freemangordon: ah so it is in the tag but not in the branch, but commit is there
just pushed to the branch as well
my bad
ok, but what was build then?
the tag
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afaik that is how it works at least
not sure I understand - how is it build with that patch if the patch is not pushed?
because it uses the tag, not the patch
I had the commits locally and pushed the tag of those commits but didn't push to the branch
we can rebuild if you want but I'm fairly certain that the commit was included
ok, if you are sure, that's fine
I just don;t understand how that works, i.e. how you build something that is in none of the branches :)
a tag is a pointer to any commit in git
the tag doesn't have to point to a commit in a branch
droid4-linux $ cat debian/gbp.conf
still feels strange
we can rebuild if you want :p but it won't matter afaiu
no need
if it saves you ~15 mins we might as well do it, the build farm is not busy
no, I will pull latest wip anyways
I am using it most of the time
not the one from the repo
ok, lets see if I can write a sane cover letter
will send to you and tmlind only initially
freemangoron: ok sounds good to me
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Wizzup: tmlind: please have a look
s/simplyfy/simplify/ otherwise looks good to me
haven't dug into the code too much
code should be fine, more or less
freemangordon: great, looks good to me!
ok, going to send it, fingers crossed
nice and readable patches now, what could go wrong? :)
well, Tomi was against that, no idea why. Lets hope arguments will convince him to reconsider
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Wizzup: Mobian audio setup uses a new alsa-ucm, I could not just copy the files over, it did not work
Wizzup: the issue indeed was not really the hdmi audio modules, there something wrong in alsa-ucm and pa
rafael2k: ucm2 or something? or is there even newer ucm?
Wizzup: newer, the syntax is version 4, we have version 3
Wizzup: the differences are not big
Wizzup: I don't really thing it is the version, but definitelly the ucm is broken for me, ucm returns error saying not able to load the use-case
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Wizzup: but I changed so many things... this is why I'd like to know if your ucm setup is working for you
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rafael2k: yes, I understand, I will hook up my pp to my psu today and try
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freemangordon: so i'll apply and push out updated droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.16 and then we should have the v5.16 base together, right?
tmlind: use the patches I sent on th ML, yes
freemangordon: ok pushed out updated droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.16
Wizzup: so now you can attempt a git branch merge script to build the devel kernel :)
freemangordon: oops i may have applied the test version of your patches with the typo..
the typo is in the cover letter
so no issue
ah ok no wonder i could not find simplyfy
freemangordon: so that dbm patch, do you have some issues with that one?
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tmlind: by th elook of it I don;t expect issues, but I haven't had time to test it
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freemangordon: ok no huge rush with that one
yeah, I will look at those after we move -devel to -stable, I don;t want to do any changes now
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rafael2k: I built a new pinephone-dev img
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