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Now I have fixed that (and the leak caused by 478fcc45e0b9d93dbe1a2c1f842441af529a3c04), I should be able to properly unmap root pixmap bo on CloseScreen
and basically omap DDX should be ready for prime-time :)
yeah, this is why it took me so long to fix dma_buf leaks
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so then we only have the occasional tiny black ants problem remaining, that's there also on wl btw, less so with foot terminal emulator
I guess this is DMM/TILER issue, as I don;t see that on n900
i see the tiny black ants for both landscape and portrait modes on d4 while scrolling h-d marina background with no apps open
same here
fyi for wl users, foot seems nice and very memory friendly, somehow does not detect the touchscreen interface though, mouse works on my laptop with it
the default key mappings are the same as termite, so ctrl-shift-c for copy and ctrl-shift-v for paste :)
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hmm so my d4 did not boot up because of pvr errors, seems like i still had /etc/init.d/pvr-omap around
we should only /etc/init.d/powervr in devel now, right?
Wizzup: so presumably /etc/init.d/pvr-omap was still left around after update from stable to devel
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yeah, i was using foot on N900 too. only issue i had (back then) was an unwanted, consistent key auto-repeat
Wizzup: I want to make one more fix (remove PVR EXA scanout_priv hack) and will make a release
freemangordon: ok great
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Wizzup: ready, please install and report
after tonights deadline
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Wizzup: we shall also reduce CMA size if this works
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[bionic] I have noticed that the audio volume (at 100%) is much lower than when Iused the same device under LineageOS
I used
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huckg: yes on mapphones currently the maximum volume is capped at 3%
huckg: capping it there is mostly a stilistic choice (i decided this is max resonable volume)
huckg: dont set it to 100% it will blow your ears off and distroy the device speaker
huckg: but you can set it higher if you like
alsamixer -c 0
(hifi volume)
Wizzup: new sphone fixes the issue where the reply window opens with the default backend preselected instead of the backend the message came from
rafael2k: also fixes ui-calls-manager-gtk not being loaded by accident.
uvos: Thanks for the info on the audio on bionic. If I go to alsamixer with no arguments I can change the master volume, but when I do alsamixer -c 0 and select HiFi, it does not respond in the same way.
I cannot seem to change the volume with + or pgup or pagedown or numbers.
there is an applet to do that now, in the -devel branch
I will make an effort next week to get all of -devel merged into stable, but not this week
Wizzup: no there isent
Wizzup: the applet changes pa volume
Wizzup: huckg wants to change hw volume
uvos: ah I see
oh, it was about in alsamixer
huckg: alsamixer uses the arrows typically, which you might not have in the virtual keyboard
oh rihgt
i forgot bionic :P
use it over ssh
or use alsactl
yes but + and pgup work in alsamixer no arguments master volume
pgup works here
(the pgup button in osso-xterm)
not sure why it would not work for you
freemangordon: i dont see how libtime applies here
freemangordon: also low level device stuff should deff not depend on maemo specifc stuff
is osso-xterm the xterm that is pre-installed?
huckg: yes
how did you even navigate to hifi with no keyboard?
there is no way to get to the hifi control on bionic without ssh or usb otg keyboard no?
letter n gives you next
this is really painfull to do on bionic
but works here :P
Yes no arrow keys is painful.
you can map them on xterm ;-)
we should probubly extend osso-xterm
to have device specific mappings
using letter n the right speaker is highlighted. There is a single slider showing above call.
call i the wrong control
you want ot change the "HiFi" control
Speaker/HiFi is selected (red color) but slider is above Call!
wierd it works absolutly fine here, maybe alsamixer breaks with certain fonts/terminal sizes
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I'll use "volume" keys to change font size and try again.
Nope, doesn't help.
huckg: a (permanent) alternative is to edit /usr/share/alsa/ucm2/Mapphone_Audio/HiFi.conf
huckg: and up cset "name='HiFi Playback Volume' 5" a bit
(theres multiple HiFi Playback Volume lines for different outputs)