Wizzup: yeah ok let's hope his email still works
I'm going to see if I can quickly identify why 5.10.y doesn't idle at 0.007A but rather at 0.012A
it seems to be related to the panel being probed
as in, on v5.9 having panel probed doesn't cause the extra power hit
but there were only two small panel changes, so I suspect something else perhaps
uvos: when you have time kindly test latest `conversations`, it may have fixed the SMS thingy
devel is updated
dsc_: works
but it dosent pick up the contact names
im reading `remote_uid` from table `Events`
tmlind: as in, it's not normal for the panel to use more power just when it's probed, right? or do I need to do additional work to idle it properly beyond setting backlight to 0
right but sphone saves the number there
sphone saves the contact name in local_name so that it dosent have to look up the contacts so often in eds (its slow)
but i dont know if thats correct
there is a table in rtcom with remote info
so that it doesn't need to go in the event
the ones with names are just special numbers
or chat contacts that are unsernames
not contact names
sphone saves the remote user name or number in remote_uid
(ie what the backend needs to send a message to this person)
and the name the user has saved in contacts for this person as local_name
but saving it in some other table might be better yeah
looks like your freemantle database dosent sue it at all
dont think there is another table for that
local_name is fine
ill fix it
no idea why they need selfhandle since the outgoing incoming prop also exists
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afaik the table 'remotes' to be checked here
that is what the remote_uid is for?
[11:39] <uvos> sphone saves the remote user name or number in remote_uid
[11:39] <uvos> (ie what the backend needs to send a message to this person)
thats also what it looks to be for
the better question what the heck local_name is for if remotes table exists
likely librtcom-el has functions to match remote uids
local_name is *yourself*
local_uid TEXT, -- plugin local uid ('account' on a plugin/protocol)
local_name TEXT, -- seems to own irc nickname, etc <SelfHandle> for telepathy-ring
why it is necessary is a good question
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tmlind: ok it's probably some drm interaction, I'll have to check that later, not sure how to continue atm - v5.10 is broken without stable patches (and also those need at least one commit reverted to work, so bisect might be quite hard)
the big question is, does the rtcomlib do a JOIN in order to resolve remote_uid's or not
use the source luke :-p
uvos: use the `Remote` table and set `remote_uid` accordingly :P
Wizzup: yeah that's time consuming with extra patches carried for bisect
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dsc_: wait no
dsc_: its not right
dsc_: now it dosent show commtest threads
thats right, I'm only filtering for SMS currently
I need to make a navigation bar where you can specify/filter on message types
generally id also like a way to see what backend a thread is on, but im sure you have it planned
ill most likely change the chat window title for that `Conversations (SMS)`
`Conversations (IRC)`
suggestions welcome though :P
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dsc_: re: backends, we'll get to that
I have some ideas about that too :)
tmlind: maybe I can rebase v5.10 and remove the other regressions (or insert the fixes right next to the offending commits) and bisect that rebased branch
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uvos: btw when/if you have an idea about glamor and gles let me know and I'll try to build xorg-server on the pp
if we can alleviate some of the pains it's likely quite worth it
freemangordon: also if you recall what patches were needed for newer X / how you built it, please lmk
uvos: btw got a droid razr and droid razr maxx in post (shipped with this droid3)
not sure if they still work
Wizzup: for sure I disabled XWayland
but that would just be a configure, so you build it on your own device I guess, not with dpkg-buildpackage ?
Wizzup: you can carry extra commits with git bisect, forgot the option for that
tmlind: ok
Wizzup: see git bisect --help for hot-fix
there's a sample script for bisecting with a hot-fix, i'm pretty sure there was some git specific command earlier for that, but i guess it's gone
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someone on the internet suggests this: git cherry-pick --no-commit hot-fix
Wizzup: what version of xt91x exactly?
Wizzup: I used debian packaging of 'our' xserver
freemangordon: ok, any new xproto required?
also, some newer xorg-protocols or somesich
uvos: I agree about glFinish() patch, but others are different
freemangordon: maybe you can comment on the above issue tomorrow
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tmlind: hm, my testing with the two commits I mentioned earlier reverted shows fee5be18524f961de653fe6103f927c84ebbfd38 as the first bad commit, but I am not sure how to interpret that since it's a merge
since it seems to relate to s390 fixes mostly?
I suppose that could happen if the behaviour was racy or something
thats a wierd commit
even if racy that dosent make any sense
whats this for?
the modem?
no, this is the extra power usage from v5.9 to v510
when panel driver is loaded
is could just relate to the async probing somehow perhaps, but I have that reverted
from my earlier testing v5.9 idles fine at 0.007A whereas v5.10 idles at 0.012A or so
(both are in off)
rmmod on the panel module makes the problem go away on v5.10
I guess the problem is I probably made a good/bad mistake somewhere or something, and it's just inherently racy perhaps
it's definitely real though
one thing tho
the pannel
its stopped working at some point
there was a initalization race
i think this was around this time
yes, sre fixed that I think in this serise
that's only one of the two commits that touch the panel
but surely even if the panel now worked, it shouldn't use 0.005A more just because it's enabled (not on or anythign)
also at least in v5.9 I can turn off the panel without problems by loading the module, but yeah, maybe it's a panel pm thing or something...
the solution to the race was to reset the pannel again right?
that's what the commit said yeah
well the race might not be fully solved and the pannel ends up in a different hw state
ok but reseting the pannel should be quite sage
see 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a
well that was a waste of then, I'm no closer to a solution :)
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uvos: selectively reverting 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a does seem to suggest it idles better without...
and keeping 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a and cyceling the pannel on and off
how would I do that?
uh I don't have basically any /dev nodes
let alone X or anythign else
we are gonna need dev nodes :P
you can use my program .. but it dident work
this might be related
I think I might give up on this one in a bit for now
since dpms fails in my dpms off program
that suggests something is wrong with it
the pannel driver that is
ok yeah giving up is also an option
its "just" 15mW
I meant for now mostly
I don't know how to debug this properly, I'll try a few more things: going to 5.15 and remove panel driver and see how that acts
and also go back to v5.9 once more and just confirm that indeed it's more stable / better pm
maybe sre can give it a look if it's clear the panel module probing has an effect
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it's also possible that the panel drivers waits for drm and some other interaction for it to fully idle or something
i dont see why it should
except as a bug
but sure
yeah, what I mean is that I am testing in one specific way
could be hw bug that causes it to not idle untill the first frame even
or something like that
whatever it is, it's not present in v5.9
but if that's because it never actually resets, yeah...
as in my test doesn't involve *using* the panel
I only probe the module to lower power usage for my tests (turn off screen, basically)
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I think it might be best to send a mail about this so I don't forget but not investigate further - on 5.15 with my reverts/additions at least off mode it hit sometimes with the panel not probed, but there seems to be another power regression mostly preventing off mode since v5.10 and 5.15
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hey with both panel commits from v5.10 reverted it does go back to lower power
so it was 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a
if I can figure out what makes plain v5.11 not boot (it says it cannot execute init=/bin/bash) then I can could hopefully trace the last off mode problem
5.11 used to boot for me, and 5.12
plain v5.11?
as in 'git checkout v5.11' ?
5.11.y, v5.11 with stable patches boots form e
but that is useless for bisect since the first thing the bisect will do ignore all the stable patches
so I need to find the specific commits in 5.11.y and apply them at every bisect step if the offending commit is present during the bisect
which is *hands in hair*
I see. Well it's been a while, so I am no longer too sure which particular 5.11/.12 I was booting
it's ok, I think I might have found it
I figured I might as well continue while I still the energy and will to work on this stuff
7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a is unlikely to be the real issue here
its just that without it the pannel is in some other state
that it happens to idle in
and after 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a its in power on reset
uvos: could be, but I hope that sre can take a look
btw v5.11 needs the mmc swap commit (1baa29c660b8b75c1cd06e743d9faca7ee323b1f)
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Yeah @mmc swap
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uvos: it might make sense to check if OMAP4_THERMAL makes on the d4 too
makes a difference*
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I think that's all I can do wrt idle right now - there's a reproducible test case wrt mmc that causes panics when the system idles, and on 5.15.y we can now hit off mode with init=/bin/bash and idle at 27mW
when I boot to maemo leste rescue mode I can actually hit RET sometimes, but not yet OFF