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<freemangordon> that's why accelerated client leads to segfault after rotation
<freemangordon> because DRI buffer pixmap gets reset
<Wizzup> wow...
<freemangordon> Now I have fixed that (and the leak caused by 478fcc45e0b9d93dbe1a2c1f842441af529a3c04), I should be able to properly unmap root pixmap bo on CloseScreen
<freemangordon> and basically omap DDX should be ready for prime-time :)
<Wizzup> sweet
<freemangordon> yeah, this is why it took me so long to fix dma_buf leaks
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<tmlind> freemangordon: heheh pretty messed up.. nice find :)
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<tmlind> look forward to seeing your fix
<freemangordon> yeah, I am on it
<tmlind> ok
<tmlind> so then we only have the occasional tiny black ants problem remaining, that's there also on wl btw, less so with foot terminal emulator
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> I guess this is DMM/TILER issue, as I don;t see that on n900
<tmlind> ok
<tmlind> i see the tiny black ants for both landscape and portrait modes on d4 while scrolling h-d marina background with no apps open
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> same here
<tmlind> fyi for wl users, foot seems nice and very memory friendly, somehow does not detect the touchscreen interface though, mouse works on my laptop with it
<tmlind> the default key mappings are the same as termite, so ctrl-shift-c for copy and ctrl-shift-v for paste :)
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<tmlind> hmm so my d4 did not boot up because of pvr errors, seems like i still had /etc/init.d/pvr-omap around
<tmlind> we should only /etc/init.d/powervr in devel now, right?
<tmlind> Wizzup: so presumably /etc/init.d/pvr-omap was still left around after update from stable to devel
<Wizzup> hmm
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<sicelo> yeah, i was using foot on N900 too. only issue i had (back then) was an unwanted, consistent key auto-repeat
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I want to make one more fix (remove PVR EXA scanout_priv hack) and will make a release
<Wizzup> great
<tmlind> freemangordon: ok great
<tmlind> bbl
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: ready, please install and report
<Wizzup> after tonights deadline
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: we shall also reduce CMA size if this works
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<huckg> [bionic] I have noticed that the audio volume (at 100%) is much lower than when  Iused the same device under LineageOS
<huckg> I used
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<uvos> huckg: yes on mapphones currently the maximum volume is capped at 3%
<uvos> huckg: capping it there is mostly a stilistic choice (i decided this is max resonable volume)
<uvos> huckg: dont set it to 100% it will blow your ears off and distroy the device speaker
<uvos> huckg: but you can set it higher if you like
<uvos> alsamixer -c 0
<uvos> (hifi volume)
<uvos> *13%
<uvos> Wizzup: new sphone fixes the issue where the reply window opens with the default backend preselected instead of the backend the message came from
<uvos> rafael2k: also fixes ui-calls-manager-gtk not being loaded by accident.
<tmlind> so for MPDTIME, here's an experimental gps inject time patch, not sure so far if it helps..
<uvos> tmlind: oh neat
<uvos> tmlind: gps was still way way faster to lock on los than on mainline, even after uploading almenac
<tmlind> it assumes the device is using ntp server with chrony.. and probably needs first droid4-agps script called to upload satellite data
<tmlind> uvos: yeah it's really slow to lock, maybe there are still some steps missing
<uvos> we are sure los is using only this gps reciever right?
<uvos> it dosent fusion several or something
<tmlind> yeah
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> i think this is the only one with antenna wired, and wlcore one is not wired likely
<tmlind> no idea if also w3glte might have gnss
<uvos> i claims to iirc
<uvos> from dmesg
<tmlind> heh ok
<uvos> you might be able to use it
<uvos> from android 2.1
<uvos> (that runs on it)
<uvos> should try that some time
<tmlind> gps accelerator :)
<uvos> :P
<tmlind> so i did not test the droid4-agps + time inject outside, did not notice any difference indoors but also android takes forever indoors
<tmlind> i did verify from the MPDTIME android logs time stamp that the gps time does not have the 18 second leap second adjustment applied
* tmlind bbl
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<freemangordon> tmlind: please consider using libtime of you are going to do some userland stuff
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<lel> MerlijnWajer privatized a repository:
<Wizzup> err
<Wizzup> github is weird
<Wizzup> anyway, it's starting to work :)
<huckg> uvos:  Thanks for the info on the audio on bionic. If I go to alsamixer with no arguments I can change the master volume, but when I do alsamixer -c 0 and select HiFi, it does not respond in the same way.
<huckg> I cannot seem to change the volume with + or pgup or pagedown or numbers.
<Wizzup> there is an applet to do that now, in the -devel branch
<Wizzup> I will make an effort next week to get all of -devel merged into stable, but not this week
<uvos> Wizzup: no there isent
<uvos> Wizzup: the applet changes pa volume
<uvos> Wizzup: huckg wants to change hw volume
<Wizzup> uvos: ah I see
<Wizzup> oh, it was about in alsamixer
<Wizzup> huckg: alsamixer uses the arrows typically, which you might not have in the virtual keyboard
<uvos> oh rihgt
<uvos> i forgot bionic :P
<uvos> use it over ssh
<uvos> or use alsactl
<huckg> yes but + and pgup work in alsamixer no arguments master volume
<uvos> pgup works here
<uvos> (the pgup button in osso-xterm)
<uvos> not sure why it would not work for you
<uvos> freemangordon: i dont see how libtime applies here
<uvos> freemangordon: also low level device stuff should deff not depend on maemo specifc stuff
<huckg> is osso-xterm the xterm that is pre-installed?
<uvos> huckg: yes
<uvos> how did you even navigate to hifi with no keyboard?
<uvos> there is no way to get to the hifi control on bionic without ssh or usb otg keyboard no?
<huckg> letter n gives you next
<uvos> this is really painfull to do on bionic
<uvos> but works here :P
<huckg> Yes no arrow keys is painful.
<sicelo> you can map them on xterm ;-)
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> we should probubly extend osso-xterm
<uvos> to have device specific mappings
<huckg> using letter n the right speaker is highlighted. There is a single slider showing above call.
<uvos> call i the wrong control
<uvos> *is
<uvos> you want ot change the "HiFi" control
<huckg> Speaker/HiFi is selected (red color) but slider is above Call!
<uvos> wierd it works absolutly fine here, maybe alsamixer breaks with certain fonts/terminal sizes
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<huckg> I'll use "volume" keys to change font size and try again.
<huckg> Nope, doesn't help.
<uvos> huckg: a (permanent) alternative is to edit /usr/share/alsa/ucm2/Mapphone_Audio/HiFi.conf
<uvos> huckg: and up cset "name='HiFi Playback Volume' 5" a bit
<uvos> (reboot)
<uvos> (theres multiple HiFi Playback Volume lines for different outputs)
<huckg> Thanks, will do.
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<lel> MerlijnWajer created a repository:
<lel> MerlijnWajer created a repository:
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<huckg> uvos: I changed HiFi Playback Volume to 10. It is not at all excessive on the bionic. 5 was really very quiet.