<Wizzup> uvos: ok yeah disabling the CONFIG_COMPACTION is enough on top of 5.9
<Wizzup> same for v5.10, although the panel not idling the display makes it harder to read..
<Wizzup> looks like the other few mw might be drm related, but I think that's for another day
<Wizzup> yup, that's panel/drm relatd
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<Wizzup> Summary: 1.3 wakeups/second, 0.0 GPU ops/seconds, 0.0 VFS ops/sec and 0.3% CPU
<Wizzup> :)
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<enyc> Wizzup: hrrm is that "powertop" showing wakeups/set, or other ways to notice that ?
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<tmlind> Wizzup: nice find!
<sicelo> 🎉
<freemangordon> nice!
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<dsc_> is there a way to detect leste is running on a droid4?
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<Wizzup> enyc: powertop
<Wizzup> dsc_: thebquestion probably is why
<dsc_> fair enough
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<Wizzup> dsc_: as in you can get the dpi from X
<Wizzup> it might not give you the right dpi atm, but that is something we can fix without device specific hacks :P
<dsc_> yeah nvm ;p
<Wizzup> tmlind: my mail to ngupta got denied, by "outlook protection", let's hope the ml ones reach him ;)
<dsc_> Wizzup: we'll have to start thinking about telepathy stuff soon
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> I hope that today I can bisect the modem breakage and the other pm problem
<Wizzup> and apart from the audio not probing (probably easy fix) that means I could use the n900 for tp-idle
<Wizzup> there's also someone who wanted to help out with gnu-ring/jami and/or tox part of it
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<uvos> you can not get dpi from x on leste
<uvos> we break it on purpose force setting 96dpi, otherwise x would report the correct dpi
<Wizzup> why do we do that again?
<uvos> but gtk2 is extreamly broken then, because nokia just increased font and element size in the ui istead of scaling it properly
<Wizzup> right
<dsc_> uvos: so I query against el-v1.db via rtcom, filtered by "service_id: 3", which is `rtcom_el_get_service_id(el, "RTCOM_EL_SERVICE_SMS");`
<uvos> right service 3 event type 14
<uvos> er 13
<uvos> you have to query agains that service and the event type SMS
<dsc_> regarding event_types, my database seems to always have `event_type: 11` when service_id is 3
<uvos> interesting
<dsc_> which is uhm
<uvos> huh thats wierd
<dsc_> sqlite> select name from EventTypes where id=11;
<uvos> and i get id 13 in the database
<dsc_> can you try `select name from EventTypes where id=14;`
<uvos> 14 is nothing
<dsc_> ah k yep
<uvos> as expected
<dsc_> ok I know whats going on
<dsc_> fault on my side probably
<uvos> Wizzup: can you give me os_idle_uc_audit_details.txt from sleep 20; omapconf audit os_idle full_log on d4 5.15 with leste booted normaly
<Wizzup> uvos: sure, wifi on ok?
<uvos> yeah over ssh is fine
<uvos> on wifi
<Wizzup> what are you looking for btw?
<uvos> my device stopped ideling
<Wizzup> huh
<uvos> yeah no idea
<uvos> diff: | GFX | Running | Gated | FAIL |
<uvos> hmm ists sgx
<tmlind> Wizzup: yeah ok let's hope his email still works
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> I'm going to see if I can quickly identify why 5.10.y doesn't idle at 0.007A but rather at 0.012A
<Wizzup> it seems to be related to the panel being probed
<Wizzup> as in, on v5.9 having panel probed doesn't cause the extra power hit
<Wizzup> but there were only two small panel changes, so I suspect something else perhaps
<dsc_> uvos: when you have time kindly test latest `conversations`, it may have fixed the SMS thingy
<dsc_> devel is updated
<uvos> dsc_: works
<dsc_> thanks!
<uvos> but it dosent pick up the contact names
<dsc_> im reading `remote_uid` from table `Events`
<Wizzup> tmlind: as in, it's not normal for the panel to use more power just when it's probed, right? or do I need to do additional work to idle it properly beyond setting backlight to 0
<uvos> right but sphone saves the number there
<uvos> sphone saves the contact name in local_name so that it dosent have to look up the contacts so often in eds (its slow)
<uvos> but i dont know if thats correct
<Wizzup> there is a table in rtcom with remote info
<Wizzup> so that it doesn't need to go in the event
<dsc_> the database I have *sometimes* saves the name into `remote_uid`: https://i.imgur.com/O8YwhdD.png
<dsc_> suppose local_name has precedence
<uvos> the ones with names are just special numbers
<uvos> or chat contacts that are unsernames
<uvos> not contact names
<uvos> sphone saves the remote user name or number in remote_uid
<uvos> (ie what the backend needs to send a message to this person)
<dsc_> kk
<uvos> and the name the user has saved in contacts for this person as local_name
<uvos> but saving it in some other table might be better yeah
<uvos> looks like your freemantle database dosent sue it at all
<dsc_> dont think there is another table for that
<dsc_> local_name is fine
<dsc_> ill fix it
<uvos> no idea why they need selfhandle since the outgoing incoming prop also exists
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<dsc_> right
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<Wizzup> afaik the table 'remotes' to be checked here
<Wizzup> that is what the remote_uid is for?
<uvos> [11:39] <uvos> sphone saves the remote user name or number in remote_uid
<uvos> [11:39] <uvos> (ie what the backend needs to send a message to this person)
<uvos> thats also what it looks to be for
<dsc_> oh.
<uvos> the better question what the heck local_name is for if remotes table exists
<Wizzup> likely librtcom-el has functions to match remote uids
<Wizzup> local_name is *yourself*
<Wizzup> local_uid TEXT, -- plugin local uid ('account' on a plugin/protocol)
<Wizzup> local_name TEXT, -- seems to own irc nickname, etc <SelfHandle> for telepathy-ring
<Wizzup> why it is necessary is a good question
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<Wizzup> tmlind: ok it's probably some drm interaction, I'll have to check that later, not sure how to continue atm - v5.10 is broken without stable patches (and also those need at least one commit reverted to work, so bisect might be quite hard)
<dsc_> the big question is, does the rtcomlib do a JOIN in order to resolve remote_uid's or not
<Wizzup> use the source luke :-p
<Wizzup> brb
<dsc_> ok
<dsc_> uvos: use the `Remote` table and set `remote_uid` accordingly :P
<dsc_> `Remotes`*
<dsc_> (if you arent yet)
<lel> sanderfoobar closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/conversations/issues/2 (Ensure TextPlain)
<tmlind> Wizzup: yeah that's time consuming with extra patches carried for bisect
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<uvos> dsc_: wait no
<uvos> dsc_: its not right
<uvos> dsc_: now it dosent show commtest threads
<dsc_> thats right, I'm only filtering for SMS currently
<uvos> ok
<dsc_> I need to make a navigation bar where you can specify/filter on message types
<uvos> ok
<uvos> generally id also like a way to see what backend a thread is on, but im sure you have it planned
<dsc_> right
<dsc_> ill most likely change the chat window title for that `Conversations (SMS)`
<dsc_> `Conversations (IRC)`
<dsc_> suggestions welcome though :P
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<Wizzup> dsc_: re: backends, we'll get to that
<Wizzup> I have some ideas about that too :)
<Wizzup> tmlind: maybe I can rebase v5.10 and remove the other regressions (or insert the fixes right next to the offending commits) and bisect that rebased branch
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<Wizzup> uvos: btw when/if you have an idea about glamor and gles let me know and I'll try to build xorg-server on the pp
<Wizzup> if we can alleviate some of the pains it's likely quite worth it
<Wizzup> freemangordon: also if you recall what patches were needed for newer X / how you built it, please lmk
<Wizzup> uvos: btw got a droid razr and droid razr maxx in post (shipped with this droid3)
<Wizzup> not sure if they still work
<freemangordon> Wizzup: for sure I disabled XWayland
<Wizzup> but that would just be a configure, so you build it on your own device I guess, not with dpkg-buildpackage ?
<tmlind> Wizzup: you can carry extra commits with git bisect, forgot the option for that
<Wizzup> tmlind: ok
<tmlind> Wizzup: see git bisect --help for hot-fix
<tmlind> there's a sample script for bisecting with a hot-fix, i'm pretty sure there was some git specific command earlier for that, but i guess it's gone
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<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> someone on the internet suggests this: git cherry-pick --no-commit hot-fix
<uvos> Wizzup: what version of xt91x exactly?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I used debian packaging of 'our' xserver
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, any new xproto required?
<freemangordon> also, some newer xorg-protocols or somesich
<freemangordon> yes
<Wizzup> uvos: uh
<Wizzup> uvos: where do you want me to check
<freemangordon> yes, newer xproto
<freemangordon> actually the latest one
<Wizzup> tmlind: going for this:
<Wizzup> git merge-base --is-ancestor 21b2cec61c04bd175f0860d9411a472d5a0e7ba1 HEAD && git cherry-pick f1e1be898042aff9be3e17c6c1e77513b52e4c4d --no-commit
<Wizzup> git merge-base --is-ancestor fb2c599f056640d289b2147fbe6d9eaee689f1b2 HEAD && git cherry-pick 3992aa31bffa73683089d86b5fad3315e3c17fcd --no-commit
<freemangordon> october 2021 or something
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<uvos> Wizzup: in android is there is in settings but on all other devices its written on it somewhere too
<uvos> i think xt910 just has it written on the back
<Wizzup> ok I haven't booted them just yet
<uvos> just flip one over :P
<Wizzup> xt912 and xt912
<Wizzup> but one is maxx
<Wizzup> (yes same numbers)
<uvos> they are the same yeah
<uvos> its the same pcb
<uvos> with just a different battery
<uvos> rip
<Wizzup> both non removable :D
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> thats the only variant with locked bootloader
<Wizzup> I think once we've resolved all these n900 pm regressions we need to seriously considering setting up automated testing w/ power monitoring
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<uvos> Wizzup: so i seam to have lost the gles forcing patch, but its just forcing all context creation above here https://github.com/maemo-leste-upstream-forks/xorg-server/blob/maemo/ascii/glamor/glamor_egl.c
<Wizzup> so just define GLAMOR_GLES2 ?
<uvos> no
<uvos> sry
<uvos> i linked that wrong
<uvos> because the code is different in older xserver
<uvos> sec
<uvos> just make everything above that fail
<uvos> that creates a context
<uvos> (ie comment it out)
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<uvos> should force gles
<uvos> alternative approche to just test if gles is better is just to rm libgl.so
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> also note gles glamor has had quite a few bug fixes
<uvos> that are not in our old version
<Wizzup> yeah we probably want new X
<uvos> i dimly remember that gles on radon also only worked on latest master
<uvos> with some additional prs applied
<uvos> i think
<Wizzup> if someone tells me how to build xproto stuff I can do it in my lxc thing
<Wizzup> oh shit that's not even merged
<uvos> yeah and it ainchent
<uvos> and clearly correct
<uvos> i dont get these people
<Wizzup> well I get ignored by them so I'm not even going to bother
<uvos> right
<uvos> we might want to add an option to force gles in xorg.conf
<uvos> but yeah they proububly will ignore it
<freemangordon> Wizzup: could we discuss xorg tomorrow, I'll provide you glamor patches that are needed, for d4 at least
<freemangordon> I don;t have time now
<uvos> im pretty confident that it worked with master and just that patch on mesa
<uvos> on llvm and on radeonsi
<Wizzup> yes, tomorrow is fine although I might be afk some of the time then
<freemangordon> me too, the point was that I cannot do it *now* :)
<freemangordon> uvos: no reason to not have the patches needed for SGX, agree?
<uvos> sure but he wants to test lima specificly
<uvos> the glfinish patches for sgx for instance are just sgx being buggy probuly for instance
<uvos> and just cause it to be slower
<Wizzup> uvos: I renamed libGL.so.something and I am not sure if that was a good idea :P
<Wizzup> let's do that later
<lel> MerlijnWajer opened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/589 (Try new xorg server (with patches) and gles-glamor on pinephone/lima)
<freemangordon> uvos: I agree about glFinish() patch, but others are different
<Wizzup> freemangordon: maybe you can comment on the above issue tomorrow
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<Wizzup> tmlind: hm, my testing with the two commits I mentioned earlier reverted shows fee5be18524f961de653fe6103f927c84ebbfd38 as the first bad commit, but I am not sure how to interpret that since it's a merge
<Wizzup> since it seems to relate to s390 fixes mostly?
<Wizzup> I suppose that could happen if the behaviour was racy or something
<uvos> hmm
<uvos> thats a wierd commit
<uvos> even if racy that dosent make any sense
<Wizzup> right
<uvos> whats this for?
<uvos> the modem?
<Wizzup> no, this is the extra power usage from v5.9 to v510
<Wizzup> when panel driver is loaded
<Wizzup> is could just relate to the async probing somehow perhaps, but I have that reverted
<Wizzup> from my earlier testing v5.9 idles fine at 0.007A whereas v5.10 idles at 0.012A or so
<Wizzup> (both are in off)
<Wizzup> rmmod on the panel module makes the problem go away on v5.10
<uvos> the commits on that merge
<uvos> none of these make sense
<Wizzup> yeah
<Wizzup> I guess the problem is I probably made a good/bad mistake somewhere or something, and it's just inherently racy perhaps
<Wizzup> it's definitely real though
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> one thing tho
<uvos> the pannel
<uvos> its stopped working at some point
<uvos> there was a initalization race
<uvos> i think this was around this time
<Wizzup> yes, sre fixed that I think in this serise
<Wizzup> that's only one of the two commits that touch the panel
<Wizzup> but surely even if the panel now worked, it shouldn't use 0.005A more just because it's enabled (not on or anythign)
<Wizzup> also at least in v5.9 I can turn off the panel without problems by loading the module, but yeah, maybe it's a panel pm thing or something...
<uvos> the solution to the race was to reset the pannel again right?
<Wizzup> that's what the commit said yeah
<uvos> well the race might not be fully solved and the pannel ends up in a different hw state
<uvos> ok but reseting the pannel should be quite sage
<uvos> *safe
<Wizzup> see 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a
<Wizzup> well that was a waste of then, I'm no closer to a solution :)
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<Wizzup> uvos: selectively reverting 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a does seem to suggest it idles better without...
<uvos> and keeping 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a and cyceling the pannel on and off
<uvos> ?
<Wizzup> how would I do that?
<uvos> dpms?
<Wizzup> uh I don't have basically any /dev nodes
<Wizzup> let alone X or anythign else
<uvos> we are gonna need dev nodes :P
<uvos> you can use my program .. but it dident work
<uvos> acutally
<uvos> this might be related
<Wizzup> I think I might give up on this one in a bit for now
<uvos> since dpms fails in my dpms off program
<uvos> that suggests something is wrong with it
<uvos> the pannel driver that is
<uvos> ok yeah giving up is also an option
<uvos> its "just" 15mW
<Wizzup> I meant for now mostly
<Wizzup> I don't know how to debug this properly, I'll try a few more things: going to 5.15 and remove panel driver and see how that acts
<Wizzup> and also go back to v5.9 once more and just confirm that indeed it's more stable / better pm
<Wizzup> maybe sre can give it a look if it's clear the panel module probing has an effect
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<Wizzup> it's also possible that the panel drivers waits for drm and some other interaction for it to fully idle or something
<uvos> i dont see why it should
<uvos> except as a bug
<uvos> but sure
<Wizzup> yeah, what I mean is that I am testing in one specific way
<uvos> could be hw bug that causes it to not idle untill the first frame even
<uvos> or something like that
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> whatever it is, it's not present in v5.9
<Wizzup> but if that's because it never actually resets, yeah...
<Wizzup> as in my test doesn't involve *using* the panel
<Wizzup> I only probe the module to lower power usage for my tests (turn off screen, basically)
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<Wizzup> I think it might be best to send a mail about this so I don't forget but not investigate further - on 5.15 with my reverts/additions at least off mode it hit sometimes with the panel not probed, but there seems to be another power regression mostly preventing off mode since v5.10 and 5.15
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<Wizzup> hey with both panel commits from v5.10 reverted it does go back to lower power
<Wizzup> ok...
<Wizzup> so it was 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a
<Wizzup> if I can figure out what makes plain v5.11 not boot (it says it cannot execute init=/bin/bash) then I can could hopefully trace the last off mode problem
<sicelo> 5.11 used to boot for me, and 5.12
<Wizzup> plain v5.11?
<Wizzup> as in 'git checkout v5.11' ?
<Wizzup> 5.11.y, v5.11 with stable patches boots form e
<Wizzup> but that is useless for bisect since the first thing the bisect will do ignore all the stable patches
<Wizzup> so I need to find the specific commits in 5.11.y and apply them at every bisect step if the offending commit is present during the bisect
<Wizzup> which is *hands in hair*
<sicelo> I see. Well it's been a while, so I am no longer too sure which particular 5.11/.12 I was booting
<Wizzup> it's ok, I think I might have found it
<Wizzup> I figured I might as well continue while I still the energy and will to work on this stuff
<Wizzup> ah.
<uvos> 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a is unlikely to be the real issue here
<uvos> its just that without it the pannel is in some other state
<uvos> that it happens to idle in
<uvos> and after 7c4bada12d320d8648ba3ede6f9b6f9e10f1126a its in power on reset
<Wizzup> uvos: could be, but I hope that sre can take a look
<Wizzup> btw v5.11 needs the mmc swap commit (1baa29c660b8b75c1cd06e743d9faca7ee323b1f)
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<sicelo> Yeah @mmc swap
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<Wizzup> tmlind:
<Wizzup> $ git bisect bad
<Wizzup> commit a82820fcd079e38309403f595f005a8cc318a13c
<Wizzup> a82820fcd079e38309403f595f005a8cc318a13c is the first bad commit
<Wizzup> Author: Adam Ford <aford173@gmail.com>
<Wizzup> Date: Fri Sep 11 07:31:57 2020 -0500
<Wizzup> ARM: omap2plus_defconfig: Enable OMAP3_THERMAL
<Wizzup> will email
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<Wizzup> YAY
<Wizzup> # uname -a
<Wizzup> Linux (none) 5.15.2-00597-g68be8fac7cbd #48 SMP PREEMPT Sat Dec 11 00:14:05 CET 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux
<Wizzup> # grep ^core_pwrdm /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/count | cut -d',' -f2,3
<Wizzup> OFF:20,RET:10
<Wizzup> uvos: it might make sense to check if OMAP4_THERMAL makes on the d4 too
<Wizzup> makes a difference*
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<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I think that's all I can do wrt idle right now - there's a reproducible test case wrt mmc that causes panics when the system idles, and on 5.15.y we can now hit off mode with init=/bin/bash and idle at 27mW
<Wizzup> when I boot to maemo leste rescue mode I can actually hit RET sometimes, but not yet OFF
<Wizzup> tmlind: ^^ :)
<Wizzup> uvos: yeah the razr has a nice screen