tmlind: though, better wait before including those, I plan to sent patches to Tomi and most-probably will reword commit descriptions
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freemangordon: ok i'll add those tonight so then we should have a complete dev branch
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bbl tonight
[137029.457550] udevd[19047]: failed to execute '/usr/sbin/iw' '/usr/sbin/iw wlan0 set power_save on': No such file or directory
sicelo: it does not matter, it will be loaded in memory anyway, but it could be a module, yes
just finish kernel compilation now, if it works, we could just flip ov5640 to M for the repo package
iw is in /sbin/iw, but udevd looks for it in /usr/sbin
* dsc_
shoots at dbus
unified usr seems a good option to solve this
I can just delete from the patch both cameras as built-in (GC2145 is also built-in) - will do it after I make sure kernel works
yay, package created
: )
can anyone point me where to get boot.txt currently used for maemo pinephone images, so I can make sure kernel works with default configuration?
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tmlind: could you have a look at https://pastebin.com/PYnDYxPv ? Please advice if you think something shall be added/removed/etc to the commit message. This is the commit that most-probably Tomi will NACK, so I want to format the commit message in the best possible way.
Wizzup: about debian/patches/mobian/0213-builddeb-don-t-build-linux-libc-dev-package.patch, yes, you did that, and I think it was on purpose, as we have the maemo-quirks stuff on top of the Makefile, but if you want that, it would be easy to rebase
seems all good... I hope I did the job right in git mobian-5.15.
we'll see :)
fingers crossed
freemangordon: shall I cherry pick the tearing patch into our 5.15
we could also try to go to 5.16 soon, but I am a bit inclined to get 5.15 to stable first
Wizzup: lets freeze for a while
but do we pick the tearing patch?
it is not critical
I also want to work on a news post some, I think today
going to be a lot
also, I think we shall focus on fixing the pile of issues we currently gave in -devel, push to -stable and then start working on new stuff
as opposed to?
pushing new things to -devel
I mean I agree, just not sure to what issues it translates for you exactly
charging on d4, vtklock
both are terribly broken in -devel
also, issues we see on n900
I don't know if they are working on stable, I had bad experiences on stable and it is ok for me now on -devel
maybe we need a list
well, not sure about stable, but both were working pretty much ok for me and got broken ~2 weks ago
so the recent patch didn't help?
helped a little bit
like, device charges
but there are no notifications
imho my main non-telepathy prio is figuring out why the pinephone vkb is broken because I am hoping we can get enunez' help still
hmm I see @ notifications
this is kernel issue for sure
the vkb stuff?
because it works ok on -stable
oh, ok, let's get new kernel first then
so, I think the plan shall be - fix those issues, push to stable, start implementing new things
yeah, d4 with charger connected on boot does not charge
this was working for sure
works fine here
uvos: did you have a look at mce log I pasted ^^^
i did but its useless without knowing when the states changed relative to tklock states
so a tklock log with times would be required
but im pretty sure i know what the issue is anyhow
just cant repoduce this problem eihter
(without pressing power to cause race on purpose)
uvos: but why I see 2 power buttin presses in that log?
also no way it worked a couple of weeks ago
mce has had no changes in a long time really
I pressed it only once
oh ok
and yes, I can assure you that was working fine
well a change in mce dident cause this then
uvos: that is double-press timeout?
*what is
dunno what is default
yeah, this is the bug
lock the screen, press power button, while vtklock is displayed, press power button again
swipe to unlock
dident see anything
do i have to do this fast?
or actually double-press to show vtklock
seems second press got queued somewhere
ah yeah
you can douple press
and then mce thinks its double press to lock
but this should get reset on vtklock being shown
i gues your device might have a bouncy/dirty power button
makeing this happen more often
yeah, could be
but still, a bug in mce to me
i gues
at least this can be imporved
ill do it
also, sometimes single-press does not get registered
but evtest shows it
dose mce ragister anything wiht the power button
in the log
also, double-press wait for a second or so to lock the device
in this case
lemme check
do think it wait
its just xinput and dpms calls to x take pretty long
a second?
and mce executes these sync
yeah dpms takes forever
and only returns after the display is off
hmm, we shall fix that somehow
I mean - a second to turn display off :(
its also tklock too
so mce waits on xinput first, then tklock, then dpms
(depedns on what order you load the modules)
tklock should be fast
vtklock is slow
no idea how fast tklock is
but yeah, I guess we shall measure the times
and try to optimize
not high prio though, lets make it work corectly first :)
vtklock is quite slow tho
if you load lock-generic instead of tklokc
mce is mutch faster
anyhow yeah
yeah, I plan to improve vtklock someday
as it also has those nasty rendering artefacts too
hmm what artifacts?
i dont see any
other than it breaking in portrait
(not really a artifact as sutch)
slider is displayed incorrectly for a split second
yeah (displayed incorrectly) and portrait would be good to have
uvos: can't repro missed single-press now
I restarted mce, so...
uvos: also, I think mce verbose log must display time
it is with limited usefulness otherwise
well it logs to syslog
so that adds time
does it?
but sure
theres an option for it yeah
ah, yeah
ok, but when it logs to the console, there are no times
but yeah, not a biggie
reading your messages - is vkb in pp broken? did not know that. I'm kind of using it sometimes...
renders wrong
how it renders wrong?
I renders fine.
what renders wrong is the lock screen in portrait mode.
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What needs imho in pp is: kernel update, add some missing firmware (camera / bluetooth), rework the alsa/ucm/pulseaudio config to match new kernel, new ofono, fix graphics rendering issues (noaccell is working fine thou)
and voila, I would call it stable. of course the only hard issue is the fix for the rendering issues...
rafael2k: yeah so I can do the ofono stuff
rafael2k: and the kernel stuff is happening now
missing firmware (cam) - if you make a pr I can look at it, for ucm, I suppose we can get a ucm from mobian?
wrt graphics rendering, someone was helping us with it, but he ran into a vkb problem
which seemed to be kernel problem per fmg, so hopefully your kernel helps
Wizzup: I'll look the audio setup in mobian, yes
great work :)
let's see how the kernel goes when it's done
concerning the missing firmware, that is easy thing, until next weekend I can sort this out
we might have a package for the firmware already, not sure, maybe parazyd knows?
rafael2k: oh btw, did you get the keyboard already?
rafael2k: iirc we needed to pull in some extra commits for the keyboard to work
I just see some messages in dmesg about missing firmware for one of the cameras and bluetooth
Wizzup: keyboard support is enabled in the new kernel
Wizzup: Also PPP support is in place
Wizzup: as soon as the PP keyboard arrives, we'll have support
rafael2k: great, someone who was here the other day already had one but said our (stable) kernel didn't work yet
rafael2k: through kernel yeah, not userspace?
Wizzup: we did not copy the new PPP dtb... lets leave this for the next kernel build
I think we also need a updated u-boot, then it should boot fine.
for ppp you mean
most of the peripherals are the same in ppp, apart of the SoC itself, so support should be pretty simple
yes, for ppp
wonder if its power management will be any better
I would not hold my breath...
the SoC sucks even more power...
pp keyboard is a must-have to use it a whole day without a power bank or a socket...
* Wizzup
is happy his droid4 lasts 2-3 days
at least is keeps my pocket warm
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freemangordon: yeah so experiamenting with mce a bit it looks like the problem is how double press is registered too
freemangordon: so mce times from when it reads the event
freemangordon: instead of the kernels reporting time of the event
freemangordon: so thats pretty terrible
since if mce gets stalled for any reason
any 2 presses of the power button will be a double press
since mce will read them at the same time when it unstalles
well, I don;t quite agree, as when you single-press, mce reacts to that and shows tklock
if there was a second press after that, it should not be treated as a double-press
becasue single-press was already registered and acted upon
freemangordon: right except the double press timeout was allready registerd
freemangordon: then mce stalls
I guess you mean some implementation detail
the implementation is just terrible
so, you can;t cancel that timeout?
no beacuse mce is stalled
by the time its unstalled the timeout is over
or, you callback function you can't check what is the current state?
that should be doable, no?
thats not the real solution
theres lots of issues here
the real problem is that powerkey assumes it processes events in real time, so it assumes that the delay between 2 presses and between press and release is the time between when it processes these events
and also that mce state when the keys where pressed is the state _now_ when it processes them
the solution is to rewirte it to instead look only at the time value in the event struct
to make sutch descissions
sorry, have to attend work mtg, ttyl
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rafael2k: kernel build completed
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freemangordon: ok around now here and there
Wizzup: yay!
rafael2k, Wizzup, what changed?
freemangordon: so omap_gem_pin() is hard to follow.. and that makes your patch even harder to follow :)
freemangordon: maybe prepare things a bit first by returning early for the omap_gem_is_contiguous() related checks?
freemangordon: or split the function into some helpers depending on the mapping type?
Wizzup: why would that be extream? x has at least one fd open per client
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tmlind: the patch as such is ok, I mean - if Tomi requires changes I will do them. The point/question is - do you think I shall add anything to the commit message
like, is it clear why the patch?
Wizzup: hmm
never seen that. did you check if you have free memory?
maybe there is some memory leak, I will have to check allocations
freemangordon: i doubt tomi will apply such a patch, too complicated to follow.. and he probably wants it broken into smaller chunks to review it
just guessing of course :)
freemangordon: i guess you can always send it to the lists and let's see what tomi says
freemangordon: hard to say if the description is ok as i can't really follow the patch :)
inky: basically the support for pp is complete, all drivers are there, including modem, also the kernel has most of the modules enabled, allowing for example, all luks ciphers, packet filtering, NAT and so on
inky: also pp keyboard support should be there (not tested yet, keyboards are on the way)
tmlind: oh, ok, will try to rework it a bit to simplify it
freemangordon: sounds good to me :) maybe separate helper functions to avoid the complicated if else stuff?
freemangordon: i suspect your patch makes sense, it's just the current function gets interlaced into the patch badly making it hard to follow
inky: even some modules for android compability available in the kernel are enabled as modules, in case anyone crazy enough wants to run anbox...
tmlind: yeah
uhh need to try to understand recent n_gsm.c for v5.16 branch.. need to continue tomorrow night
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rafael2k: thank you!
: )
uvos: combined with no windows open and out of memory...
uvos: seems fishy to me
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