that now :)
ucm is alsa
pa is not nesscary at all
and yes you can read it from alsa
as I think getting audio properly will be the most complicated task we'll face
on everything except the n900
everything should work allready
except notification volume
witch is pretty easy to add
functionality wise
uvos: no, look at libplayback
ofc using the upstream alsa stuff makes api work differenly
everything maemo uses that
if there is upstream functionality that matches, well, maybe we can rewrite libplayback to use it. but I doubt
uvos: a simple example: you listen to music and sms comes. what happens? music gets paused, 'new sms' sound played and music resumed. or. sms sounds get mixed with music? or...?
sound pauses
we had a public history right?
because the profile is switched pa suspends the sink
this causes pause
ie chat logs
uvos: "sound paused" is not the same as "playback pauses"
then it plays at some volume set for the new stream
playback pauses
if the application is implemented correctly
gets a pa event
it is, by using libplyback
this works in mpv and mpd
and all desktop applications generally
who sets the priorities and classes?
then the sms notification sound is played at whatever volume of the new stream
and I can assure you this work extremely well in maemo
if its implemend as well as the volume slider
so right now sphone dose its own switching, this is bad we would need soemthing to do so
yes this needs to take priority into acount
well, you may find it funny, but it really works wvery well
but this is the only pice we need
not really
and its very small compeard to takeing the eintere legacy stack
yes it is
uvos: I am not going to argue
but, to the extend it depends on me, I will resist to turning maemo-leste to a pale shadow of fremantle
sailfish also uses libplayback I think
thinking that just because implementaion differeng it being a "pale shadow" is the hight of folly
libplayback is not the issue here
since we can easly port it to whatever
what is the issue?
everything else
I don't get it
btw, according to someone who toyed on N900, maybe it's not *that* difficult to deal with the 200+ controls ... apparently not all of them are connected
they prolly just exist in the chip, and driver exports them, but that's all
the n900 is a bit different
so it needs soemthing to redirect streams
since the cpu needs to copy samples about form device to device
something has to do that
this is indeed a bit more work
but it dosent tranlate at all to mapphones or pp
uvos: you mean calls?
yeah, also bt
my example was not about that, but anyway
right im just saying upstream has nothing for this
so what do we not want to pick from fremantle? I am confused
the sink roles definitely seemed to make sense to me
well the pa setup in general, ohm mostly
dont worry
ill do it
uvos: please don;t
sigh watever
freemangordon: uvos: let's be constructive here, and I would really appreciate uvos' help with the ohm stuff
uvos: even if we are to do that (remove ohm etc)...
I think we shall discuss what we want to achieve, no?
Wizzup: sure
well not now
we do, and we did discuss that too, I think
but not now
im done with this for now
yeah, not now
merge the volume slider if you like whatever