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uvos__: re: more corruption could also be that you have a custom theme and/or backgrounds on your other devices
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Wizzup: one more thing while we are at it - I think it makes sense to not set zswap on n900 but use dedicated swap partition on eMMC
also, using 16bpp will greatly reduce memory usage
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freemangordon: yeah I am still not convinced about zswap being a bad idea and swapping to slow and irreplaceable disk instead
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Yeah swapping on such storage is bound to degrade lifetime
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parazyd: hm it looks like /etc/kernel/postinst.d runs before the postinst of our kernel image package
that can't be right?
parazyd: irc.txt is broken
parazyd: hmmmm I guess our modifications to builddeb actually make it run our stuff before run-parts
that's wrong
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I fixed builddeb
freemangordon: is it really smart to swap on emmc on a device thats 10+ years old? its probubly getting up there on writes allready
well it depends right
if we want 0.75GB of swap we will need to do that
(which is what fremantle has)
we could swap to sd card as well but it is kinda slow
otoh I think a bit of zswap really isn't a bad idea
of course not too much, and maybe our ratio is off
if the 100mhz clock hack works on omap3/n900 then modern sdcards way outprerform mmc
you tried this mostly on d4 though right?
also iirc n900 bus width is small
exclusively yeah
its 4bit like d4
emmc bus with is 8
on both
doubleing the bus clock levels the field
the "hack" is basically allowing SDR104 even though it shouldn't be supported?
not really
so we can do in spec sdr50 with 5v bus
omap4 can also do sdr100 @5v and ddr50 @5v and thats supported by some mmc chips
5V or 3.3V?
but sdcard spec for uhs1 is 50mhz @5v sdr or 50mhz @1.8 ddr or 100mhz @1.8v sdr
we cant do 1.8v at all
see sdcard uhs1 spec page 3
Wizzup: re zswap, as I told you, I played enough with compcache (which is the same) back then, and I can tell you that it only makes things worse
slow CPU on 256 MiB RAM zswap is a recipe for disaster
even if you tell it to be 64MiB only
so, we either have a dedicated swap partition on uSD (which will be slow as hell) or we use swap partition which is already there
not much we can do about eMMC wearing
I think we will give users the option
We do zswap every where at the moment and it hasn't caused many problems really
including n900?
btw, once latest droid4-linux is done I think n900 on experimental should apt-get upgrade to newer 5.15 kernel
including postinst hook
I still got a X crash on it after opening ~5 terminals though
bencoh: but we might want to tweak the ratio for some low power devices perhaps
Wizzup: please disable that on n900
freemangordon: will it help with the x crash?
do you want me to give you the link to TMO thread?
bencoh: no, my question was not how to set it, but how to choose the size itself
like, do we prefer 16MiB or 64MiB
Wizzup: I don;t understand why it behaves liek that on your device
well, simply count how many frames we need, round frame size to silly-aligned-size (I don't know what it is aligned to on n900), and it should give us the required size
that's how I do it $here
freemangordon: maybe try with repo kernel
freemangordon: it's still building fwiw but the only diff is the postinst script swap
(swapping of what runs when)
Wizzup: ok
freemangordon: probably easier to just fetch the branch and build yourself
in any case when this works ok/stable I will push all experimental stuff to -devel for n900 and then we can empty experimental
one thing I kind of want but won't for now is to have drm built in
last time I tried that gave trouble, but it would be real nice to have fast tty output
tried running xfce with openpvrsgx and freemangordon's mesa, and it fails even on sw rendering (i didnt set MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=pvr coz idk how its done in x)
mighty17[m]: you should provide correct kmsdev to modesetting
as in? i havent touched x at all
freemangordon: seems ok now, also with zswap or, and with normal swap on
so we can rule out any form of swap being a problem
also MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE dosent have anything to do with the window manager
Wizzup: yeah, but I still kind of think zswap should be disabled
s/window manager/windowing system
uvos__: well but in wayland i had tinydm which'd set env vars for me
Wizzup: also, I think 24 MiB or even 16MiB of CMA should suffice
uvos__: cant find it :(
up to you , I am fine with whatever doesn't cause crashes
mighty17[m]: the xdg-session manager also has nothing to do with wayland vs x
they just start a xdg-session that starts some windowing system
Wizzup: maybe try with 16 MiB
freemangordon: I suggest we potentially postpone finding the exact number
uvos__: right soo im confused aboout modsetting part
I'm really hoping that I can start doing some non-kernel stuff again soon
ok, make it 24 then
not 32
there are open issues but those are now mostly regarding idle/ret/off mode
and I also have to do some work-work today :p
ok :)
mighty17[m]: man modesetting
freemangordon: this is great though
freemangordon: I am not sure if it is at same perf as 5.1 with other ddk and other clutter
but this is good
it is not
it is slightly slower
yeah it feels a bit more stuttery
but fine for now
but, this is because of we wait in DDX for gpu rendering to complete before requesting flip
freemangordon: interesting side note
instead of omapdrm waiting for write fence to be signalled
uvos__: `man: No entry for modesetting in the manual.` :(
mighty17[m]: sec to boot my d4
uvos__: hmm?
mighty17[m]: freemangordon: since you worked around the corruption (looks like missing tiles) in omap ddx, when the d3/d4
freemangordon: since you worked around the corruption (looks like missing tiles) in omap ddx, it dosent show up anymore but when the d3/d4 hangs (d3 dose it way more often) it displays a frame that has the corruption again as its last frame
we were keeping sgx and the rest of the kernel seperate for a reason...
uvos__: this is my wip branch, it is not meant to be the main branch for all our stuff, but if you're worried about a rebase I am happy to cherry pick 15 commits
and no I didn't rename the repo yet
we can do that if we want
Wizzup: if you're going to do that (cherry-pick), please LMK, or simply make sure you don;t cherry-pick old versions of my omapdrm/pvr patches which a re reverted later-on
so if you need to bisect some problem you dont want sgx in the tree, really. also keeping the sgx seperate makes sense for people who want a untainted kernel
so its mainline? (i dont think patches for d4/n900 specific help me on espresso)
i liked that the sgx stuf was seperate
and was merged at compile time
mighty17[m]: the d4 paches do help you on espresso
uvos__: it was never merged at compile time?
i dont seem to understand the diff in kernels (openpvrsgx and leste-omap)
uvos__: basically you're saying you prefer it as a set of patches?
bencoh: essentally
I'd rather have a branch
or a branch but based on mainline
and then leste patches in a different branch on mainline
freemangordon: btw so maybe we do not need compaction after all
since I had old ddx
Wizzup: yes, we have it :)
do we need hugepages at all?
if your worryed about fragmentation
w/o compation
how will CMA work without that?
idk how cma works so no idea
thats why i ask
I think CMA will not work without it
someone shall do page migration when contiguous buffer is needed
not having hugepages dosent prevent in kernel users allocating contiguous buffers
we are not talking about huge pages, but compaction
compaction was added for hugepages
once memory gets fragmented...
I think the same thing is used for CMA
but might be wrong
Wizzup: maybe it worths a try
well the compatction stuff was added for hugepages since ofc having those causes lots of fragmetnation having only 4kb pages dosent
uvos__: ok, seems we lack knowledge, so Wizzup can try to disable compaction now he uses the correct DDX and see
I mean I am fine keeping it on with the timeout nerfed
just wanted to mention it
yeah sure
real fix is not having the timeout
Wizzup: sure, but if it is not needed, then it will mean less code and one patch less to carry
Wizzup: I can test too
but not sure how valid my test will be
Wizzup: btw, do I still need droid4 component on n900?
basically compaction shouldn't run in idle
and it shouldn't prevent the scheduler from entering idle either
freemangordon: I need to triple check all components, so keep it for now
ugh: E: Unable to locate package maemo-kernel-config-n900
is that in experimental?
yeah the 500ms timer is clearly silly, i mean whats the point of checking fragmentation potentaly hours since the device was last awake for anything. if nothing runs nothing can cause fragmentation
uvos__: regarding setup, which do we merge on top of which
uvos__: I guess what you suggest can work if tmlind carries all our non pvr patches
but not all of them are ready yet
not sure why we need tmlind
well we were just based on top of his pending branches before
well we can have an intermeidate branch
thats his pending + our non pvr patches
or tmlind can accept maintinaice of essentally linux-omap for leste
he kinda dose allready
tmlind: ^^^
uvos__: I think we/I need to do a bit of work and suggest which ones to carry
some of mine are just reverts for things that broke that we still need proper fixes for
i gues a midway house here
is we have linux-omap for leste with everything sgx+our patches+hacks+whatever
and we try and "upstream" our patches to at least tmlinds brach soon
and then we rebase the linux-omap leste branch on timlind with eatch release as before
idk really what is best here
well I did try to upstream whatever fixes I had, I just ran out of time and energy for others
we'll have to revisit them in the future anyway
freemangordon: iiuic CMA should only use pre-allocated buffers
so compaction (or lack thereof) shouldn't affect it
basically you can even specify the CMA segment at boot (cma=42M@0x12120000)
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Wizzup, uvos: it's best to try to mainline what we can, then set up topic branches that can be merged together for m-l kernel. i'd rather not start piling up patches, best to have uvos deal with his own patches, freemangordon deal with his patches etc
then just merge those topic branches together :)
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Wizzup: tmlind: looks like the touchscreen buttons are connected to KLC led cpcap channel
and is probubly the same on xt86x
*Wizzup: tmlind: looks like the touchscreen buttons are connected to KLC led cpcap channel on xt875
uvos: hmm is klc keyboard light controller or something like that?
but its unused on d4
with the keyboard being on the other led chip instead
so does the xt875 firmware control the klc led then?
its set on on reset
other than that no i think
ah ok, so linux could control it
for some reason
in the current leste tree
the sgx driver gets rebuilt on every build of modules
yeah that sucks.. it's because we can't yet build all the socs into a single module :(
uvos: so that's the CPCAP_REG_KLC then?
i have a patch incomeing
also needs support added to the cpcap led driver for that channel
uvos__: let's coordinate on your various patches so we can get them in omap-linux
when v5.15 is out, i suggest we all set up minimal personal topic branches, then attempt to merge them to m-l kernel
i mean v5.16
one or more topic branches per developer
i think these branches already exist, we just need to merge them into the m-l kernel git tree
well yeah, but for m-l purposes we also want a stable branch, maybe 5.15 based now
yeah, not sure if we want to redo the 5.15 branch though
well I am going to clean up my 5.15 based one, but it's based on your rc2
most of these topic branches could be based on v5.15 at this point for sure
yeah mostly meant that having a pvr one based on 5.15.y would be nice, but I imagine it might even just rebase without conflicts
yeah it should
we need some kind of txt list of topic branches to merge in :)
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Wizzup: there is already 5.16-rc pvr repo
my patches should be already there
also, omapdrm patch is in rc as well
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so I think it makes sense to go for that
as next step ofc
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hmm, it is in drm-next, maybe it will be in 5.17-rc
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it is in linux-next, no idea what that means in terms of version
freemangordon: I'd like something stable for our users too
tmlind: hmm static mfd_cell dosent seam a good fit for cpcap
tmlind: since cpcap contains lots of devices that are often unused
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Wizzup: so the ts-buttons on d3 are also connected to cpcap klc
Wizzup: also the alt key light is on bledc
Wizzup: and shift key light is on cledc
neat that d2 has extra keyboard staus lights
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Wizzup: unfortinatly the backlight isent on cpcaps pannel backlight channel, nor any of the other cpcap channels
uvos: thanks for investigating :)
huckg: did you manage with the bionic?
Thanks for asking, I was just getting some of the pieces together. The sparks will fly later tonight.
Wizzup: tmlind: little question here, how do you get from the gpio numbers in userspace to the gpio banks in dts
i mean i know form expiramentation that <&gpio6 12> is 172
by way of 5 banks of 32bit + 12
but where is this defined?
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hm... I'm trying to remember how I figured this out last time
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it might be in the logs, iirc you helped me with that
i probubly told you the (bank-1)*32+dts_number rule
It appears that I will have to do a crash course in qemu and bridging.
but i just found this rule by expieramenting with the interface and what changes :P
huckg: hm, bridging what? we probably need to document things if you run into problems
you have to brige the adb usb if into quemu
to root moto andorid 4.1
I have already rooted and installed safestrap and lineage 14.1, do I need to do these steps?
do you have linageos on the stock slot or a sdcard slot?
not on stock slot
the stock slot os need to be rooted
got it
also you will lose safestrap
you atm cant boot android
ok, the bionic is just a toy for me now, not relying on it for anything important.