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<Wizzup> freemangordon: upgraded to new kernel but don't have wifi (?)
<Wizzup> looks like some oops
<Wizzup> seems like a race
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: yeah reboot made it go away
<Wizzup> freemangordon: really this is so nice, really smooth 3d, 2d, stable (it seems)
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<mighty17[m]> `[ 43.466] (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ failed (Error loading shared library /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ No such file or directory)` there is, should i just rename it?
* mighty17[m] hasnt set MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=pvr for xorg
<freemangordon> hmm, ants are still there, but besides that and tearing I think we have a pretty descent GPU stack now
<freemangordon> tmlind: ping
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I guess you don't mind if I move sgx-ddk-um to autotools?
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<mighty17[m]> <mighty17[m]> "hasnt set MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVE..." <- That didn't work as well
<mighty17[m]> is necessary?
<uvos> aiglx is never going to work on pvr
<uvos> aiglx: acellerated indirect opengl for x
<uvos> 1. indirect rendering is disabled by default in x since 2016 or so
<uvos> 2. omap4 dosent support opengl
<uvos> 3. aiglx supports opengl up to version 1.2 only
<uvos> 4. no one uses opengl 1.2
<Wizzup> freemangordon: don't mind
<uvos> 5. except for special niche uses (like me remote rendering cnc program tracebacks over the network) aiglx is useless
<mighty17[m]> aiglx is related to my issue? :O
<uvos> aiglx is trying to load swrast_dri
<uvos> this is red herring
<mighty17[m]> Ah, I wonder why it's used in lxqt then
<uvos> its not used
<uvos> its just loaded
<uvos> its totaly unrealted to any problems you might have
<uvos> aiglx is _never_ used
<mighty17[m]> Imma send full log then
<uvos> unless you enable it explicitly in like 3 places
<mighty17[m]> uvos: That's unlikely
<uvos> your using mdoesetting
<uvos> that cant be acellerated on pvr
<mighty17[m]> The one fmg sent :D
<uvos> for xorgs own rendering
<uvos> no
<uvos> that one also dosent work
<uvos> it might do acceleration for 3d clients in dri3 mode, but dri2 mode was broken last time i tried
<uvos> it
<uvos> just use omap-ddx
<uvos> also 2d rendering is broken in dri3 mode
<mighty17[m]> I can't seem to build it :/
<uvos> aka it dosent work
<uvos> just gennerally
<mighty17[m]> This is a mess xD
<mighty17[m]> I should just work on getting omap-ddx working
<mighty17[m]> uvos: Maybe that's why xfce worked and lxqt didn't
<uvos> no
<uvos> lxqt uses openbox as wm
<uvos> it dosent need any 3d at all
<mighty17[m]> Then why did it fail here, coz modesetting?
<uvos> no
<uvos> it fails because you have another issue on your end unrelated to 3d/xorg
<mighty17[m]> Hm??
<uvos> wont work
<mighty17[m]> ye thats 0.4.5
<mighty17[m]> atleast the build instructions are fine?
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: don't use that xf86-video-omap, use ours
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: i was just trying to get build instructions and deps
<mighty17[m]> gonna modify that to suits ours
<Wizzup> I think we have a debian/control and debian/rules file
<Wizzup> for deps and such
<Wizzup> you'll also need to pkg the sgx stuff to build
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: sgx-ddk-um?
<Wizzup> yes, see the build-depends on our xf86-video-omap
<Wizzup> make sure it's the exact same we use
<Wizzup> I think the version might be different
<mighty17[m]> `1.17.4948957` ?
<Wizzup> check commit hash
<mighty17[m]> yeah we use ti's repo :D
<Wizzup> it might be the same, but better make sure
<Wizzup> I think I bumped it at some point
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: it isnt :(
* Wizzup bbiab
<Wizzup> figured
<mighty17[m]> you're using older hash :(
<freemangordon> mighty17[m]: which has is the newest?
<freemangordon> 742cf38aba13e1ba1a910cf1f036a1a212c263b6?
<mighty17[m]> 551665bf9c321bc3e7721416e6ebbc9f65c18155
<freemangordon> no, it is not :P
<freemangordon> there is a newer one in -next
<freemangordon> Wizzup: but yeah, we shall upgrade blobs to latest
<mighty17[m]> oh there's a next :o
* mighty17[m] finds git.ti super slow
<freemangordon> Wizzup: either 551665bf9c321bc3e7721416e6ebbc9f65c18155 or 742cf38aba13e1ba1a910cf1f036a1a212c263b6
<mighty17[m]> 742cf38aba13e1ba1a910cf1f036a1a212c263b6 seems to be the newest with -next
<freemangordon> mhm
<mighty17[m]> 551665bf9c321bc3e7721416e6ebbc9f65c18155 is newest in zeus
<freemangordon> right
<mighty17[m]> whats the difference?
<freemangordon> 742cf38aba13e1ba1a910cf1f036a1a212c263b6 is just some headers so it is not really relevant
<mighty17[m]> `configure: error: Package requirements (sgx-ddk-um randrproto renderproto videoproto xextproto) were not met:` :(
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> you need to install the relevant -dev packages
<mighty17[m]> i dont think we have -dev for these
<mighty17[m]> and def not for sgx-ddk-um
<freemangordon> well, you'll have to create
<mighty17[m]> for sgx-ddk-um yes, what do we need for others? its quite likely they were packaged
<freemangordon> they shoud be a part of xorg-dev (or similar) package
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<mighty17[m]> freemangordon: seems to only have docs?
<uvos> wtf
<freemangordon> x11proto-dev
<Wizzup> freemangordon: we haev -next afaik
<uvos> what dose it matter what some ubuntu package contains
<Wizzup> freemangordon: last time I pulled them
<uvos> you have to check what alpine package contains the headers
<freemangordon> Wizzup: ahm yes
<freemangordon> sorry, my bad
<mighty17[m]> already in deps
<mighty17[m]> uvos: i wanted to compare, like deb has some x file, what pkg in alpine has that x file
<freemangordon> well, you need xorgproto-dev, or whatever it is in alpine
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: you can get a debian system and use dpkg -L
<freemangordon> also, xorgproto != x11proto-dev
<mighty17[m]> doesnt exist
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I suggest we just let mighty17[m] do the alpine packaging
<Wizzup> I think he'll figure out what he needs from autotools
<mighty17[m]> freemangordon: files seem to be similar :P
<freemangordon> yeah
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: deb doesnt have smth like pkgbuilds right?
<uvos> various files debian directlry
<uvos> *directory
<uvos> mostly crontrol and rules
<tmlind> freemangordon: pong
<freemangordon> tmlind: do you want to help me with upstreaming ? The problem is that when we discussed that with Tomy over th ML back then he was opposing to this :)
<freemangordon> OTOH I don;t really think his arguments are valid, but I am not sure I can convince him
<freemangordon> *Tomi
<tmlind> freemangordon: not sure i can help much with that one
<freemangordon> well, without this omapdrm is more or less useless for anything else but a simple usecases
<freemangordon> esp n omap3
<freemangordon> *on
<freemangordon> without that all GEM buffers must be allocated from CMA, otherwise they cannot be exported == PVR cannot render to them
<freemangordon> and given that CMA is unreliable...
<tmlind> ok
<freemangordon> tmlind: I am asking you because I know what the result be if I send that for upstreaming
<freemangordon> an instant NAK
<freemangordon> without even a discussion why and how
<freemangordon> I am not sure it will be the same if you send it
<freemangordon> but well...
<tmlind> heh i doubt me sending it makes any difference :)
<freemangordon> well, I bet it makes
<tmlind> best to have some clear test case in the description
<freemangordon> what do you mean? I don't think a test case is needed to prove that non-linear buffers are not exported. There are checks in current (upstream) code to assure that, -22 otherwise
<tmlind> how about some memory usage comparison in the description?
<tmlind> i guess on n900 it makes a difference
<freemangordon> I can do tiler_map comparison on d4, but it will be huge
<freemangordon> it makes all the difference on d4 as well
<uvos> problem is address space usage
<uvos> not physical ram
<tmlind> ah
<freemangordon> so either ways those 2 shall be send as series
<freemangordon> as 2 combined makes omapdrm stable for daily usage
<freemangordon> on d4 at least
<freemangordon> uvos: problem is eitehr address space usage (omap4) or cma (omap3)
<sicelo> okay ... i might just give up trying to calibrate the droid 4. 3 cycles completed, still mAh readout is 700mAh :-/
<uvos> might be true
<uvos> i get 800-900mah for oem batterys
<uvos> (that are as old as teh devices ie ~2012)
<sicelo> no.
<uvos> if you say so
<sicelo> i have a new battery, and it lasts much longer than the previous one
<uvos> ok
<sicelo> the value hasn't changed even by 1mAh from old battery. that'd be a real miracle
<uvos> right
<uvos> so call dident compleat
<sicelo> the way i see it, calibration isn't happening. not sure why
<uvos> it needs to see empty+full and needs to shutdown cleanly
<sicelo> i charge to full, and i let the device go till empty.
<sicelo> so why it doesn't work ... beats me
<sicelo> what's the location of the saved file btw? maybe i shall delete that and see what happens
<uvos> /var/lib/droid4-battery-calibration/charge_full
<sicelo> thanks. let me check
<uvos> "i charge to full, and i let the device go till empty." it needs to shutdown cleanly
<uvos> rn the device allways oopses on shutdown
<uvos> because of some bug in uart
<uvos> that might be the reason
<sicelo> mmm
<Wizzup> right we should test if not detaching the console makes that go away
<uvos> it dose
<uvos> the oops
<Wizzup> maybe tmlind already has a patch for this
<Wizzup> I assume he should see it too, since we share the droid4-pm scripts
<sicelo> that charge_full file was last modified on Jan 5, so yeah, not got calibration since i replaced battery
<uvos> your battery might also just not be sutable
<uvos> the d4 needs really low ir
<uvos> with high ir it will shutdown way to soon
<uvos> because the voltage drops to mutch during the ms while the omap wakes up from ret
<uvos> leads also need to be short
<sicelo> i reused the original battery's controller
<uvos> thats not relevant
<sicelo> no leads in between. the new battery's terminals fit perfectly where the old ones did
<sicelo> anyway, i guess i'll accept this as broken for the time being
<uvos> you can also just set /var/lib/droid4-battery-calibration/charge_full to whatever you expect
<uvos> btwe
<uvos> maybe a bit lower
<uvos> this gives better results than uncalibrated
<Wizzup> freemangordon: what do you think about
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<Wizzup> uvos: which patch did you want me to revert wrt wakeups
<Wizzup> a20f161298226a368d73af1b1467568ba5d05efa ?
<Wizzup> that is: drm/omap: get fbdev working for manually updated display
<freemangordon> Wizzup: looks ok
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: I'll split it up into some mapphone specific stuff, too
<uvos> Wizzup: yess
<tmlind> Wizzup: sorry not sure if you already sent a device earlier for tomi.. i guess you'd have some email about it?
<Wizzup> tmlind: I'll check
<Wizzup> tmlind: looks like in 2019 with thread 'Motorola Droid 4 devices'
<Wizzup> I don't know if I sent two or three, but I think three, to Tero, Peter and Tomi might have hone already
<tmlind> ok
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<Wizzup> uvos: kernel without fbdev emul is in repo
<uvos> Wizzup: great
<uvos> since you merged the series on leads
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<Wizzup> hmm my X seems stuck here: [pid 3721] ioctl(12, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETPROPERTY, 0xbe85c978) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set)
<Wizzup> no error in dmesg
<Wizzup> uvos: ok will merge
<freemangordon> ugh, libtool does not allow library revision to be > 99999 :(
<Wizzup> I set drm.debug to 0xff when this happened
<Wizzup> freemangordon: weird
<uvos> ssomething something autotools :P
<freemangordon> no, this is lobtool ;)
<freemangordon> *libtool
<uvos> libtool ist part of autotools really
<uvos> practicly
<uvos> but ok
<freemangordon> Wizzup: no idea
<freemangordon> well, kinda makes sense, but cannot produce lib that matches PVR blobs versions
<freemangordon> at least not that easy
<uvos> hopfully firefox dosent use libtool
<uvos> they will reatch version 99999 next year probubly
<freemangordon> no, this is revision, not version ;)
<uvos> ah oh
<freemangordon> the same restrictions apply for version though :)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: wonder how pvrtool folks do it
<freemangordon> also, this is applicable to libs onjly
<freemangordon> Wizzup: yeah
<freemangordon> maybe they use Makefiles
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> btw so the drm debug I posted above, we can ignore it now but the screen on my d4 won't turn on
<Wizzup> it doesn't seem to be an X crash but X seems to get erestartsys
<Wizzup> and it keeps trying to do some ioctl
<Wizzup> so I'll reboot my d4 unless we want more debug info
<Wizzup> (gdb) bt
<Wizzup> #1 0xb6d24c76 in drmIoctl () at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
<Wizzup> #0 0xb6a33f06 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:78
<Wizzup> #2 0xb6d2923a in drmModeConnectorSetProperty () at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
<Wizzup> #3 0xb66c3f12 in () at /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
<Wizzup> is the gdb backtrace
<Wizzup> I did also try to run xrandr and xset later on, but I don't think this is because of that
<freemangordon> it tries to set "rotate" property, most-probably
<Wizzup> well the device was locked
<Wizzup> and then it wouldn't unlock
<Wizzup> so I wasn't sure what was up
<Wizzup> and then I ssh'd in and tried things
<Wizzup> so it might be perhaps turning on the display
<freemangordon> "wouldn't unlock" like? stays on black screen?
<Wizzup> yes
<freemangordon> right
<Wizzup> let me get ddx dbgsym for more accurate trace
<Wizzup> #0 0xb6a33f06 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:78
<Wizzup> #1 0xb6d24c76 in drmIoctl () at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
<Wizzup> #2 0xb6d2923a in drmModeConnectorSetProperty () at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
<Wizzup> #3 0xb66c3f12 in drmmode_output_dpms (output=<optimized out>, mode=0) at drmmode_display.c:797
<Wizzup> #4 0x005074f4 in xf86DPMSSet ()
<Wizzup> #5 0x0050755c in xf86SaveScreen ()
<Wizzup> #6 0x004db078 in dixSaveScreens ()
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<freemangordon> what is ret=-512 ?
<freemangordon> maybe send email to Tomi, no idea what is this
<freemangordon> uvos: btw, do you know if .so revision is somehow set in headers?
<freemangordon> like, do we care if it is or
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I think this:
<Wizzup> [pid 3721] ioctl(12, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETPROPERTY, 0xbe85c978) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set)
<Wizzup> [pid 3721] --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} ---
<Wizzup> [pid 3721] sigreturn({mask=[]}) = 12
<freemangordon> cool, I have no clue what is this about :)
<uvos> not sure what you mean
<uvos> in pvr_k?
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<freemangordon> in geberal
<freemangordon> *general
<uvos> pvr_k checks the version
<uvos> but it just gets it form some funciton
<uvos> i dont think the file name matters
<uvos> just what pvr_um reports
<freemangordon> no, I am talking about versions of the libs
<freemangordon> if I compile to and later on rename to, does it change anything?
<freemangordon> besides symlinks, obviously
<uvos> pvr specificly? no
<uvos> other libs sure
<uvos> pretty sure i renamed some stuff while testing different variants
<freemangordon> "other libs sure" - what do you mean?
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<uvos> wel obviously it can not be stated generally that compiling as 1.2.0 and renaming the lib later to something else is equivalent as passint something else to the build system
<uvos> since plenty of libs use the version string
<freemangordon> yes, but I am talking about revision, not version
<freemangordon> the '0' at the end
<uvos> same thing
<freemangordon> but, does this get included anywhere else, but in the name?
<freemangordon> basically this is the question
<uvos> question is essantally unawnserable since doing so would force me to prove a negative
<uvos> so no idea
<uvos> you certenly could do this
<freemangordon> yeah, my question was rather "do you know".
<freemangordon> no need to prove anything
<freemangordon> I'll do it to work, if we hit issues, well
<freemangordon> *make it to
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: (bionic and droid 3: add ts-buttons light to mce now that the kernel c…)
<buZz> oh nice, those work on droid4 too now?
<buZz> o
<buZz> i'll try ;)
<Wizzup> the sw is still building and only for -devel
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: (Add charge mode to all devices)
<Wizzup> uvos: I think sphone should go in the connectivity meta yeah
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: (Update control)
<Wizzup> uvos: with adding charge-mode to hildon-meta, have we confirmed it works on the n900?
<buZz> welp, droid4 discharged itself while off again :P
<uvos> Wizzup: yes when you switch the runlevel switches to it
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: (add salutem, charge-mode and sphone to hildon-meta, siwtch pp to libinput)
<uvos> Wizzup: but dident try with the drm version
<Wizzup> uvos: do you mean kernel cmdline?
<uvos> no switch later
<uvos> also dosent matter, as long as its not in cmdline
<uvos> it dose nothing
<Wizzup> uvos: uh ok so now all devices lack fbdev emul but we just enabled chargemode for them
<uvos> no no
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<uvos> i switch chargemode to drm
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> *swiched
<uvos> so it works on mapphones (tested with drm verson) and n900 (tested only with older fbdev version)
<uvos> but really it likey works everywhere
<uvos> and it will only be active on mapphones
<uvos> since only they got the cmdline change
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I think I merged all the PRs and it's all building atm
<Wizzup> uvos: any I missed?
<uvos> no
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> cool, ty
<uvos> [18:24] <buZz> oh nice, those work on droid4 too now?
<uvos> this has worked on d4 since a long time
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<buZz> oh guess i just missed it
<Wizzup> they are off on mine
<uvos> right you disabled this on purpose
<Wizzup> mhm
<dsc_> sicelo: OTP/2FA GUI for maemo (like Google Authenticator)
<dsc_> do you know anything about that
<freemangordon> dsc_: there was some discussion on TMO a week or so ago
<dsc_> I take it there is no 2FA app (like Google Authenticator) for leste currently?
<dsc_> apart from `oathool` which is a CLI app
<dsc_> (also the camera probably doesnt work yet :P)
<dsc_> anyway, I made a 2FA app just checking if it already existed
<sicelo> dsc_: yes i know about it and i ported it to Leste
<dsc_> sicelo: link?
<sicelo> anyway, maybe yours will work better for new users
<dsc_> mine can be described as a Google Authenticator clone
<dsc_> GUI wise
<dsc_> ill push it to git sometime and ping you I guess
<dsc_> we can have both
<dsc_> ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
<sicelo> yes, users will appreciate it
<sicelo> i'm not going to switch myself tbh ... because i already have years of keys in the format of this one :-)
<sicelo> it has a big limitation in that you have to convert the code first, so yes, for most new users it's a great PITA. i think yours will therefore be the better one
<dsc_> UI still far from done though just WIP
<dsc_> it only supports TOTP
<dsc_> base32 (QR) codes
<sicelo> cool. yes, only totp seems to be in use nowadays
<dsc_> right
<dsc_> I wondered that :P
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<sicelo> dsc_: question though - why something from scratch?
<dsc_> I tend to start projects without checking if it existed already :/
<dsc_> tbh I wanted to make a 2FA app anyway for my Ubuntu desktop :P
<dsc_> and then I was like "I should port it to leste"
<dsc_> been only working on this for a few days though...
<dsc_> so regardless if its handy for leste, I want a Google Authenticator-like app for my Ubuntu laptop
<freemangordon> Wizzup: do you know how to mv in install-exec-hook?
<freemangordon> I mean - what is the 'canonical' way?
<Wizzup> sorry, don't know what you want exactly
<freemangordon> to rename a file
uvos has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
<sicelo> dsc_: sure, please port it :-)
<sicelo> i think i'm the only user of the one i ported, so effectively there isn't one for Leste
<dsc_> sicelo: so turns out the options are kind of limited for OTP GUIs on linux, which surprised me. Granted, having 2FA codes on your desktop defeats the purpose, but still.
<Wizzup> dsc_: probably they all use android ;)
<sicelo> i see two GTK ones in sid
<sicelo> i think you're a Qt guy .. ;-)
<dsc_> well as a user I wouldnt care
<dsc_> you're right, `otpclient` seems to work fine
<sicelo> gnome-authenticator and otpclient ... i haven't used any of them
<sicelo> but don't get me wrong - i wasn't saying don't write one ... was just asking
<sicelo> i don't even know how these work on Leste (for obvious reasons)
<dsc_> But, for example, this `otpclient` might look scary to new users, it's more of a power-user tool. We need to bring Linux to the desktop in 2022. All GUIs need to have 3D particle explosions to wow the crowd.
<dsc_> therefor I will continue my efforts.
<dsc_> therefore*
<bencoh> as long as the particle explosions can be disabled .... :)
<dsc_> :D
<bencoh> I'm half-serious :)
<sicelo> 20:26 < dsc_> base32 (QR) codes ... you're saying it only takes QR codes?
<dsc_> sicelo: Yeah QR code via webcam or desktop screenshot
<dsc_> (or phone camera)
<sicelo> i hope you'll also support text entry (of the code/string)
<sicelo> because on Leste, for example, juggling a screenshot is less easier than copying the code onto clipboard, then pasting ;-)
<dsc_> indeed, will do. Google Authenticator also supports this. So my app will at least be on-par regarding capabilities with that one
<dsc_> but it wont be as feature rich as yours
<sicelo> heh, this one is quite bare, and no casual user is even able to make it work
<dsc_> ill try yours in a bit
<sicelo> it's specifically for Hildon (and i didn't write it ... just ported it)
<dsc_> cool
<dsc_> yeah next time ill ask here before writing something lol
<freemangordon> uvos: no idea what did you do, but since yesterday leste refuses to charge here
<freemangordon> I am booting with cable connected to fastcharger (after power-down because of a low battery), it boots to h-d (maybe) and then instantly beeps and powers-down
<freemangordon> on d4 that is
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<uvos> freemangordon: yes thats expected
<freemangordon> oh, now I feel better :D
<uvos> it was a temporary situation because the charge mode pr was merged later
<uvos> just boot emergency mode
<uvos> it will charge there
<freemangordon> I boot to android
<uvos> sure that works too
<uvos> this issue is now fixed
<freemangordon> and it charges there, but android says 15% full
<freemangordon> fixed how/where?
<uvos> with Wizzup merging the pr just now
<freemangordon> ah, ok
<freemangordon> what is the fix?
<uvos> enabling charge mode
<uvos> so that this works as designed
<freemangordon> hmm, android just boots
<uvos> ie stays in charge mode at least untill the battery is safe to boot
<uvos> hmm?
<uvos> it dosent boot to kexecboot?
<freemangordon> it boots and then I select 'android'
<freemangordon> and it boots there, which means battery has enough charge
<freemangordon> 15%
<freemangordon> some limit is not quite right
<uvos> no its fine
<freemangordon> how's that?
<uvos> its just more conservative than android
<uvos> beacuse 1. we take longer to boot 2. android takes the battery down to 3.0v
<uvos> which is pretty bad for it
<freemangordon> as I said it boots to h-d
<freemangordon> but refuses to charge and instead powers down
<uvos> and 3 we can only take 500mah form usb
<uvos> android can take 1.5A
<uvos> *500mA
<uvos> these 3 factors allow android to boot way sooner
<freemangordon> what do you mean "usb"? this is not USB but fastcharger
<uvos> dosent matter
<uvos> mainline kernel has no way to detect this
<freemangordon> wait, you are saying we are limited to 500 mA?
<uvos> or negotiate for high power device class
<uvos> yes we are
<freemangordon> omg
<uvos> even that is a hack
<freemangordon> this is useless, basically
<uvos> we dont negotiate for high power
<uvos> so we violate usb spec
<uvos> we should only take 500uA
<uvos> i would not call it useless
<uvos> it just takes longer
<freemangordon> no, because you cannot use your device for how many minutes? 10?
<uvos> no
<uvos> just 2 minutes or so
<freemangordon> also, you cannot use your device while charging with low battery
<freemangordon> as it drains the battery instead of charging it
<uvos> in my experiance you can
<uvos> as long as your not loading it hevly
<uvos> ie compiling is out
<freemangordon> yeah
<uvos> but webbrowsing is fine
<freemangordon> who should fix this charging thing?
<uvos> read this
<uvos> someone
<uvos> at some point :P
<freemangordon> :)
<uvos> the driver needs to negotiate over usb
<freemangordon> uvos: still, this is broken
<freemangordon> there are no low battery warnings at all
<uvos> it unimplemented, not broken
<freemangordon> at some point device just powers down
<uvos> there are low battery warnings
<uvos> no
<uvos> or yes
<freemangordon> no, there are not
<uvos> yes there are
<uvos> its just
<uvos> that due to how cpcap works
<uvos> you cant know what state of charge the battery is in
<uvos> unless you see the battery full during that boot
<uvos> and charge estimation from voltage in upower is terrible
<freemangordon> and what about upower?
<uvos> to the point of uselessness
<uvos> so it thinks the battery is at 40% charge while it has a resting voltage of 3.2 or something
<uvos> if there is adquate current
<freemangordon> useless or not, it is better to give 10 fake low battery warnings than no warning at all and power-down out of the blue
<uvos> upower needs the kernel to report charge staten wich cant unless you see the battery full during that boot
<uvos> or it needs to estimate
<uvos> witch it dose, very poorly
<uvos> freemangordon: your welcome to improve it :P
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> before latest change it was doing pretty much ok
<freemangordon> now this is useless
<freemangordon> it at least was allowing me to boot to h-d and charge
<freemangordon> and actually use the device
<freemangordon> now it does not
<uvos> "my latest change" ensures the battery dosent dicharged below 3v
<uvos> wich was routinly happening
<uvos> and runined one of my new batterys
<uvos> so yeah im not removing that
<uvos> it works fine
<sicelo> :)
<uvos> (with charge mode enabled)
<freemangordon> uvos: the easiest way to ensure that is to not turn on the device, no?
<uvos> you cant this is set by the bootloader
<freemangordon> sure i can, by simply not pressing the power buttonj
<uvos> i also can avoid geting into a car accident by handing myself
<freemangordon> anyway, I think we need to have a discussion soon on what quality we want to produce
<freemangordon> i.e. are we happy with things that works when the planets are aligned
<freemangordon> but only then
<uvos> this is a silly discussion to have
* freemangordon is afk
<uvos> no one wants these imperfect solutions
<uvos> its just a question of what you want to work on to improve
<Wizzup> freemangordon: do you know where the tp account manager info is stored in fremantle
<Wizzup> freemangordon: just mission control stuff I guess
<freemangordon> umm, in the same place as in upstream
<freemangordon> what in particular do you need?
<Wizzup> just want to look around, see what params are used for telepathy-idle on my fremantle n900
<freemangordon> ah
<freemangordon> it should be in /usr/share/telepathy
<freemangordon> iirc
<Wizzup> user accounts?
<Wizzup> ok I didn't mean this, but this is also helpful
<sicelo> mc-tool list
<sicelo> then mc-tool show <account ...>
<Wizzup> freemangordon: as in it is not in .config
<freemangordon> hm,, it should be in .config
<freemangordon> is it not?
<Wizzup> sicelo: hm I don't have mc-tool
<Wizzup> freemangordon: well let me dig
<sicelo> oh, maybe you need to install it. i've always had it on my N900 and thought it came ootb
<freemangordon> Wizzup: .local/share?
<sicelo> mc-tool comes from libmissioncontrol-utils
<freemangordon> I forgot where addressbook was kept
<Wizzup> .rtcom-accounts
<Wizzup> seems more like nokia specific way of storing the info though
<Wizzup> as in I doubt that missioncontrol reads that
<freemangordon> I think those are not mc accounts
<freemangordon> this is different to mission-control, iiuc
<freemangordon> not sure though
<Wizzup> well mission-control is just account manager and channel dispatcher
<Wizzup> maybe you call account manager where to read accounts from or something
<Wizzup> maybe you can tell*
<freemangordon> no idea
<Wizzup> freemangordon: probably they parse it in rtcom binaries and just initiate Connection with those params from it
<Wizzup> at connmgr
<freemangordon> could be, yeah
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<freemangordon> uvos: device just powered down after sitting almost idle on the charger since we talked. maybe you ramp-up patch doesn't play well with the charger I have here
<freemangordon> but it was wotking ok before
<Wizzup> it improved the situation for me (no flickering when I plug it into a device), but of course it might be different for different devices/cables/chargers
<uvos> was the green light on?
<freemangordon> no
<Wizzup> although the status not updating is annoying, since that impacts upower and also mce
<uvos> then it wasent charging
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> it wasnt
<uvos> the green light is 100 hw indicator
<uvos> *100%
<freemangordon> sure
<freemangordon> it was turning green before
<uvos> the issue the ramp up fixes is pretty easy to see on a scope
<uvos> cpcap will turn off charging if the voltage ever dips below a certain threshold
<freemangordon> I don;t argue it it fixes issues or not
<uvos> with quite high bandwith
<freemangordon> nut since yesterday my device refuses to charge under leste
<uvos> so if it stoped charging this happend
<Wizzup> freemangordon: what is the problem you are seeing now, that it doesn't charge with new patches?
<freemangordon> yes, it does not charge
<freemangordon> oh, now it turned green
<freemangordon> (the light)
<freemangordon> after restart
<freemangordon> and I got "charging" yellow stripe
<freemangordon> no idea what's going on
<uvos> the patch has also been in kernel longer than yesterdat
<uvos> *day
<uvos> afaik
<uvos> but i dont use leste kernel
<freemangordon> and now there is indication in the status bar that it charges
<freemangordon> weird
<uvos> sure that usually works
<Wizzup> freemangordon: yeah so the delay there I think is a 30s one, which is when upower polls
<uvos> sometimes it fails tho
<freemangordon> not since yesterday
<freemangordon> till 2 minutes ago
<uvos> sometimes its immidately recognised
<freemangordon> it was not recognized at all
<freemangordon> but yeah, lets see
<freemangordon> maybe some HW weirdness
<freemangordon> uvos: could it be that android had put it in some weird state?
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<uvos> mabye - probubly not
<Wizzup> freemangordon: so it looks like for tp we will need a program that starts tp connections on protocols/accounts. basic one is a ring connection for tel protocol
<Wizzup> but something must request the account for sms to come in
<Wizzup> I suppose whichever program requests it will also log?
<Wizzup> or do we want a separate account for logging
<Wizzup> I think nokia decided to combine these things
<Wizzup> so if I had to guess, rtcom-call-ui sets up tp account with channels for calls, and rtcom-messaging-ui sets up tp account with channels for text(s)
<Wizzup> and both do rtcom logging
<Wizzup> (that is, the ui processes)
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I am almost sure all this is explained on wiki
<Wizzup> I am pretty sure I know how it works, it was a question for how we want to do it
<Wizzup> but if you want to link me wiki pages, that'll be helpful I guess
<freemangordon> ah, it is fine, I mean - if you know how it works, ok
<Wizzup> I don't like the idea of requiring a GUI to log
<Wizzup> but it probably makes the most sense since we need something to 'request' telepathy to start the so-called connection managers
<Wizzup> (and connections on those connection managers)
<freemangordon> I think nokia did a good job there
<Wizzup> like, telepathy-ring is a connection manager and to receive smses (and have telepathy-ring run at all) we need to request an account on it with protocol 'tel'
<freemangordon> so maybe do it like they did
<Wizzup> k
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> sphone can run without gui now btw, we could easly implment the logging as a sphone module and then spwan one non gui sphone process for logging or only one process with logging and ui loaded as desired
<uvos> as everything is a module you can pick an choose what process dose what
<Wizzup> right, but the fact that something must for example request a ring account means that whichever requests it can also do the logging
<Wizzup> we could separate the logging, but programs also need to request connections so that they can act on incoming messages
<Wizzup> or send messages
<Wizzup> i.e. even if conversations mostly just reads from a db now, it must be able to send message
<Wizzup> messages
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> and to do it that it must talk to telepathy, request connections, and manage those connections, and create (or 'ensure') channels on those connections
<uvos> im just saying that sphones arch makes it easy to implement the "monlithic" nokia esque shortcut way now
<Wizzup> so we -could- have a module that just onlines/activates connections
<uvos> and implement something better later
<Wizzup> and another module that just does logging
<uvos> without throwing most of it out
<Wizzup> but it might not make sense that way
<Wizzup> uvos: sure, I'm still just understanding telepathy
<Wizzup> not making 'design decisions' in that sense yet
<Wizzup> tp also has different client types: observers, approvders and handlers
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<uvos> ugh
<uvos> the maemo volume buttons switch between portrait and landscape
<uvos> without a config option
<uvos> terrible ux
<uvos> first rule of buttons: muscle memory works if they dont change function
<Wizzup> uvos: who intercepts this then?
<Wizzup> uvos: on the n900 this works really well fwiw
<uvos> android used to do this
<uvos> and i hated it
<uvos> anyhow
<uvos> its implmented in the volume applet
<uvos> btw the volume applet should work fine with the current ucm setup
<uvos> you should only have to change /usr/share/maemo-statusmenu-volume/volume_steps_update
<uvos> to point to the correct sink
<uvos> unfortionatly it dosent work atm
<uvos> but that just looks like a pa api change
<Wizzup> wait you have volume applet working?
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> let me send you some beers :)
<uvos> heh
<Wizzup> with our existing pa setup?
<uvos> yes
<uvos> its just a tiny change
<uvos> and that config change
<uvos> but let me clean it up
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> also the f7 f8 thing..
<uvos> i just replaced that atm
<Wizzup> yeah, let's not get into that now but well noted
<uvos> heh
<uvos> what you dont want me flaming for 30 minutes about keymappings?
<Wizzup> well we've gone over that stuff a few times and realised that it is fubar no matter
<uvos> not really
<uvos> but ok
<uvos> not now
<Wizzup> :)
<uvos> correct sink is alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_Audio_0__sink btw
<uvos> (should be on all devices)
<uvos> (except n900)
<Wizzup> we might need to make volume_steps_update a leste-config file then, or figure out how to deal with it
<Wizzup> maybe if we give n900 UCM file
<uvos> also not sure how to deal with hdmi audio
<uvos> the thing is somewhat unfortionatly hardcoded for 2 channels
<uvos> droid 4 might have up to 6
<Wizzup> I plan to worry about hdmi and external screens quite a bit later down the road
<Wizzup> I'd have to check how the n900 deals with it, but I suspect it's probably on the headphone mapping
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> (since on the n900 the external screen clone is through the hp jack)
<uvos> its also just 2 channels
<uvos> so theres nothing to handle
<Wizzup> hm, what other channels?
<uvos> n900 dosent have otg and dosent have hdmi
<uvos> ergo no audio output > 2 channels is possible
<uvos> ergo nokia dident care
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> my point was mostly that 'how do I control hdmi audio when I use an external screen, possible not even cloned' is not high on my priority/worry list
<Wizzup> anyhow I am happy currently because I think I understand telepathy well enough now
<uvos> granted
<Wizzup> of course my confidence will tank when I start writing the code, but I think I'll get through it
<Wizzup> :p
<Wizzup> freemangordon: you probably meant
<Wizzup> sicelo: fwiw mc-tool is part of libmissioncontrol-utils
<uvos> he allready said that
<uvos> to you
<Wizzup> ok, must have missed it :)
<Wizzup> ah, I see it now
<Wizzup> hm, maybe we need to set tp ring to 'always on' as opposed to 'when requested'